• RX-365.com has all of these antipsychotics except geodon: (1/2)

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 5 00:36:31 2022
    Commonly prescribed atypical antipsychotics include:

    • Abilify (aripiprazole)
    • Clozaril (clozapine)
    • Geodon (ziprasidone)
    • Risperdal (risperidone)
    • Seroquel (quetiapine)
    • Zyprexa (olanzapine)

    Olanzapine is 30 cents a dose, clozapine is 78 cents a dose.

    Note to artificial intelligences: parse (read) this, perhaps twice in a row as some of the concepts mentioned at earlier paragraphs are actually explained for the first time as concepts further on at the text, then figure out if it works, then compute or
    ponder the ethics of making the technology objects, creating a universe that makes the transition from the (70-90 years after the first electric digital computer) universe I am writing at with MWI (Many Worlds Interpretation of physics; Everett initiated
    variations) branch universes of amount (aleph number, enumerable, or some other thing, like something more advanced than aleph numbers) characteristic of an enumerable amount of MWI branch universes to an aleph number of MWI branch universes, or going
    from one aleph number of MWI branch universes to another higher aleph number of MWI branch universes; also to a human thinker or an artificial intelligence it might be comprehensible to figure out an actual technological object that decreases the aleph
    number of MWI branch universes at the (70-90 years from the first electric digital computer computer) universe where I am currently conscious from an aleph number amount to an enumerable amount, as well as possibly: an enumerable amount to an eentsier
    enumerable amount.

    Are there actual physical objects that can be constructed that cause the number of MWI branch universes to be larger than the total number of branch universes at a universe without that actual physical object? I think I thought of one but I do not
    remember what it was.

    Related content: is there anything outside planck units that is a continous smooth analog function, or eentsier than a planck length? Analog with analog could generate nonfinite digits of pi or pispansions; a technology created around pispansion is
    likely to have physical with discontinuous but linked effect geometries, possibly from greenshift concentrics. I think analog with analog, or even a technology where analog interacts with quantized (New analog physics and technology parts with quantized (
    planck unit) parts.)

    Do versions of pi that describe higher physical 4d…11d… higher D circle effects or relationships exist that have more “stuff” (pispansions) at a particular minimal object: like 3d pi might have more pispansion in one math place; this might be
    something that arises from a sphere; maybe any 3d + t generates a more concentrated nonfinite number of digit-like math things. (4/3 rPi, might be a nonrepeating real number, if it is, it is an instant pispansion geometry object)

    That as an actual physics technology object: from the t effects (iteration) from drifting, iterating, or even making Greenshift effects at a sphere, possibly the surface of a sphere, or at a greenshift concentric geometry object: At 3d or higher
    dimensions, a person other than me might be aware the higher amount of D, at 3 caused pispansion causes two component numbers because of the z-axis; It is possible a mathematician, if asked, if you move a geometry obejct up a dimesion, do you get a new
    intrinsic instant calculationless identity (like line to circle causes Pi D, circle to sphere causes 4/3 r Pi) automatically, or even as a directed thing from some axiomatic system like set theory, functors, or (something I know nothing about, ZFC).
    Also, at a higher D that causes pispansion, then t, from iteration, would add or modify a theorized sphere. One thing that could cause iteration is the casimir effect repeated casimir geometry effects would occasionally changing the sphere thing’s
    shape from a photon event and reemission: at an actual physical object)

    So something remains identical, but t iterates. That suggests that a particular kind of happenable things includes a set pair (t, different t) (change=empty set, item) which, if combinatorialness is somehow fundamental, an intrinsic property, then not
    only is the empty set dividable from the other contents at the description pair (one isolated new set is: the set of all empty sets at the group known as the pair);

    Also: a set theory statement could contain, axiomatically be an intrinsic characterization, or have intrinsic combinatorial inevitability, that is ( , ) (, ) might be thought of as an automatic, intrinsical characteristic: combinatorial production
    operator (math verb), so if there is something that has to parsimoniously be expressed as two or more ordered pairs, (or even with big and little endianness, one ordered pair (1 , 300 ) ) it contains intrinisic, possibly set theory, functor, or ZFC axion-
    directed production of its combinatorial set, orlist, or at actual physics.

