• Prevent birth defects with mice human homologous genes (genes that are

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 30 05:48:49 2022
    Find mice or other mammals that have half or 1/4 as many birth defects as humans then compare homologous genes between that species, mice and other species with figure-outable defect amounts, comparing the multispecies SNPs drift towards or distanceingly
    from the homologous genes' snps of that species with half or 1/4 the human 2019AD defect amount, and where it is possible the human SNPs, alleles, and copy number variants variety that correlates with both being most similar to the 1/2 or 1/4 amount of
    birth defects and any data on what reduces human birth defects, as human fetal and baby wellness this guides which SNPs, alleles, copy numbers and epigenetic reduces birth defects at humans the most

    The difference in proteins produced between the mouse varieties with different defect amounts could be well baby causing pills or also genetically engineered grains, milk that make the proteins that the mice and humans with the wellest babies have, it is
    also possible to measure peptides, organics, other chemicals at the two mouse varieties with homologous human genes and quantify those as birth defect reducing supplements

    Variety of hyperwell normal SNP at human homologous genes compare big human database then feed normal humans enteric protein drug pills, genetically engineered food with the defect preventing protein or peptide that is beneficial, do gene therapy or also
    modify the human germline to have enhanced occurrence of completely well defectless babies

    To benefit humans as rapidly as possible the two varieties of mice development of well baby supplements goes well with making a database of about 900 nonhuman primate pregnancies in the US and Europe each year and a tissue sample library, the difference
    between birth defects between humans and other primates can be used to create well baby producing supplements, if humans have fewer defects then the very similar homologous genes would show which proteins humans are making more of that benefit babies, it
    could be that even more of those proteins as supplements to human mothers would reduce birth defects even more, producing a birth defect reducing pill, food, gene therapy or germline modification

    Does Epithalon with ththymosin prevent birth defects or cause more babies to live

    Intelligence gene, on phenylethylamine I wrote 44 pages of technology new to me at a notebook, not on phenylethylamine i might write half a page, the genetics of the Trace Amino Acid Receptor TAAR, notably how many TAAR receptors there are per cyte and
    where, neurologically, like brain anatomy, they are located, as well as the number of other neurons that connect to them, connectionality amount versions providing, possibly heightened stimulation and even multineuron network effects like new neural
    quorums or quorums with new tropisms, are all genetically addressable, from one measure of cognitive output 44 pages of new to me technologies, i am 88 times more behavioral psychology measurable intelligent, subjectively the generative intelligence of
    my mind's contents is perceptibly much higher. I take phenylethylamine about 100 to

    200 minutes after 5mg of deprenyl an mao-b inhibitor that makes the phenylethylamine work better; the genetics of TAAR, the SNPs, alleles and copy number variants could be compared amongst those measured to have an IQ over 200, as well as those thought
    to do the most creative and widely applied work

    P zombie until modelled, then model advises consciousness form, p zombie tries consciousness form and heightens or mildifies isness as they prefer while being aware of the highest quality research on the difference it makes in their behavior, if they
    like the projected behavioral future then they do that amount of presence of being; among numerous possibilities a person might find out a projection it might matter a lot when you ask, also i think children exist, allowance to charity apportionment

    One per ten likeliness of thinking of something

    Genetically engineer people to be the larger of the 9.99999th percentile of creativity (divergent thinking test) who are mentally well and at the 95th percentile or higher of psychology psychometric of subject twice or more creative than treon verdery
    while treon verdery is on 700 milligrams of phenylethylamine which has been preceded 200 minutes previously with the MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl, 5 mg at 70 Kg; creativity benefits people. Humans generally with simultaneously utilitarian effect, creativity
    also has economic value and its money value per person measured amount can be quantified at variously an individual person, the person employed, the person volunteering, as well as geographical subsets of the population like areas of shared language or
    geography of values or beliefs that concentrate at a population at personthe greater amounts of creativity Creativity, 11 things, new gofundme curing malaria, economics eq

