• Things that fill children with happiness,

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 7 19:49:01 2022
    Although live in boyfriends have among the highest association with risks to children, it is likely the upper third of beneficialness at live-in boyfriends are beneficial for the children to know and communicate with, cameras, audio, and computers at the
    dwelling could qualify if the boyfriend is at the upper third of live in boyfriends, and the live-in boyfriends that were more successful than the previous parent or the mother, and then prompt children to beneficially interact with the live in boyfriend,
    this would provide the child with more, and more beneficial, examples of how people live and what they do than the child would get from the mother or other-parent visits alone, so if I were a female computer programmer, and my live in boyfriend was at
    the upper third of absence of risk, and the boyfriend (perhaps a mathematician that consults on applied mathematics) was more successful than I was, then my daughter could learn about entire realms of activity, career, educational, fiscal, and physical
    activities I was unaware of, benefitting my daughter, notably at mothers with numerous sequential boyfriends or simultaneous boyfriends this could be especially apt and productive, giving the child the optimal data from annual or less frequent new live
    in boyfriends, for each 100 million persons the prompting software would benefit 16.6 million only children or more than 40 million non only children, noting multichild families, Amazon echo dot or Cortana child advisor could prompt child-live-in-
    boyfriend conversations that went deeper than pleasantries and touched on 14-40 areas that tend to cause success and the live-in boyfriend could contribute what they know and what worked for them, the CPU speaker could also prompt the live-in boyfriend
    to bring the child along to their daytime activities, the CPU speaker could blend the 14-40 topics with fun, happiness causing things so the child and live-in boyfriend would have a good time, prompting further software use

    Longevity technology
    Would an enteric coating on a regular multivitamin make it function better, the introduction of enteric coated Centrum could also be an occasion to talk about Centrum's new longevity and healthspan increasing AEDG Epithalon and 10HDA, I read half of
    Americans take a multivitamin so advertising things that reach them about the benefits of longevity drugs is beneficial

    School buses could have psychometric test generated seating charts where half the bus was sit wherever you like (preexisting friends might want to sit together) and the other half of the bus you sat near a person the software estimates would make you
    happy and perhaps become a new friend, also, children living less than a mile apart who were compatible with each could be seated together, seats could be rotated three times a year, it is possible if sit anywhere is at the front of the bus this could
    reduce potentially deleterious back-of-the-bus groupings, there would be an absence of insistence but a screen on the back of each seat would say who sits there and have some conversation prompting questions and statements or images, dollar store LCD
    calculator suggests $20 to label half the seats on a bus

    Longevity technology
    Insurance companies build up a pool of funds at the company while getting funds monthly so the company gets both a pool of investments and cash flow

    Insurance companies profit when they favor longevity drugs and technologies, and advertise longevity technologies, and they have a financial interest in funding the development of longevity technologies, noting that, and that they aim for a particular
    return on their investments, insurance companies could blend higher volatility longevity technology companies shares with less volatile investments while maintaining their rate of return, during 2019 AD the combination of rapamycin, senolytics, and AEDG
    epithalon which all have separate mechanisms, could heighten longevity 104%, if so, then insurance companies remit less funds less often, their investment pool grows and they collect money from people longer, they could also gain clients, advertising:
    just two days of taking any of the longevity drugs on our list (senolytics, oral or snortable antigens to mTOR receptors, other better longevity drugs), we'll send them to your door! That gets you 20% off life insurance, $700 cash up front, or 11% off a
    home-automobile-life insurance policy package switch to us now!

    Things that make children happy
    Optimally children would play with social companion robots, toys, other children, the internet, and adults more than they watch media, if media watching occurs then a CPU speaker could have a fun conversation with the child about the media heightening
    children's enjoyment, content could range from neutral, "what would you do if you were the main character", to educational, "they should show the people building the spaceships" an adult can configure it onscreen

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 7 19:56:11 2022
    CPU speakers or social companion robots could notice when adults and siblings were at 90th percentile of previously measured happiness and suggest that children interact with people like their oarents or siblings then. Timing could contribute to child
    snd adult hapoiness, so CPU speakers that amplify adult and sibling happiness could amplify child happiness.

