• Lithium during 2020 is used at batteries like electric vehicle batterie

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 07:23:50 2022
    I read that some species of ants have queens that live 30 years, finding if these have any shared active-only-at-queen ants, queen bees and termite queens genetics could find homologous genes that increase human longevity when upregulated, they could
    also blenderize and fractionate queen ants and find out if any of the fractions make c elegans, ants, and drosophila live longer prior to seeing if the chemicals at those fractions make mice and humans live longer as a longevity technology

    It is nice to walk comfortably in the sunshine

    Finding a version of melatonin that is both a longevity drug and a sleep drug with a shorter plasma half life from screening a library of molecular variants and finding out if epithalon or other pineal peptides has beneficial sleep inducing
    characteristics is beneficial

    If I had children I would find out if uncooked liquid free range whole eggs in milk on breakfast cereal with instant avocado halves was a nutritionally beneficial breakfast 3-4 days a week

    A very simple souped up friendly roombaesque robot could activate autolock/unlock doors, lead young children to and from the school bus stop, and know what to do if things went awry like missed buses (preauthorized to call a cab, also bring children back
    to where they live, message school, bring children out to cab, verify cab) it is possible with such a robot children could quantifiably safely leave for school after their parents leave the house, freeing up time, and increasing parental flexibility,
    there is also the possibility that children could use the system to voluntarily leave for school later and attend school later to synchronize with parents schedules better

    Psychologists could come up with some measure of, and measurable success at, and the psychological effects of, the percentage of children that would actually get themselves to school .3 to 2.5 hours after the parents started their commute, some children
    of various ages could do it but not all, also there is weather to consider

    The simple robot bus guides could also know what kids were allowed when to go over to their friends' houses so the children could change plans without confusing the robot or the parents

    Based on acarbose which blocks absorption of enzymatically produced sugars at the GI tract a longevity probiotics that does something similar could be produced, perhaps a variant of longevity producing LKM512, acarbose causes flatulence in 4/5ths of the
    people that take it, perhaps a probiotics that digests the things acarbose blocks but do not produce methane would be a longevity technology, also replacing the bacteria that excrete anything acarbose blocks with bacteria that do not make any of the
    things acarbose blocks could be a longevity technology and even a slimming technology, acarbose looks like four sugar molecules connected together in a line, halogenating this might make an even more effective enzyme/receptor blocker, and, if it is
    primarily a receptor blocker then it could have even greater longevity effects , also as a linear molecule acarbose has many T shaped and + shaped variations, screening a variety of acarbose isomers could find a better longevity drug, varying the -OH and
    -H on the different sugars acarbose is made from produces trillions+ variants, if acarbose makes yeast,c elegans, daphnia, or 96 well plate fish live longer then the sugar variants could be screened on them first

    Acarbose looks like it is made of six carbon sugars, a version of acarbose made from five carbon ring sugars like fructose could also have longevizing effects as fructose is half of dextrose and during 2019 there was a lot of added dextrose in foods, it
    could be coadministered with acarbose for even greater longevity increases

    Noting four sugars connected in a line looks a lot like a miniature starch polymer they could make a food additive that was actually a low molecular weight ministarch to make a longevizing food thickening agent, and if absent flatulence could be in
    general use

    Some longevity drugs work especially well when given to mice analogous to humans under about 5 or 10 years of age, they could find out if epithalon has a similar age advantage, i think melatonin has a published age advantage, and this could be researched
    at analogously child mice, if it works on mice children would benefit from both greater longevity and better sleep

    Immunizations can turn receptors permanently on, immunizing people so that pineal gland cytes made the most epithalon and melatonin as well as likely other chemicals is a possible longevity technology, another immunization would be to immunize all the
    tissues so that all of the epithalon and melatonin, and possibly thymus chemicals like thymosin were either much more receptive to endogenous pineal and thymus chemicals or just switched to always on

    SkQ is published as increasing longevity because it concentrates at the mitochondria, perhaps the phosphorus moiety that does this could be attached to gene therapy drugs for mitochondrial gene therapy, or transporting some scarce amino acid or some
    other chemical like apoptosis inducer or reducer