    Just getting it, a psychometric measurable different than big five, possibly g, mbti at me it has many forms, the part of my mind that thinks of whole ideas, often science, technology, invention, traces of engineering, and at fortunate occurrences
    mathematics, sometimes a combination of near romance crushlike feelings and ideas about what to do when raising a daughter, that just getting it instantly, that take paragraphs to explain what I just instantly got the realization part of being of/at a
    person that likely is also genetic; notably though other people just getting it might be walking into a party, realizing something at a place of employment, "thinking they know the romantic actuality", online and webpage things, making art, music, the
    shared, psychology psychometrics is amount of any particular person at volume and frequency (amount of times per 24 hours), whether the thing they just get is enjoyable (inventing things is enjoyable, just getting it about the meanings of live
    interpersonal social networks could be fun or neutral) there could be a better word in English than , inspired awareness, insight, sometimes, but variable amounts, a moment with the usual amount of presence of being or slightly more presence of being
    with awaremess, like actual do you notice the light coming into your eyes or not, presence of being with non presence at surroundings kind of like chizmemhali flow; I think it is possible to find a genetic basis of just getting it then beneficially
    making the 99.999th percentile of just getting it be specified and part of the human genome making it so all people can have the mental occurrence of just getting it, also having it frequently; from a psychometric perspective just getting it has
    components;some would include accuracy where it can be measured, like arriving at a party and just knowing what's up, inventing a thing with the intent it functions at least enough to have mental or even actual physical beauty and often utility,
    manufacturability, and commercial value, and with even traces of engineering content (materials were named, possibly, but not necessarily some math, even mental math occurred, this is instant just getting it which is different than procedural, perhaps
    explanatory kinds of sentience), there might be humans that have just getting it at raising children and it might be possible to figure out if their just getting it was accurate based on how the children turn out, another area of the psychometrics of
    just getting it, is percentage of just getting it that causes action, this could be a momentary thing, like commenting on the internet, "universities have intellectually enriched daycare" when a pregnant person says something, an inventor rewrites notes
    so they are adequate to send as email to a company, a record producer invites a particular musician to a studio, or an engineer realizes they can look up a completely different part and then look the part up, another psychometric component to just
    getting it could be heightened multihour greater presence of fMRI of heightened subjective well being (happiness), that is, they have just getting it experiences, does that cause heightened well being, and for what interval, I do not know the amount of
    interval that is optimal, I get about 40 seconds of thrill after just getting it, and the just getting it part is kind of emotionally neutral with a tinge of comfortable wordless attentiveness, the emphasized thing though is psychometrics and other
    measurements of just getting it and the connection to greater amounts of just getting it at people which also simultaneously brings with it opportunities to heighten accuracy, subjective well being, frequency of behavioral actions based on just getting
    it, notably it is possible to think about and remain calm in the face of raising all of these to their highest simultaneous level or, possible favoring a particular psychometric describable or measurable over a group effect; causing a modification to the
    amount of just getting it could be accomplished with gene therapy

    and the person thinking about changing their actual just getting it way of being would likely benefit from computer simulation as a guide, as well as a kind of paint-matching color palette of drugs, nootropics might heighten accuracy, anxiolytics or
    music might cause the just getting it feeling or experience without actual content, stimulants (possibly TAAR receptor stimulants) might increase frequency, actual action, and perception of value, so those are the kinds of things a simulation could do,
    possibly even aligning a persons mind, and adjusting the magnitudes and locations of adjusted activation and duration of activation at neurotransmitter specific maps like spin labelled fMRI, positron emission tomography, and something that may be
    possible, using a quantum camera variation on 3D brain reading lasers and software like that of Deep water (company started near 2019) combined with absorption of photons at one photon area that ate quantum entangled so they inform a quantum camera while
    doing spectroscopy at specific chemical brain chemistry, uv/or specific databases of stimulation frequencies and emissions spectra say what a chemical is when you beam a stimulating, or absorbable spectra beam at a chemical or neuron, or tracer contrast
    agent at the brain, and then use the outside of head sensor at the quantum camera to note where it absorbs and how much; very narrow emissions line stimulating, multiple separated unmistakeable frequency numbers emitting quantum camera so a particular
    chemical is 90th percentile at absorbing say 7 narrow frequencies each that are UV/ir published lines and regular tissue only absorbs 1 of them and at median amounts; you send quantum entangled blue and green narrow band lasers into someone's brain then
    only at those locations where the simultaneous two frequency (blue and green) absorption is 90th percentile does the software say 99th percentile of likeliness this neuron contains (example)AMPA chemicals, noting it is a quantum camera system (New
    Scientist magazine) the absorption of the quantum entangled photons is readable outside the brain completely without a reflective path

    two electron system

    spectroscopyreport on absorption

    Options to turn on options and expansions of capability from gene therapy as well as ways to restore pre gene therapy form

