• Share and reach reading

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 05:59:08 2022
    Cultivate analytical philosophy of the children's book; of the parts you can remember (from different pages) how do they combine together? Might make thinking even more fun near a book
    Consider them holding book upright so they focus on it while you read from the back puts their eyes on the text

    Do jokes dispell lackadaisical inattentiveness at children

    Mirror back the children's gestalt words they say "like" I say what do you like or they say easy I say name three easy things. They say fancy I say what are some things you do that are fancy?

    Everytime you get a word right I will put (two dots that get upgraded to happy faces) on this paper; thank you for the strong effort, you can do stuff when you would like to on purpose Perhaps have them draw the faces around the dots so its personalized
    identification of being happy

    Should I practice my eye contact and smile. I think so.

    Increase attention to a read aloud but ungazed at book, When reading intersperse a funny word in the read text, ask the student to say Beep every time they hear the word, tally the attentiveness causing stimulus with happy face dots. You got 3 beeps!
    Might work Zara, Gage and Clayton.

    Have Zara teach me something grok her style. Ask about what dolls say to each other. Have Clayton teach me a video game thing.

    .5b plays for dolls; eToy speaks like "doll just found out she has long lost sister" then humans improvise and speak new dialog. The software listens to the humans and suggests new and calculated to be fun plot advancements.

    Asking for their attention has an effect. Perhaps twice a book would not desensitize.

    Be more diligent with sounding out words and a phonics approach

    Always leave one thing untouched on your plate BMI normality causing phrase

    Are children quantifiably measurable as having fun doing different things; are children on cruise ships near or higher than at home free time fun? mbti: what do the cruise children do? Some might be meet and greet for E,

    .5b Children on cruise ship digital face thermography and AI of movement to swoop in with fresh and/or reinforcing stuff and make already good experiences great!

    Does green tea have anti distraction pro attentiveness effect on children without ADD; better than well approach deprenyl might longevize children CART peptide as better than well attention increasing drug

    .5b coffee CART better than well

    Dale Carnegie how to make friends and build charisma for children charisma makes it possible to fluently choose new better social groups.

    Zara ups charisma Do you think fancy Nancy has friends? What do they do together->friends are nice, here is how to make friends:carnegie

    .5b software looks at social media of school age peers, AI forecasts which ones would date you if you asked, then also software guides you towards members of that list that would actually be good for you. The result is more confidence, less rejection,
    and absence of toxic relationships.

    If they read nonfiction ask them to summarize it (builds organize, know, act skills) it also practices how to study; Say, name three facts about topic

    Genetically engineering all people to have more charisma than any previously measured person is the way to go; mutually charismatic people have beneficial interactions with each other. Both win. Or if at a group there is more plural engaged win, less
    numb mere attendance.

    Ask about bringing in stickers

    Noting "triple bottom line" or any multi good summary, could complex numbers be a bigger part of business and ethics; graph of 3i+3 intersection with y^3+I
    That makes it so an ethicist or regular person can graphically compare a benevolent emoter with a productive beneficial scientist

    vaguely, is it better to advance on all fronts simultaneously or to do first things first? (Rescue a child first or file a vaccine patent) Computer science might suggest multifoliate leaves of simultaneity on some branches sorted on preeminence, so if
    the utility is positive (create, feel) or negative utilitarianism (rescue, ensure) then CS seems to suggest particularized combination of advance on fronts with first things first. CS upgrades though; quantum computers, as I perceive them, advance on all

    Possible FEA voxels: is FEA of sets with verbs, more or less ethical? Whatever size chunks that you have the mind or computer to calculate affects their ethical depth; FEA: Having your sunscreen rejuvenate your skin while rescuing a child and
    simultaneously getting a vaccine patent seems sunscreenish trivial but noting math, FEA, and the effect of 3% growth compounded suggest that aggregations of micro benefit could have large volumes of value. This suggests that good things can happen even
    without a sentience being aware; a decisionless benefit.
    Noting FEA Voxels produce a geometry of ethical chunks sortalike user-adjustable directional stress tests also can produce emergent godelescherbach cube simultaneous objects with 3 projections

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 06:03:01 2022
    Cultivate analytical philosophy of the children's book; of the parts you can remember (from different pages) how do they combine together? Might make thinking even more fun near a book
    Consider them holding book upright so they focus on it while you read from the back puts their eyes on the text

    Do jokes dispell lackadaisical inattentiveness at children

    Mirror back the children's gestalt words they say "like" I say what do you like or they say easy I say name three easy things. They say fancy I say what are some things you do that are fancy?