    Longevity technology
    Sleep causes greater healthspan, wellness, and optmal amounts of sleep may have longevity increasing effects as well, they could find out what 1000 or 100 chemicals most increase from several hours of sleep, are newly produced, or are decreased from
    optimal sleep and find out if supplementing mice or c elegans with those chemicals increases lifespan, circulating chemicals as well as tissue specific chemicals like brain, cardiovascular system, liver and heart could be utilized, chemicals from tissue
    homogenates from optimally sleeping and awake primate monozygotic twins or other 8 hour sleeping mammals (cows? Horses? Pigs?) could be used

    Do BDNF, NGF as well as other nerve growth factors have beneficial longevity effects or healthspan effects at non neural tissues, this could be tested at human tissue culture, age batched very elderly persons, and a BDNF version with a polyglycine,
    protein or other peptide attached to the BDNF or other nerve growth factor so the nerve growth factor does not pass the blood brain barrier (stable isotope verified), this could be tested at mice to find out if the nerve growth factors increase longevity,
    if they also increase longevity at yeast or c elegans a million molecular variants could be tested at yeast or 10k versions tested at c elegans (107 or a few hundred 96 well plates) to find a version with greater longevity increase, are there peptide
    nrtbe growth factors? Also, if nerve growth factors cause greater longevity this could be a gene therapy longevity or healthspan technology and could also be made part of the human germline

    Marmosets are a primate that could be batched into 6 months, one year, two years, and four year prior to being previously alive groups and used to test longevity drugs and the effect of longevity drugs on progeny,

    Divergence of physiochistry from that of humans approaching being previously alive: from age 11, circulatory system fluids and cheek swabs tissue samples could be used to characterized to show the gradual or sudden changes of people as they traverse the
    years from 11 to being previously alive, eight samples from each year of age are sufficient to get a p value, so from 11 to supercentenarians is not that many samples, the chemicals that gradually change, those that increase or decrease are then tested
    on c elegans and yeast to find those that lonhevize yeast or, at cumulative or sudden human physiological chemical change otherwise modulate c elegans and yeast longevity and wellness or healthspan, chemicals at the 97th percentile above at causing a
    change in any direction could be tested on mice,immunizations against deleterious chemicals could cause greater longevity as well as healthspan, and supplementing with beneficial chemicals could cause greater longevity and healthspan. Some of the
    physiochemicals may be symptomatic, others might be causative like the deleterious interleukin senolytics get rid of, a really rapid version of this study would use 9 circulatory system circulating fluids and actual tissue samples from rats or cows, pigs,
    or horses, identify and measure the physiochemicals, administer them to yeast then test the 97the percentile of physiochemicals that cause the greatest change on mice, if large animals are used (horses, cows, pigs) then the large animal plasma or
    tissues can be used as a plentiful source of test chemicals for the mice, another approach is just to get 7 discrete human year of age equivalent samples from large mammals, mass sort, or electrophoretically sort that into 700 different testable plasma
    fraction materials then test those 4900 different plasma fractions on c elegans (53 or hundreds of plates) and yeast to find out if pjysiochemicals from chemical change progression with age shows beneficial or deleterious chemicals, if there is an effect
    then that electrophoretic or mass sorted plasma fraction could be electrophoresis sized or mass sorted further and partitioned into another 900 groups to find the longevity and wellness chemicals with greater precision

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 3 20:46:58 2022
    CPU speakers or social companion robots could notice when adults and siblings were at 90th percentile of previously measured happiness and suggest that children interact with people like their oarents or siblings then. Timing could contribute to child
    snd adult hapoiness, so CPU speakers that amplify adult and sibling happiness could amplify child happiness.