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 00:04:26 2022
    Find mice or other mammals that have half or 1/4 as many birth defects as humans then compare homologous genes between that species, mice and other species with figure-outable defect amounts, comparing the multispecies SNPs drift towards or distanceingly
    from the homologous genes' snps of that species with half or 1/4 the human 2019AD defect amount, and where it is possible the human SNPs, alleles, and copy number variants variety that correlates with both being most similar to the 1/2 or 1/4 amount of
    birth defects and any data on what reduces human birth defects, as human fetal and baby wellness this guides which SNPs, alleles, copy numbers and epigenetic reduces birth defects at humans the most

    The difference in proteins produced between the mouse varieties with different defect amounts could be well baby causing pills or also genetically engineered grains, milk that make the proteins that the mice and humans with the wellest babies have, it is
    also possible to measure peptides, organics, other chemicals at the two mouse varieties with homologous human genes and quantify those as birth defect reducing supplements

    Variety of hyperwell normal SNP at human homologous genes compare big human database then feed normal humans enteric protein drug pills, genetically engineered food with the defect preventing protein or peptide that is beneficial, do gene therapy or also
    modify the human germline to have enhanced occurrence of completely well defectless babies

    To benefit humans as rapidly as possible the two varieties of mice development of well baby supplements goes well with making a database of about 900 nonhuman primate pregnancies in the US and Europe each year and a tissue sample library, the difference
    between birth defects between humans and other primates can be used to create well baby producing supplements, if humans have fewer defects then the very similar homologous genes would show which proteins humans are making more of that benefit babies, it
    could be that even more of those proteins as supplements to human mothers would reduce birth defects even more, producing a birth defect reducing pill, food, gene therapy or germline modification

    Does Epithalon with ththymosin prevent birth defects or cause more babies to live

    Intelligence gene, on phenylethylamine I wrote 44 pages of technology new to me at a notebook, not on phenylethylamine i might write half a page, the genetics of the Trace Amino Acid Receptor TAAR, notably how many TAAR receptors there are per cyte and
    where, neurologically, like brain anatomy, they are located, as well as the number of other neurons that connect to them, connectionality amount versions providing, possibly heightened stimulation and even multineuron network effects like new neural
    quorums or quorums with new tropisms, are all genetically addressable, from one measure of cognitive output 44 pages of new to me technologies, i am 88 times more behavioral psychology measurable intelligent, subjectively the generative intelligence of
    my mind's contents is perceptibly much higher. I take phenylethylamine about 100 to

    200 minutes after 5mg of deprenyl an mao-b inhibitor that makes the phenylethylamine work better; the genetics of TAAR, the SNPs, alleles and copy number variants could be compared amongst those measured to have an IQ over 200, as well as those thought
    to do the most creative and widely applied work

    P zombie until modelled, then model advises consciousness form, p zombie tries consciousness form and heightens or mildifies isness as they prefer while being aware of the highest quality research on the difference it makes in their behavior, if they
    like the projected behavioral future then they do that amount of presence of being; among numerous possibilities a person might find out a projection it might matter a lot when you ask, also i think children exist, allowance to charity apportionment

    One per ten likeliness of thinking of something

    Genetically engineer people to be the larger of the 9.99999th percentile of creativity (divergent thinking test) who are mentally well and at the 95th percentile or higher of psychology psychometric of subject twice or more creative than treon verdery
    while treon verdery is on 700 milligrams of phenylethylamine which has been preceded 200 minutes previously with the MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl, 5 mg at 70 Kg; creativity benefits people. Humans generally with simultaneously utilitarian effect, creativity
    also has economic value and its money value per person measured amount can be quantified at variously an individual person, the person employed, the person volunteering, as well as geographical subsets of the population like areas of shared language or
    geography of values or beliefs that concentrate at a population at personthe greater amounts of creativity Creativity, 11 things, new gofundme curing malaria, economics eq