    Everytime you get a word right I will put (two dots that get upgraded to happy faces) on this paper; thank you for the strong effort, you can do stuff when you would like to on purpose Perhaps have them draw the faces around the dots so its personalized
    identification of being happy

    Should I practice my eye contact and smile. I think so.

    Increase attention to a read aloud but ungazed at book, When reading intersperse a funny word in the read text, ask the student to say Beep every time they hear the word, tally the attentiveness causing stimulus with happy face dots. You got 3 beeps!
    Might work Zara, Gage and Clayton.

    Have Zara teach me something grok her style. Ask about what dolls say to each other. Have Clayton teach me a video game thing.

    .5b plays for dolls; eToy speaks like "doll just found out she has long lost sister" then humans improvise and speak new dialog. The software listens to the humans and suggests new and calculated to be fun plot advancements.

    Asking for their attention has an effect. Perhaps twice a book would not desensitize.

    Be more diligent with sounding out words and a phonics approach

    Always leave one thing untouched on your plate BMI normality causing phrase

    Are children quantifiably measurable as having fun doing different things; are children on cruise ships near or higher than at home free time fun? mbti: what do the cruise children do? Some might be meet and greet for E,

    .5b Children on cruise ship digital face thermography and AI of movement to swoop in with fresh and/or reinforcing stuff and make already good experiences great!

    Does green tea have anti distraction pro attentiveness effect on children without ADD; better than well approach deprenyl might longevize children CART peptide as better than well attention increasing drug

    .5b coffee CART better than well

    Dale Carnegie how to make friends and build charisma for children charisma makes it possible to fluently choose new better social groups.

    Zara ups charisma Do you think fancy Nancy has friends? What do they do together->friends are nice, here is how to make friends:carnegie

    .5b software looks at social media of school age peers, AI forecasts which ones would date you if you asked, then also software guides you towards members of that list that would actually be good for you. The result is more confidence, less rejection,
    and absence of toxic relationships.

    If they read nonfiction ask them to summarize it (builds organize, know, act skills) it also practices how to study; Say, name three facts about topic

    Genetically engineering all people to have more charisma than any previously measured person is the way to go; mutually charismatic people have beneficial interactions with each other. Both win. Or if at a group there is more plural engaged win, less
    numb mere attendance.

    Ask about bringing in stickers

    Noting "triple bottom line" or any multi good summary, could complex numbers be a bigger part of business and ethics; graph of 3i+3 intersection with y^3+I
    That makes it so an ethicist or regular person can graphically compare a benevolent emoter with a productive beneficial scientist

    vaguely, is it better to advance on all fronts simultaneously or to do first things first? (Rescue a child first or file a vaccine patent) Computer science might suggest multifoliate leaves of simultaneity on some branches sorted on preeminence, so if
    the utility is positive (create, feel) or negative utilitarianism (rescue, ensure) then CS seems to suggest particularized combination of advance on fronts with first things first. CS upgrades though; quantum computers, as I perceive them, advance on all

    Possible FEA voxels: is FEA of sets with verbs, more or less ethical? Whatever size chunks that you have the mind or computer to calculate affects their ethical depth; FEA: Having your sunscreen rejuvenate your skin while rescuing a child and
    simultaneously getting a vaccine patent seems sunscreenish trivial but noting math, FEA, and the effect of 3% growth compounded suggest that aggregations of micro benefit could have large volumes of value. This suggests that good things can happen even
    without a sentience being aware; a decisionless benefit.
    Noting FEA Voxels produce a geometry of ethical chunks sortalike user-adjustable directional stress tests also can produce emergent godelescherbach cube simultaneous objects with 3 projections

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)