    Longevity technology

    Sleep causes greater healthspan, wellness, and optmal amounts of sleep may have longevity increasing effects as well, they could find out what 1000 or 100 chemicals most increase from several hours of sleep, are newly produced, or are decreased from
    optimal sleep and find out if supplementing mice or c elegans with those chemicals increases lifespan, circulating chemicals as well as tissue specific chemicals like brain, cardiovascular system, liver and heart could be utilized, chemicals from tissue
    homogenates from optimally sleeping and awake primate monozygotic twins or other 8 hour sleeping mammals (cows? Horses? Pigs?) could be used

    Do BDNF, NGF as well as other nerve growth factors have beneficial longevity effects or healthspan effects at non neural tissues, this could be tested at human tissue culture, age batched very elderly persons, and a BDNF version with a polyglycine,
    protein or other peptide attached to the BDNF or other nerve growth factor so the nerve growth factor does not pass the blood brain barrier (stable isotope verified), this could be tested at mice to find out if the nerve growth factors increase longevity,
    if they also increase longevity at yeast or c elegans a million molecular variants could be tested at yeast or 10k versions tested at c elegans (107 or a few hundred 96 well plates) to find a version with greater longevity increase, are there peptide
    nrtbe growth factors? Also, if nerve growth factors cause greater longevity this could be a gene therapy longevity or healthspan technology and could also be made part of the human germline

    Marmosets are a primate that could be batched into 6 months, one year, two years, and four year prior to being previously alive groups and used to test longevity drugs and the effect of longevity drugs on progeny,

    Divergence of physiochistry from that of humans approaching being previously alive: from age 11, circulatory system fluids and cheek swabs tissue samples could be used to characterized to show the gradual or sudden changes of people as they traverse the
    years from 11 to being previously alive, eight samples from each year of age are sufficient to get a p value, so from 11 to supercentenarians is not that many samples, the chemicals that gradually change, those that increase or decrease are then tested
    on c elegans and yeast to find those that lonhevize yeast or, at cumulative or sudden human physiological chemical change otherwise modulate c elegans and yeast longevity and wellness or healthspan, chemicals at the 97th percentile above at causing a
    change in any direction could be tested on mice,immunizations against deleterious chemicals could cause greater longevity as well as healthspan, and supplementing with beneficial chemicals could cause greater longevity and healthspan. Some of the
    physiochemicals may be symptomatic, others might be causative like the deleterious interleukin senolytics get rid of, a really rapid version of this study would use 9 circulatory system circulating fluids and actual tissue samples from rats or cows, pigs,
    or horses, identify and measure the physiochemicals, administer them to yeast then test the 97the percentile of physiochemicals that cause the greatest change on mice, if large animals are used (horses, cows, pigs) then the large animal plasma or
    tissues can be used as a plentiful source of test chemicals for the mice, another approach is just to get 7 discrete human year of age equivalent samples from large mammals, mass sort, or electrophoretically sort that into 700 different testable plasma
    fraction materials then test those 4900 different plasma fractions on c elegans (53 or hundreds of plates) and yeast to find out if pjysiochemicals from chemical change progression with age shows beneficial or deleterious chemicals, if there is an effect
    then that electrophoretic or mass sorted plasma fraction could be electrophoresis sized or mass sorted further and partitioned into another 900 groups to find the longevity and wellness chemicals with greater precision

    Things that fill children with happiness

    Amplitude, duration, frequency, priming for more happiness, shareability, links to when talking about it causes others to invite the child to other fun activities, neurotransmitter refresh interval, the time of day of the happiness producing thing
    effecting duration, amplitude and frequency of enjoyment

    What makes tired children happy, what makes children at their personal 72 hour 90th percentile of less happy be happier? They could research these and find out what benefits children.