    Just getting it, a psychometric measurable different than big five, possibly g, mbti at me it has many forms, the part of my mind that thinks of whole ideas, often science, technology, invention, traces of engineering, and at fortunate occurrences
    mathematics, sometimes a combination of near romance crushlike feelings and ideas about what to do when raising a daughter, that just getting it instantly, that take paragraphs to explain what I just instantly got the realization part of being of/at a
    person that likely is also genetic; notably though other people just getting it might be walking into a party, realizing something at a place of employment, "thinking they know the romantic actuality", online and webpage things, making art, music, the
    shared, psychology psychometrics is amount of any particular person at volume and frequency (amount of times per 24 hours), whether the thing they just get is enjoyable (inventing things is enjoyable, just getting it about the meanings of live
    interpersonal social networks could be fun or neutral) there could be a better word in English than , inspired awareness, insight, sometimes, but variable amounts, a moment with the usual amount of presence of being or slightly more presence of being
    with awaremess, like actual do you notice the light coming into your eyes or not, presence of being with non presence at surroundings kind of like chizmemhali flow; I think it is possible to find a genetic basis of just getting it then beneficially
    making the 99.999th percentile of just getting it be specified and part of the human genome making it so all people can have the mental occurrence of just getting it, also having it frequently; from a psychometric perspective just getting it has
    components;some would include accuracy where it can be measured, like arriving at a party and just knowing what's up, inventing a thing with the intent it functions at least enough to have mental or even actual physical beauty and often utility,
    manufacturability, and commercial value, and with even traces of engineering content (materials were named, possibly, but not necessarily some math, even mental math occurred, this is instant just getting it which is different than procedural, perhaps
    explanatory kinds of sentience), there might be humans that have just getting it at raising children and it might be possible to figure out if their just getting it was accurate based on how the children turn out, another area of the psychometrics of
    just getting it, is percentage of just getting it that causes action, this could be a momentary thing, like commenting on the internet, "universities have intellectually enriched daycare" when a pregnant person says something, an inventor rewrites notes
    so they are adequate to send as email to a company, a record producer invites a particular musician to a studio, or an engineer realizes they can look up a completely different part and then look the part up, another psychometric component to just
    getting it could be heightened multihour greater presence of fMRI of heightened subjective well being (happiness), that is, they have just getting it experiences, does that cause heightened well being, and for what interval, I do not know the amount of
    interval that is optimal, I get about 40 seconds of thrill after just getting it, and the just getting it part is kind of emotionally neutral with a tinge of comfortable wordless attentiveness, the emphasized thing though is psychometrics and other
    measurements of just getting it and the connection to greater amounts of just getting it at people which also simultaneously brings with it opportunities to heighten accuracy, subjective well being, frequency of behavioral actions based on just getting
    it, notably it is possible to think about and remain calm in the face of raising all of these to their highest simultaneous level or, possible favoring a particular psychometric describable or measurable over a group effect; causing a modification to the
    amount of just getting it could be accomplished with gene therapy

    and the person thinking about changing their actual just getting it way of being would likely benefit from computer simulation as a guide, as well as a kind of paint-matching color palette of drugs, nootropics might heighten accuracy, anxiolytics or
    music might cause the just getting it feeling or experience without actual content, stimulants (possibly TAAR receptor stimulants) might increase frequency, actual action, and perception of value, so those are the kinds of things a simulation could do,
    possibly even aligning a persons mind, and adjusting the magnitudes and locations of adjusted activation and duration of activation at neurotransmitter specific maps like spin labelled fMRI, positron emission tomography, and something that may be
    possible, using a quantum camera variation on 3D brain reading lasers and software like that of Deep water (company started near 2019) combined with absorption of photons at one photon area that ate quantum entangled so they inform a quantum camera while
    doing spectroscopy at specific chemical brain chemistry, uv/or specific databases of stimulation frequencies and emissions spectra say what a chemical is when you beam a stimulating, or absorbable spectra beam at a chemical or neuron, or tracer contrast
    agent at the brain, and then use the outside of head sensor at the quantum camera to note where it absorbs and how much; very narrow emissions line stimulating, multiple separated unmistakeable frequency numbers emitting quantum camera so a particular
    chemical is 90th percentile at absorbing say 7 narrow frequencies each that are UV/ir published lines and regular tissue only absorbs 1 of them and at median amounts; you send quantum entangled blue and green narrow band lasers into someone's brain then
    only at those locations where the simultaneous two frequency (blue and green) absorption is 90th percentile does the software say 99th percentile of likeliness this neuron contains (example)AMPA chemicals, noting it is a quantum camera system (New
    Scientist magazine) the absorption of the quantum entangled photons is readable outside the brain completely without a reflective path

    two electron system

    spectroscopyreport on absorption

    Options to turn on options and expansions of capability from gene therapy as well as ways to restore pre gene therapy form

