• Lithochilic acid causes yeast to live twice as long and heightens maxim

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 05:40:08 2022
    screening a million molecular variations on lithocholic acid could create new longevity drugs; at humans, humans that have greater amounts of lithocholic acid have higher cancer risk, I read mice tend to get cancer more than humans so when screening the
    99.99th percentile of the most longevizing molecular variants of lithochilic acid it is possible a mammal lthat has less cancer risk than mice, as well as age batched marmosets could be a better model for quantifying longevity increase; an online item
    says lithocholic acid is toxic but not at humans when medically adminsteref, it is also possible that at humans the coadministration of cancer risk reducing longevity chemical like metformin or rapamycin could cause the actual cancer risk of rabbits as
    well as mice as well as marmosets to be less that that of completely unmedicated rabbits, mice, or marmosets; cholesterol risks could be reduced to less than those of unmedicated mammals with the high density lipoprotein cholesterol reducing drug
    simvastatin which is published as having a longevity benefit, although possibly from heightening healthspan

    Alibaba lithocholic acid dose; at humans it is published that 30mg/24 hours of ursolithocholic acid causes 16.86 micromolar concentration ( up from .05), and bile acid amount went up to 17.21 (all the bile acids) suggesting that 50 micromolar
    concentration like the yeast that live twice as long is a 89 mg/24 hours; although it might not be a plausible dose: the paper says 30 mg of ursolithocholic acid causes only .22 micromolar concentration of lithocholic acid at humans; perhaps the 17.21
    millimolar concentration of all kinds of bile acids, 6 of which make yeast live longer, compensates for that; another paper says ursodeoxycholic acid (a hydrophilic bile acid at ( 30mg/kg each 24 hours) makes previously unwell humans 2.1times more likely
    to omit being alive than unmedicated humans, note though that that is at 30 mg/kg/24 hours so is 70 times higher than the 30 mg makes 17 micromolar concentration at humans so it is possible that a 1/70th dose has only a 1.03 (compared with one)
    likeliness of causing not being alive;

    it is possible that doing correlative studies of human longevity from the varying amounts of bile acid that occur at the different phenotypes at the human population could find genes that make concentrations of bile acid molecules different than others,
    if there are versioms of three or fourteen different kinds of genes that effect bile acid actual different molecule amount then those three or fourteen genetic variations, their SNPs, alleles, and copy numbers could correlate with different human
    longevity, also they could look at the genetics and measured amounts of bile acids at super centenarians to find out if there is a more longevizing genetics of bile acids or amount of bile acids

    I do not know if there is a yeast compensation number when calculating a human dose from a yeast dose like the order of magnitudish less drug compensation number at mice

    Write about lithochilic acid online like longevity.org

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