    At the 72 hour 90th percentile local minima of happiness, which could still be happy, it could be that the child has a considered and durable preference, and they are responding from that perspective. Along with finding something that makes them happy
    right away, getting around their 72 hour preference, I think there an ethical duty to consider children's suggestions and requests, so a child that is at a brief or hourlong 72 hour local minima of happy because they are told they cannot go to an
    amusement park that weekend or have a sleepover combined with when the child is being babysat (although I like the idea of a child getting to have a multiperson sleepover with a babysitter monitoring things if the parent is busy), it is possible the
    adult or a social companion robot explaining things, while upholding and supporting the right of the child to make requests and have preferences could ameliorate things. The shift from the child "reacting to no" compared with knowing where the "no" comes
    from benefits children. Emphasizing there are reasons for adult behavior might also prompt a "things can make sense" worldview that benefits the child, although, the adult or social companion robot could also have a deeper discussion of error,
    stochastics, local resource effects, and how apparently nonsensical or nonoptimal things can be researched to find why they occur, or are at least predictable. Noting that sometimes finding out "actually why it happens" is either more effort than the
    value generated or unavailable to a person, software, or AI, and the child could be beneficially prompted to think of a new thing that could answer "why it actually happens" and the new thing even make suggestions of change. Adults or social companion
    robots, or CPU speakers could prompt with things like "what if there were a council of children that voted on " no babysitter sleepover" and they had veto power over adults", or "could an expert think of and suggest having a babysitter take me to the
    amusement park", or, " if I banked measurements of being above median at school, would that make asking to stay in bed and skip school that day be allowed? (My thought is the extra day of school could make them even higher above median, which is
    beneficial, things could be fun once you get to school, and there is value to living beyond 3 minute urges like staying in bed longer), so explaining things to children might sometimes move s multiminute or hour 72 hour local minima nearer to median
    happiness, also, The CPU speaker and AI could figure out what they were talking about and make suggestions on how it could be made possible like a babysitter being there, CPU speakers saying they have activity curricula for a toy that got a "no", or a "
    video chat with the friend you can't visit is almost as fun", as well as, "afterschool dance has lower fees than gymnastics, is just as much fun (AI only says things that are factual though) and you could invite your friend tiffany to do dance with you".
    Genetic enhancement and optimization that makes a child's 168 hour 99th percentile happiness minima still be a happy experience is beneficial.

    What makes tired children happy could be researched. Along the continuum of low energy to exhausted, different things could have different effects, I support genetic enhancement and genetic engineering that makes children and adults full of energy and
    less likely to be tired.

    Longevity technology

    If people did something longevizing as an automatic response to a risk, "I'm taking extra longevity pill as long as my car has no brake lights" where the longevity gain is always higher than the risk is beneficial, social companion robots, CPU speakers
    or phone texts could encourage people to get the risks repaired, or change their personal habits

    some longevity drugs can be taken once ever, annually, daily or other amounts just from the math distribution of available technologies. An ion based longevity technology like lithium (7% greater longevity?) Could be daily or monthly as could metformin,
    although an annual metformin longevity drug could be possible, figuring out why education is linked to greater longevity could find some kind of actual incremental effect on longevity where using educational software or optional nootropics is longevizing,
    these could be daily options that increase longevity and could "make up" for other activities

    Longevity technology

    Things that fill children with happiness

    The duration of children's happiness might be extendable 20-200%, the fMRI of happiness at a gift or a hug could be measured and they could find out if duration of happiness at a happiness producing thing has a genetic component that would be beneficial
    to make a part of the human genome, germline and genetic engineering

    They could screen things, like toys, events, activities and school to find the things that cause the longest multiminute or multihour lasting happiness at school, some things like displayed awards might cause multi-month greater happiness, confidence,
    and seeking out of further opportunities at that activity or more voluntary practice, things that are authentically beneficial to children could give awards, wearable fMRI or photonic brain scan like Deep water technology, as well as deep learning AI
    viewing facial expressions, vocal tone, and body language could measure duration increase of happiness

    Duration of happiness of children could also go up with mid-hapiness statements that CPU speakers, robot companions, or other people make while the child is particularly happy from a stimulus, or afterwards as a reminder, software and people could figure
    these out.

    Would looking at the literature or trying new things find a form of continuous reinforcement that causes as many retries and repeat visits to an activity as variable reinforcement? That could be the basis for a fairer, ethically consistent activity that
    makes children happy, sometimes physically getting blocks to fit together feels good, or easily reaching for a toy, or reinforcement at doing a well practiced dance move could be reinforcing. As could heightening numeric scores or levels at a computer
    amusement. It is possible fresh new activities could be thought of that always cause heightening behavioral psychology positive reinforcement like easy but mounting complexity IQ test items (which is next in a visual, word, or number sequence) and which
    way will the gear turn, and who is having the best time at a party (after reading party person's activity descriptions) items

    Longevity technology

    Enjoyment and happiness could come from a variety of activities, what makes a baby, a 4 year old, a 6 year old and a 9 year old happy likely could have differences, measuring happiness producing things at a variety of children's ages is beneficial.

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