    Buckminsterfullerene C60 is published as causing mice to live 90% longer, along with repeating the study they could find out if other fullerene shapes (like bucky gelatin capsule shapes, longer tubes, or Ts) caused greater longevity as well

    Methionine restricted diets cause mice to live longer, immunizing against methionine, causing less systemic availability, but some, could be a longevity technology

    [MaxwellBuchanan] Paul Dear PhD, encourage him to research tests of the MWI

    Online it says that mice with artificially lowered body temperatures live 12-20% longer,"You can also induce hypothermia by stimulating the heat-detecting cells in the hypothalamus, either by injecting capsaicin" suggesting that brain localized versions
    of the capsiacin molecule or molecular variations could be longevity drugs

    Removing the spleen makes rodents live longer, they could find out if immunizing against spleen chemicals makes mice live longer, one overly simple way to do this would be to electrophoresize homogenized spleens into 100 fractions add the
    immunoactivating keyhole limpet proteins to their molecules and find out if any of the antibodies produced were longevity drugs, then re-electrophoresize that band to get higher resolution, they could also make a cytomembrane digest and find receptors
    that were only on spleen tissue to develop drugs with, the genetics of spleen size could be longevity genes, they could breed mice with the tiniest spleens that are immunonormal and see if they live longer as well as screen super centenarian humans as to
    spleen size and genetics

    I read that some turtles increase their reproductive ability as they age, they could transfer those genes into shorter lived turtles that, if there are any, that do not do that and then see if the modified turtles live longer, if they do then they could
    find homologous genes at mice and find out if they live longer as a way to find new human longevity genes and drugs, also voles fertility rises then remains constant throughout their lives and their genes are likely to be much more portable to mice

    I read that clams sift through 30,000 times their own weight in water every 24 hours, people that would like to concentrate minerals or elements from seawater could breed or genetically engineer clams to concentrate elements of interest, porphyrins like
    leghemoglobin exist in nature and glom metals

    Infant carriers with vibration absorbers on the base, I saw a mom put her baby carrier on the floor of the bus, the baby did not wake up but the vibrations might have been more intense than she would have liked, gel pads at the base of baby carriers and
    the brackets of car seats could heighten baby comfort

    Yeast do a thing where when they don't get enough food 95% of them die so 5% can absorb the nutrients and make spores, I think I may have read that at mammals overcrowding increases mortality but I do not know if it changes lifespan, they could do
    experiments on fish and mice to find out if overcrowding without overcrowding shares chemical signals that change lifespan, so a fish tank would be divided into sections with just a few fish on one side and a bunch of fish on the other with an opaque
    barrier between them that permits water flow, then they could use ion exchange resins to take out each chemical in turn to find specific chemicals like proteins that have a lifespan effect, then they could immunize the fish against those chemicals to see
    if they lived longer, they could do something similar with mice, perhaps with an odor passing barrier and a rotating feeder and floor that exposed the few mice to the saliva on food, dandruff, and pee of the crowded mice, then they could immunize the
    mice and find out if they lived longer

    I perceive children like higher pitched voices better, hearing aids for children could be pitch shifted and autotuned to whichever pitch they most prefer if adult hearing aids do not already have graphic equalizers they could pitch shift those as well

    Viewing nursery rhyme videos they could still have the same or better fun songs but they could swap out the words with words that rhyme like "sheds, boulders,bees and flows" then have a picture of each appear on part of the video where the cartoon
    children were touching their heads, shoulders, knees and toes, software could grab images off a search engine dynamically, ten hours of hskt would display 18,000 moments of ryhming images and sing the alternate lyrics, the text of the words could appear
    onscreen as well, they could measure what amount of swap outs to original lyrics simultaneously made the children and learn the most new things, this could also be adjusted when the child or parent changed it, video streaming services could also make it

    [MB] find the study that says fasting before chemotherapy is beneficial "almost entirely relieves the nausea fatigue and headaches associated with chemo (chemotherapy) while making the therapy many times more effective against the cancer "Cracking the
    aging Code" Josh Mitteldorf

    Longevity technology

    An immunization against 60% of circulating insulin that only lasts until age 50, insulin correlated with aging, a kind of insulin for diabetics that does not cross the blood brain barrier, a probiotics that makes an almost insulin that occupies and
    blocks insulin receptors

