• Find the universe that got rid of it pattern what some people call IL t

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 10:16:45 2022
    Beneficially Export energy and matter to that universe

    Just being amused what happens if you make a chlorine attached to a methane attached to an ethynyl group, if it is stable what would it do, physiologically what would it do, also they could lengthen the alkane all the way to C6 then haloethynlate cyclic
    molecules, haloethynylated methane or butane might be a very high potency gas anaesthetic

    I took rapamycin and got a rash, it is possible a rashless version of rapamycin could be made if a dermal efflux (export) moiety or peptide that is only active at the dermis is attached to the rapamycin

    Gene therapy of the superwell, I read about people who almost never get sick called the super well, the minute genetic and epigenetic differences of super well people and normal people could be the basis of gene therapy and epigenetic therapy then this
    tested on mice and humans to find out if it makes them superwell, the 90th percentile of happiness superwell people should be the basis of the genetic or also epigenetic therapy in case it also effects mood and outlook

    Dasatinib 17 a estradiol longevity chemicals

    March 2018 Life Extension magazine notes there are chemicals like xanthohumol and chlorophillin that reduce DNA damage 39% to more than 55% on some measures, it is imaginable this could reduce birth defects, testing these on large numbers of mice could
    be beneficial, also noting that all of an adult female's oocytes are produced when they are a fetus they could find out if supplementing a female mammal like a mouse or a person before they conceive and throughout their pregnancy causes their daughters
    babies to have fewer birth defects

    3D printed cars make engineering resins that support that

    Round thing with circle that has a diagonal at 45 degrees from midline at the 3rd cartesian coordinate opposite Q make the round thing out of radioactive material that decays to krypton or xenon gas so every time a new element is made the emissions
    spectra of the new atom is white light notably each time this occurs there is a new MWI (many worlds interpretation of physics) universe that has more white light produced at it

    Longevity technology

    Giving mice the non feminizing hormone 17 alpha estradiol (17aE) is published as making them live 19% longer, I have read it has various effects on humans, if a molecular variant on 17aE is found that only has beneficial effects on humans is found then
    genetically engineering humans to make that molecular variant is a longevity technology

    A saliva test for schizophrenia might be possible, a researcher found that injecting the blood of schizophrenics as compared with normal people into rodents caused physiological effects, that suggests different biochemicals or different amounts of
    biochemicals are associated with schizophrenia in saliva, one use for this would be a voluntary lick the antibody color diagnostic stick that police could use when, as occurred with me during 2006 AD,rousting the homeless then if the person was saliva
    test schizophrenic giving them an instant medical appointment, where if they go to the medical appointment, even if they refuse treatment they get to skip going to court with a nuisance citations, this might be cheaper than the court appearance, notably
    as I write this schizophrenia is pharmaceutically treatable which also reduces the risk of subsequent police interactions, bipolar mania, also highly treatable could also possibly be tested for with saliva, also a non puncture blood test might be
    functional as a "flossing sword" with color linked antibodies on it, use would be voluntary, during the 20th century schizophrenics were about 1-1.5% of the population, and the use of a diagnostic at trivial police encounters would likely not outrage
    people due to the non seriousness of most contacts police have with the homeless

    Voluntary depot injection of fluoro ethynyl dopamine moderator attached to recreational drug antibody makes it so if a person would like to cease using any recreational drug or material the substance would activate the antibody releasing a dopamine
    receptor, that is the antibody glomming actually causes the molecule to divide into two parts releasing the dopamine antagonist drug, the dopamine receptor occupying molecule that blunts reward generally where administration blunts thrill while
    maintaining neutral mood, I am reminded of the "thrill reducing" effects of the antipsychotic lurisadone, I think there would be an absence of people taking lurisidone recreationally while it might reduce the lustre of the recreational drug or material
    the person is voluntarily ceasing, noting that a depot injection of 1 gram is plausible and that 3mg of a fluorinated ethynylized cytomembrane passage promoting moiety or peptide having dopamine receptor antagonist could have a 3mg per 24 hours or less
    dose, then one voluntary depot injection could last about a year, also the antibody could be specific to the entire precise molecule like methamphetamine, or to a common companion molecule usually accompanying the recreational drug, material, inhaleable,
    or liquid, also neurons other than dopamine neurons could be utilized to minimize lustrous effects like mu opiod receptors, whatever methamphetamine activates and GABA receptors, I favor all recreational drugs be allowed so a quit easily treatment for
    all of them is beneficial

    Eric the circle °

    What to do? to do what? do what to? Do to what? To what do? What do to?

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