• Collectors plates often have a theme.

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 8 07:07:08 2022
    Math could be a collector plates theme. even though math is uber-cool I think they should just start with two plates, ok three.

    I have wondered if the casimir effect is a singularity, just a slow one.

    The MWI
    Perhaps I was writing here about other kinds of singularities, like asymptotic graphs that are interesting besdies the Gravitational singularity
    "surface area" of an electron
    Technological singularity
    at different non-euclidean surfaces are there singularities, like asymptotes, depending on what the shape of the noneuclidean space is like?graphing things like Y=x^2 on a torus or other shape (it just keeps going around and around!, or is makes a
    nonending helical weave that ground)

    Thinking graphically is what is known as regression to the mean a horizontal asymptote?

    These are well known pedestrian (I think I mean very well known when I say “pedestrian”) singularities. It would be wonderful to see more kinds of singularities at the annotations.

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