    A way to test longevity drugs, some longevity drugs might have a discernable zone like 1mm of tissue youthfulness effect if implanted as microbeads that then diffuse throughout the life of a mouse or human, this is a dermis 1-3 mm localized effect on
    tissue youthfulness rather than a systemic effect, at each cm^2 inject an array of 25 microbeads spaced 2mm apart, then at intervals inspect the skin to see if it is more youthful, 100 mice at 50 microbeads each is 400ish different longevity chemicals
    tested, at each square meter at the sides of a cow or pig eight identical microbeads of 6.25 million different longevity chemicals can be tested for a p value on the decrease in local dermis aging for each of the 6.25 million different chemicals,
    similarly rather than microbeads a tattoo maker with a microfluidic array reservoir of a plurality of different longevity chemicals in time release goop could make a continuously varying chemical line, kind of like rainbow yarn which might be simpler
    than millions of spaced microbeads

    Things that fill children with happiness

    Video chat window on children's videos, they can talk with each other about the shared video and sing along together to nursery rhymes

    MWI test on a computer chip, there is a 1.1 trillion transistor chip smaller than a keyboard, using similar technology and feature size a layer of radiation detectors, even photon detectors is placed beneath a layer of monoatomic or diffused to one per
    1000 atoms that are radioactive, then another layer of radiation detectors are placed above that, the middle layer would also have sparse tesselated detectors, then baseline numbers would be recorded, then the chip is placed near various things to find
    out if they effect the rate or angle of radioactive decay, this chip is then scanned at a plurality of physical locations, including rooms with different color schemes, on or at the apparatus path of physics experiments that could repetitively generate
    MWI universes, and near people that say they hear paranormal voices, births, and weddings, this is to detect MWI local area effects and what I call IT pattern effects, the Detector searches for repeatable statistical anomalies, if none are found,
    anywhere, then the detector might be a kind of insulator, if placed next to the head of a person that hears paranormal voices to find out if it decreases the voices or changes the ones they hear

    Longevity technology

    Melatonin attached to a moiety that keeps it from passing the blood brain barrier could be tested at 1x, 5x, 20x,50x,70x,100x,500x,1000x the dose published as causing a 20% longevity increase in rodents, circadian as well as extended release dosing could
    be tried, there are a variety of BBB blocking moieties and the amino acid sequence GGG is one

    A non BBB passing version of deprenyl,thymosin, as well as epithalon could also be tried at heightening logarithmic doses


    I read that because different isotopes of Al and Mg have different atomic spins they make Zn or Mg ion with DNA polymerase function 1/2 to five times fast, mechanical nanotechnology could utilize atoms of particular isotopes at rotors and the supports of
    turning things and possibly have less "friction", I do not know but I think different spins would have different plasmonics and I saw a table of contents where K. Eric Drexlerian mentions plasmonics to dissipate heat so isotopic atom variations at
    nanoassemblers and nanotechnological objects could make them cooler

    Longevity technology

    Octreotide is a drug peptide with a lot of different effects on insulin and growth hormone, and decreasing or modulating these is published as having effects on longevity, screening a library of octotreotide variants to find the most longevizing least
    deleterious (or non deleterious) versions is a new longevity drug

    Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) has saved the lives of many children, it is possible a reuseable gel wristlet impregnated with anti-diarrea peptides or other microgram or less anti-diarrheal drugs could be placed on the child at the first indication of
    diahrrea administering the drug transdermally, functional for dozens or hundreds of uses the wristlet could be at the dwelling or loaned to others, distribution could be done at birth or first immunization even though the child might not use it until
    years later, gel wristlets are about 4 cents each, an antidiarrheal peptide from mus domesticus is effective in mice, and a milder variation of octreotide peptide could also be antidiarrheal, peptide drug doses are sometimes 10-100 micrograms and at $100
    a gram the wristlet likely contains 1/10 of a cent to ten cents of drug, unlike a 10¢ ORT rehydration packet which can be used once a 4-14¢ transdermal bracelet could be used dozens to a hundred times making an antidiarrheal treatment 10 to 100 times
    cheaper than ORT packets and more convenient, they would have to measure that it saves lives as unlike ORT it does not rehydrate and parents would have to remember to give their sick children water

