• Using spin polarized molecules that do computing to compute, backup, an

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 00:55:00 2022
    a look at a search engine rapidly found isotopically modified pyruvate (I think), buckminsterfullerene, as well as quantum dots, I think it is also possible to make a protein molecule that is a container for a free radical, noting that free radicals are
    highly spin polarizable; spin polarizing a human backup or impession then doing nmr combined with parallel printing mwi technology observes it and causes duplication at a new MWI universe; computation based on new molecule forms could be accomplished
    with these molecules as well as, I think, other molecules; buckminsterfullerene is published as causing mice to live twice as long (oral dosage) so it is possible that buckminsterfullerene with a cytotransport channel or endocytosis moeity on it could
    reach cytes everywhere at the body as well as be physically beneficial and longevizing, it is possible computing molecules could be at the fullerene interior, quantum dots could have particularly high spatial resolution or high responsiveness to narrow
    electromagnetic radio frequency as well as photonic frequencies

    Longevity technology, buckminsterfullerene with 60 C is published as doubling mouse longevity with oral dosing, screening a library of fullerenes with thousands of different diameters as well as atom amounts, and screening a variety of fullerene shapes (
    buckytubes), even hemispheres, oblates and things with dents, dips, or bucket seats on them is also beneficial; versions of fullerenes with moieties on the fullerenes could also be screened; fullerenes with endocytosis or also membrane transport channel
    activating moieties is also beneficial, also screening fullerenes with moieties that are known or new longevity drugs and chemicals is also beneficial; screening a million fullerene molecular variants on yeast at a multimillion well plate could find
    99th percentile longevizing fullerene variants and these could then be tested on mice and utilized at humans to heighten longevity; notably the fullerenes longevity molecule variations could have some with diameters, and energetics, that support
    computational molecules at the interior of the fullerenes; spin polarizability of the fullerenes and the computing molecule permit reading the fullerene's computing molecule data, particularly if every cyte has a different spin polarization heightening
    NMR readable one code per cyte code; 16 (varied as a factorial) different spin polarization NMR effecting isotopes is 355 trillion different codes, a different address and data representation at each cyte to code what I perceive is about 70 trillion
    cytes at a human; spin isotope coded fullerenes with computing molecules at their interior could be used to build continuous backups of human beings as well as impressions of human beings; previously described is parallel printing at new MWI universe
    technology, parallel printing the fullerenes' human backup duplicates or, based on computation, enhances or optimizes the new human at the new MWI universe

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 04:53:54 2022
    Longevity technology, buckminsterfullerene with 60 C is published as doubling mouse longevity with oral dosing, screening a library of fullerenes with thousands of different diameters as well as atom amounts, and screening a variety of fullerene shapes (
    buckytubes), even hemispheres, oblates and things with dents, dips, or bucket seats on them is also beneficial; versions of fullerenes with moieties on the fullerenes could also be screened; fullerenes with endocytosis or also membrane transport channel
    activating moieties is also beneficial, also screening fullerenes with moieties that are known or new longevity drugs and chemicals is also beneficial; screening a million fullerene molecular variants on yeast at a multimillion well plate could find
    99th percentile longevizing fullerene variants and these could then be tested on mice and utilized at humans to heighten longevity; notably the fullerenes longevity molecule variations could have some with diameters, and energetics, that support
    computational molecules at the interior of the fullerenes; spin polarizability of the fullerenes and the computing molecule permit reading the fullerene's computing molecule data, particularly if every cyte has a different spin polarization heightening
    NMR readable one code per cyte code; 16 (varied as a factorial) different spin polarization NMR effecting isotopes is 355 trillion different codes, a different address and data representation at each cyte to code what I perceive is about 70 trillion
    cytes at a human; spin isotope coded fullerenes with computing molecules at their interior could be used to build continuous backups of human beings as well as impressions of human beings; previously described is parallel printing at new MWI universe
    technology, parallel printing the fullerenes' human backup duplicates or, based on computation, enhances or optimizes the new human at the new MWI universe

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)