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 20:03:39 2022
    Find mice or other mammals that have half or 1/4 as many birth defects as humans then compare homologous genes between that species, mice and other species with figure-outable defect amounts, comparing the multispecies SNPs drift towards or distanceingly
    from the homologous genes' snps of that species with half or 1/4 the human 2019AD defect amount, and where it is possible the human SNPs, alleles, and copy number variants variety that correlates with both being most similar to the 1/2 or 1/4 amount of
    birth defects and any data on what reduces human birth defects, as human fetal and baby wellness this guides which SNPs, alleles, copy numbers and epigenetic reduces birth defects at humans the most

    The difference in proteins produced between the mouse varieties with different defect amounts could be well baby causing pills or also genetically engineered grains, milk that make the proteins that the mice and humans with the wellest babies have, it is
    also possible to measure peptides, organics, other chemicals at the two mouse varieties with homologous human genes and quantify those as birth defect reducing supplements

    Variety of hyperwell normal SNP at human homologous genes compare big human database then feed normal humans enteric protein drug pills, genetically engineered food with the defect preventing protein or peptide that is beneficial, do gene therapy or also
    modify the human germline to have enhanced occurrence of completely well defectless babies

    To benefit humans as rapidly as possible the two varieties of mice development of well baby supplements goes well with making a database of about 900 nonhuman primate pregnancies in the US and Europe each year and a tissue sample library, the difference
    between birth defects between humans and other primates can be used to create well baby producing supplements, if humans have fewer defects then the very similar homologous genes would show which proteins humans are making more of that benefit babies, it
    could be that even more of those proteins as supplements to human mothers would reduce birth defects even more, producing a birth defect reducing pill, food, gene therapy or germline modification

    Does Epithalon with ththymosin prevent birth defects or cause more babies to live

    Intelligence gene, on phenylethylamine I wrote 44 pages of technology new to me at a notebook, not on phenylethylamine i might write half a page, the genetics of the Trace Amino Acid Receptor TAAR, notably how many TAAR receptors there are per cyte and
    where, neurologically, like brain anatomy, they are located, as well as the number of other neurons that connect to them, connectionality amount versions providing, possibly heightened stimulation and even multineuron network effects like new neural
    quorums or quorums with new tropisms, are all genetically addressable, from one measure of cognitive output 44 pages of new to me technologies, i am 88 times more behavioral psychology measurable intelligent, subjectively the generative intelligence of
    my mind's contents is perceptibly much higher. I take phenylethylamine about 100 to

    200 minutes after 5mg of deprenyl an mao-b inhibitor that makes the phenylethylamine work better; the genetics of TAAR, the SNPs, alleles and copy number variants could be compared amongst those measured to have an IQ over 200, as well as those thought
    to do the most creative and widely applied work

    P zombie until modelled, then model advises consciousness form, p zombie tries consciousness form and heightens or mildifies isness as they prefer while being aware of the highest quality research on the difference it makes in their behavior, if they
    like the projected behavioral future then they do that amount of presence of being; among numerous possibilities a person might find out a projection it might matter a lot when you ask, also i think children exist, allowance to charity apportionment

    One per ten likeliness of thinking of something

    Genetically engineer people to be the larger of the 9.99999th percentile of creativity (divergent thinking test) who are mentally well and at the 95th percentile or higher of psychology psychometric of subject twice or more creative than treon verdery
    while treon verdery is on 700 milligrams of phenylethylamine which has been preceded 200 minutes previously with the MAO-B inhibitor deprenyl, 5 mg at 70 Kg; creativity benefits people. Humans generally with simultaneously utilitarian effect, creativity
    also has economic value and its money value per person measured amount can be quantified at variously an individual person, the person employed, the person volunteering, as well as geographical subsets of the population like areas of shared language or
    geography of values or beliefs that concentrate at a population at personthe greater amounts of creativity Creativity, 11 things, new gofundme curing malaria, economics eq