    Pneumonia caused many children and adults to be other than alive during the 20th century but a new peptide drug is in trials that treats pneumonia,https://m.medicalxpress.com/news/2018-07-apparent-triple-threat-pneumonia.html (the TIP peptide) if topical
    non-inhaled administration of this peptide is also effective it could have gel wristlet drug delivery form, particularly at the developing world, a localization technology like aptamers or antibodies could also assist this to function

    Is there a near zero etOH fermentation yeast, with good flavor, that can convert root crops like taro and grains into something that has greater nutritional value than root crops or whole grain alone, if cellulosic whole grain and cellulose at root
    vegetables were digested by microorganisms then the calorie value of food could go up, imaginably, 10% or more, UNICEF says 45% of children being other than alive during their first year is from undernutrition, so getting more food value out of food
    addresses that, also sweetness peptides could be produced for flavor, this might also work on grass, at nonhuman mammals silage (fermented grass) has some nutritional benefits, I have also heard of a white fungus that disintegrates wood to make edible
    material, screening a library of these genetically engineered food enhancing yeasts could be a multi billion variant, flow cytometry process at 10,000 yeast per second is 864 million yeast screened per 24 hours

    It is possible that a soda lid pushbutton like line of pop, but not leak, to release for diffusion vesicles could be used at drug delivering gel bracelets

    Longevity technology

    Young and old rats with their bloodstreams connected cause the old rats to live longer, but what about other body fluids, cytoplasm could be made from cytoseparated pureed young mice, isotonically balanced to be at blood pH and ion content then measured
    as to its effect on old rats, if there is a longevizing effect they could fractionate the chemicals, peptides and proteins and lipids and find out which specific ones caused the effects to produce new longevity drugs, they could also make cytoplasm
    fractions in advance that are more likely to work like no lysosomes, if they use clonal mice there is likely to be an absence of immune response, a hint this might work is cerebrolysin as a wellness drug, they could also test lymphatic fluid

    Nanoassembler and nanotechnology

    Are there any nanoassembly activities that are endothermic and produce bulk material, that could partially be filled with a heat conductive material or structure like a heat tube, the nanoassembler could make such a mixed structure without getting
    warm and then the bulk of the material could function as a heat sink and heat tube/finned radiative structure

    Anti malaria thing, some people and rodents will repeatedly readminister a recreational drug until they pass out, if there is a mosquito bait that feels so good to the mosquito it readministers it (revisits) dozens of times that would keep the mosquito's
    from exploring the rest of the room and visiting the human, this might not work better than baited flypaper though

    They could screen a list of things people do and find the things that cause the greatest sustained 1, 7, 14, 28 year increase in subjective well being at different big five personality cluster types, there is also an unsubstantiated folk saying that
    couples that are happy share some relationship style characteristics, possibly things that build 1-28 year greater SWB that also grow the mind forms and behaviors that happy couples with happy children share could be found from quantifying effects and
    doing actual experiments, monozygotic twins uninterested in going to college, pay one of them $10k and free college for their first year while the other twin just does their previous preference, similarly a date a week for a year, with one of the
    uninterested mz twins paid to do it, find things quantifiably and projectively beneficial, It is even possible a personal finance class, repeated once every 7 years for singles and couples could make a difference, as well as established couples dancing
    together, also there are mbti J and people above the median of big five conscientiousness, these people might be particularly capable at sustained purposeful 1-28 year raising of SWB

    It is also possible that omitting or decreasing something causes 1-28 year increase in subjective well being so they could find out what happens with the MZ twins when they omit a variety of things like commuting

    Supporting genetics and happiness research there are over 30 million mz twins on earth, and about 40-60% can be reached with a phone app, so a Firefox browser or Kik or imageboard or tiktok for mz twins could reach millions of them, then researchers
    could do voluntary research on them, also. Scan social media sites like Facebook for MZ twins and do research on similarities and differences in content

    Angie question, do you have a thought out philosophy that supports and encourages you to be so spontaneous and fun yet organized? (random acts of enthusiasm kind of remind me of random acts of kindness)

    Questions for Bob, what is something creative you can do with your truck, free women's shelter rides, engine improvements, mirror festoonations, commenting on YouTube videos of people with the same truck, a poem about the truck, a song about the truck

