• All the notebook images of Treon Sebastian Verdery are public domain,

    From khan hasib@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 17 08:47:43 2022
    all of the inventions and technologies you can read about in these inventor notebook images are public domain and can be built and created without royalties or other payments or any contact with me. You do not need to email treonsverdery@gmail.com to
    use the content, ideas, or images any way you like. I like getting email though. Although this is even more accessible than "creative commons (cc)" some people may find it with those search words and, Longevity rapamycin mwi physics engineering
    integrated circuit indium phosphide NAND eugenics beauty nootropics brain computer interface dna rna peptides virus bacteria antiviral antibacterial antibiotic medicine petroleum geology oil gas CPI chemical reactor technocracy ic feature nanometer
    picometer laser diffraction grating delayed choice quantum eraser atom proton neutron quark healthspan youthspan sex orgasm software AI artificial intelligence notebook inventor AFM catalyst recreational drug "Dave Pearce' Hedonistic Imperative www.
    hedweb.org" psychiatry pharmaceuticals natural gas motor stator rotor winding vehicle car engine cement concrete civil engineering geometry math mathematics chemistry RNA RNAi DNA nuclear membrane cooling desalination plants genetic engineering crops
    agriculture trees fertilizer wood polymer metal alloy indium phosphide germanium cpu gpu ram lissajous electricity electric liquid crystal time chronotechnology it pattern il system pattern resonance technology preservatives vaccines dental cosmetics
    robot manufacturing propeller efficiency technology transfer.

    Please see the link https://www.deviantart.com/treonverderysebastia/art/Img-20210408-162250-921746165

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