    Just getting it, a psychometric measurable different than big five, possibly g, mbti at me it has many forms, the part of my mind that thinks of whole ideas, often science, technology, invention, traces of engineering, and at fortunate occurrences
    mathematics, sometimes a combination of near romance crushlike feelings and ideas about what to do when raising a daughter, that just getting it instantly, that take paragraphs to explain what I just instantly got the realization part of being of/at a
    person that likely is also genetic; notably though other people just getting it might be walking into a party, realizing something at a place of employment, "thinking they know the romantic actuality", online and webpage things, making art, music, the
    shared, psychology psychometrics is amount of any particular person at volume and frequency (amount of times per 24 hours), whether the thing they just get is enjoyable (inventing things is enjoyable, just getting it about the meanings of live
    interpersonal social networks could be fun or neutral) there could be a better word in English than , inspired awareness, insight, sometimes, but variable amounts, a moment with the usual amount of presence of being or slightly more presence of being
    with awaremess, like actual do you notice the light coming into your eyes or not, presence of being with non presence at surroundings kind of like chizmemhali flow; I think it is possible to find a genetic basis of just getting it then beneficially
    making the 99.999th percentile of just getting it be specified and part of the human genome making it so all people can have the mental occurrence of just getting it, also having it frequently; from a psychometric perspective just getting it has
    components;some would include accuracy where it can be measured, like arriving at a party and just knowing what's up, inventing a thing with the intent it functions at least enough to have mental or even actual physical beauty and often utility,
    manufacturability, and commercial value, and with even traces of engineering content (materials were named, possibly, but not necessarily some math, even mental math occurred, this is instant just getting it which is different than procedural, perhaps
    explanatory kinds of sentience), there might be humans that have just getting it at raising children and it might be possible to figure out if their just getting it was accurate based on how the children turn out, another area of the psychometrics of
    just getting it, is percentage of just getting it that causes action, this could be a momentary thing, like commenting on the internet, "universities have intellectually enriched daycare" when a pregnant person says something, an inventor rewrites notes
    so they are adequate to send as email to a company, a record producer invites a particular musician to a studio, or an engineer realizes they can look up a completely different part and then look the part up, another psychometric component to just
    getting it could be heightened multihour greater presence of fMRI of heightened subjective well being (happiness), that is, they have just getting it experiences, does that cause heightened well being, and for what interval, I do not know the amount of
    interval that is optimal, I get about 40 seconds of thrill after just getting it, and the just getting it part is kind of emotionally neutral with a tinge of comfortable wordless attentiveness, the emphasized thing though is psychometrics and other
    measurements of just getting it and the connection to greater amounts of just getting it at people which also simultaneously brings with it opportunities to heighten accuracy, subjective well being, frequency of behavioral actions based on just getting
    it, notably it is possible to think about and remain calm in the face of raising all of these to their highest simultaneous level or, possible favoring a particular psychometric describable or measurable over a group effect; causing a modification to the
    amount of just getting it could be accomplished with gene therapy

    and the person thinking about changing their actual just getting it way of being would likely benefit from computer simulation as a guide, as well as a kind of paint-matching color palette of drugs, nootropics might heighten accuracy, anxiolytics or
    music might cause the just getting it feeling or experience without actual content, stimulants (possibly TAAR receptor stimulants) might increase frequency, actual action, and perception of value, so those are the kinds of things a simulation could do,
    possibly even aligning a persons mind, and adjusting the magnitudes and locations of adjusted activation and duration of activation at neurotransmitter specific maps like spin labelled fMRI, positron emission tomography, and something that may be
    possible, using a quantum camera variation on 3D brain reading lasers and software like that of Deep water (company started near 2019) combined with absorption of photons at one photon area that ate quantum entangled so they inform a quantum camera while
    doing spectroscopy at specific chemical brain chemistry, uv/or specific databases of stimulation frequencies and emissions spectra say what a chemical is when you beam a stimulating, or absorbable spectra beam at a chemical or neuron, or tracer contrast
    agent at the brain, and then use the outside of head sensor at the quantum camera to note where it absorbs and how much; very narrow emissions line stimulating, multiple separated unmistakeable frequency numbers emitting quantum camera so a particular
    chemical is 90th percentile at absorbing say 7 narrow frequencies each that are UV/ir published lines and regular tissue only absorbs 1 of them and at median amounts; you send quantum entangled blue and green narrow band lasers into someone's brain then
    only at those locations where the simultaneous two frequency (blue and green) absorption is 90th percentile does the software say 99th percentile of likeliness this neuron contains (example)AMPA chemicals, noting it is a quantum camera system (New
    Scientist magazine) the absorption of the quantum entangled photons is readable outside the brain completely without a reflective path

    two electron system

    spectroscopyreport on absorption

    Options to turn on options and expansions of capability from gene therapy as well as ways to restore pre gene therapy form

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)