    Creativity is beneficial, they could do both psychometric creativity measures (quantity and unusualness of divergent thinking among the mentally well among a variety of measures) and web votes on things (kind of how creative is it slider bars) that
    visitors view, like say rearview mirror festoonations, or multirelating lawn ornament placing/tableux or daring use of openness to experience on working spreadsheet formula composition, sustained action that creates, like reading a new book on how to
    raise children every month from pregnancy to 20 and actually trying the material out, studying the psychometric and actual product creativity at monozygotic twins finds the measures and forms of creativity that are most genetically linked and then make
    those genetic components genetic enhancements to the human genome

    There are perennial nitrogen fixing plants and some of them make edible berries https://www.tenthacrefarm.com/4-berry-bushes-fertilize/ breeding or genetically engineering these plants to produce easy to mechanically harvest berries in larger amounts
    with a flavor people prefer to strawberries and with beautiful leaved is beneficial, sweetness peptides are a possible improvement

    I previously wrote about having a computer program do multipass algorithmic solution finding to a list of all the things humans think should be done, that is kind of a form, and other forms might be first things first(do the most important thing first)
    and advance on all fronts simultaneously, it is possible quantum computers could find and group overlapping solutions that solve many items on the list simultaneously I do not know which form among these or other forms is optimal

    It seems like things like PMMA that plump up thousands of times with water could plump up with other polar solvents or even infiltrated electret nanodust to make small nanotechnological things turn bigger when powder puffed, no obvious application other
    than perhaps building materials but entertaining

    Shoes, especially children's shoes that are more comfortable, sandals always seem to be more comfortable and are absent tightness at the toes or rubbing anywhere because, say at birkenstocks, the toes just lay there and there is no external tall sides (
    upper), if you superimpose an image of a piece of bread with a puffy top on a pair of birkenstocks, and then just attach the puffy bread top at the birkenstocks then you get what look like shoes without tightness or rubbing, also, especially at children'
    s shoes there could be a layer that diffuses colorant through to the shoe exterior surface if there is tightness or rubbing, the tight spots, if they were to occur, would be visible to external viewers and adults could see that no colorant meant children'
    s feet were comfy even though they grow

    I think children enjoy stickers and peeling things off of one another, so a glitter pudding that you can smear on things then peel it off would be enjoyed, it should be possible to peel if off of cloth and painted surfaces first easily, but also be
    completely washanble with water and no soap, somewhere between synthetic mucoproteins and white glue, optimally it would have electrostatic character so if a child makes a peel-off they like they can cling film it to a window or a notebook, I am also
    reminded of polaroid film where in a few seconds layers of different chemicals migrate to different layers without gravity, so a dielectric static cling powder would migrate away from illumination towards the base, and the colors would remain at the top
    This is easier with nanoparticle but mucoproteins and latex with nanoelectret photovoltaic dust might work, or it might not

    Something like a different molecular size than lecithin with electret nanodust might make a peelable as well

    Fast separating fast drying emulsion, nontoxic and edible

    What might work is a highly charged (electret like) protein that agglomerates only when oxygen is not present, this makes the platelet like static clingy protein clump up farthest from the upper surface, and the upper surface just dries out

    A synthetic omega-3 lipid that is beneficial to humans that can be a bread oil and vegetarian nugget oil that does not go stiff when it cools, like omega-3 cheese oil that is absent going stiff when it cools like butter

    Things that fill children with happiness

    St school lunches I have seen the five year olds socialize a little, sometimes forming pars or groups that, to my perception, are more likely to get to voluntarily sit together, the lunch line could be abolished with just having more outside doors on the
    cafeteria and grab tables with lunch trays set out on them, giving students more time and a wider frankly mathematical space than a linear line to presocialize, also for half the month lunch seating could be unassigned, for the other half of the month at
    the starting classroom people could be assigned a lunch buddy for 3 consecutive days so children could make new friends, also software with a camera could assign pairs freeing up teacher time, more friends and more instant gratification getting lunch
    would be the result

    I do not have an opinion on same sex or same personality type (or compatible type) Kindergarten-3rd grade schools but they could be tested as to their effects on academics, visible student interest and voluntary participation, and friendship formation as
    to whether or not they are a good idea and beneficial, as well as suggesting new iterable improvements

    As a children's song some children might really like a song with really fast fun lyrics like, "life is a rock but the radio rolled me", or ELO "Turn to stone" and be encouraged to make up their own lyrics, I think children kind of do this naturally or
    also experience beneficial brain blips where a lot of words appear in their head at once

    At children of an age to appreciate it, school questions where the child creatively, but truthfully builds on the question or even criticizes the assumptions behind the question are likely very beneficial, building on the question could be seen as being
    as beneficial as critiquing it, I think putting these in a curriculum and quantifying their success at diversifying responses is beneficial, they could even put them at media and computer entertainments

    At radiation treatments for cancer it is possible an injectable radiation absorber with minimal physiological side effects could lower the utilized radiation dose, bismuth, strontium, tin, antimony and possibly thorium could be radioabsorbers with
    antibody as well as injected bases of localization

    Quantum dots tune their absorption to size and particle geometry (nanobowtie antennas), vustom size quantum dots that actively absorb, are tuned to, radiotherapy wavelengths could be possible

    Ions from spring loaded chemotherapy (like photosensitive moiety attached to an almost free radical peroxide generator like benzoyl peroxide) could respond to harmeless light or less harmful UV, tripping the spring loaded part of the photosensitive free
    radical generator, these could generate the same number of ions and free radicals at tumors at cancer therapy as other forms of radiation

    Proton beam therapy is a kind of cancer treatment, using the sticky tape x ray process and a coating of proton emitter on the tap could produce side beams that have lots of protons but be cheaper than

    Although others have likely thought about it, the shape of a bunched area (like the bunches of electrons at the bunched of klystron) could be 3D like a pile of geometrically overlapping contact lenses, at a system that is transformed to 1D at a pickup,
    or a 2-3D pickup like a waveguide this could produce higher power at very narrow frequencies, while the 2-3D waveguide would have a kind of image or image-volume of the klystron

    At neuropsychology and neuroscience the eeg wave tissue traversal, and propagation and ability to effect change in other neurons and neuroareas as it travels through the brain and surrounding tissues could be mathematically represented with the
    electrical engineering term Q, which is dampedness of an oscillation with higher Q being greater time persistence and amplitude of a power oscillation (signal) like the frequency of an EEG wave, then they could measure the neuroactivity of different
    similar frequencies (like specific Hz frequencies among theta wave band) as well as the effects of different electrode placements, voltages, and currents on neural Q, then they could find what electrode locations, currents and voltages have the highest Q,
    and playback EEGs at those locations and values and see if they then caused the greatest amount of entrainment and brain state refeeling/recognitioning effect, at recording different Q values neural Q could be associated with physical spatial activity
    noting high Q EEG values reach much more of the brain while low Q causes near area brain localization right near the electrode, this provides a measure that supports building devices like local Q and high Q EEG playback and recording machines, also, with
    sufficient thinking it may be possible to find equation letter and function equivalents making mathematical engineering applicable equations that function at neuroscience for making math equations that not only predict brain behavior but can be used to
    produce brain behaviors

    Psychiatric, neuroactive and recreational drugs that use neural Q and to do mathematical equation derived circuits are a kind of brain and effect localization that is new to me and had therepuetic, better than well, and genetic optimization application,
    this, compared with just chemical localization that puts drugs at, or keeps them out of physical locations, so drug candidates could be measured and built to do things like raises or reduces Q of neurons that fire (anywhere) 9 times a second, or
    heightening Q at an SSRI among neurons that fire at feeling associated frequencies that are different than neurons even of the same type like dominergic neurons, that fire at cognition associated neural firing frequencies

    So pill that works on the whole brain but only effects neurons with frequency characteristics like firing frequency, or Q is new to me, higher Q might go with greater effect on neighboring neurons, so a longevity drug could be a Q heightening drug that
    works on pineal neurons of any type, a nootropic could raise Q of AMPA neurons, perhaps calling Q "dwell and robustness" would enhance comprehension at medicine

    At wikipedia the heaviside model of an optimizable transmission looks just like a polymer, wow!

    So what are base molecules and moieties that enhance non-spread, or enhance charge distribution at polymers I get the capacitors and resistors part, the inductor part, as a molecule confuses me

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