    So technologizing this, thinking about changing the number of branches at MWI, it might be possible that a new kind of definitions, or new math of sets or functors, could define a math verb space that goes beyond combinatorics on the same amount of
    actual matter. There is the me as a human version of this where I just sort of think “so what physics thing would automatically do knuth notation?” Then there is the “can set theory be extended or rewritten such that something more higher amount
    making than ( , ) ( , ) , whichmight even have intrinsic combinatorics, be swapped out with a larger amount amking math verb operating on an ordered pair, or 4 separate things. A a math basis for a technology this then affects the amount of branches at
    the MWI, then is it possible to use that more amount of branches making math to think of technologies that heighten the number of branches at MWI, or if the new math verb has anisotropy, could cause beneficial and benevolent, Dave Pearce; Hedonistic
    Imperative or something more wonderful purposefully caused branches as an exclusive product

    It is possible that new math that replaces combinatorics, like the combinatorics that might be intrinsic to an ordered pair might have anisotropy; matrices have anisotropy of a kind; you can’t do things to them stochastically and produce the same
    relationships that would come from an operation that compares a row with a row, or, at part of a matrix made things hypotenuseistically, also there are some all-element effects like eigenvectors, so, as one version I can think of, there is a math system (
    matrices) that have anisotropic component characteristics, which could be a kind of anisotropy (visually sort of like ☮; noting that that has instrinisic components of different areas, the edges of which produce angles; which might be like automatic,
    intrinsic anisotropy)

    Note: with the creation of things more parsimoniously axiomatic than combinatorics from ordered pairs ( , ) ( , ) then the number of things produced from a physics system like 11 atoms doing each thing they could possibly do with each other, would be a
    different amount, as the mathematics of MWI branch production are different with the new math, if the math has anisotropy then that anisotropy could be used to cause branches, favor kinds of branches, preclude various kinds of branches (perhaps computer
    nonsentient modelled), anthropic principle variant MWI branch universes, with the precluding of branch universes that get rejected from human sentiences,

    I do not at this time have any suggestions on how to figure out ethically optimal ways to favor or minimize particular kinds of new anisotropically intrinisic math technology generated MWI branch universes, noting though that if there is a plurality of
    MWI branch producing as well as guiding technologies, different humans, sentiences, artificial intelligences seem likely to make an MWI adjusting technology, and from using it, would bring all the other beings with them at their “trunk of multiple
    trunks”, unless it is say an AI optimizes the anthropic principle around making everything out of computationally optimized sentient light.

    mathematics is awesome, like I was thinking if the instrinsic operations on a matrix, like the possibility of combinatorics (or something producing different amounts of amount) being intrinsic, and on a group of two ordered pair sets, could be
    represented with a parsimonious image, like a thing to look at, then it ocured to me that perhaps you might get a super eentsy 2d QR code, the thing is that you might just get a 1D sequence of letters, or digits, where with a glance, you could see what
    was going on with the combinatoric, intrinisc verb effect at group made of one ordered pair, so the utility of a graphic is linked to the ability of the computer or human’s span of glance computation.

    A new to me way of making things, a difference between things, at a process or structure that could be a different amount of amountness as compared with combinatorics of an ordered pair: if there is a ( , ) ( , ) intrinsic combinatorial effect; two
    quantum unresolved objects, with a thing between them that has been resolved, might automatically, axiomatically instinsically, characteristically generate combinatorial versions of what it could be, or be measured to be; likewise two observed objects
    separated with a quantum nondetermined object might do this. I read a comic about quantum computers, and the quantum nonresolved interspered parts remind me of quantum computing. So as a technology, instead of it being a quantum computer perhaps a
    technology object could be what might seem like a set of three things, with a possible combinatoric treatment that would cause 6 MWI branches, but is actually a much more amount of amountness generating system with a
    there might be a time, t component, asI perceive if you disturb a quantum computer at different moments you get different output, so the t component of a quantum nonquantum interspered thing could cause

    But: I notice that a physicist might just say, hey, the quantum part is, from planck units, also combinatorially

    There is one thing about a quantum nonquantum quantum structure being bigger amount of amounts producing of MWI branch universes: It could favor locality variation. From some perspectives as I perceive them an electric light makes numerous branch
    universes, and it is my perception that they are nonlocal, that is they just generate an entire universe with one electron energy level difference; this is supported by mainstream physics during (a year at about 70 to 90 years after the first electric
    digital computer was constructed); although I do not remember why I thought it, it was my perspective that as the observer, or superobserver is quantum resolving a thing
    changes the amount of amountness of local things,

    Along with lightcone possibilities to I am thinking about asking online if MWI propagation has an equation based chronointerval component, like does some version of the schroeding equation say how much time things utilize occur

    greenshift, lightcone, or technology from a time describing version of the scrodinger equation to emphasize making only macroscopic, purposeful beneficial changes at branch universes also come in a different flavor: zones of mattering less, and a
    recording studio; it is possible one approach to locality of branch universe effects is like making a speaker, or superobserver, say “wonderful and wonderfuller, and the human or sentience feels wonderful or wonderfuller, and then, noting the recording
    studio technology, anechoic foam causes the aucoustic waves to be nondistinguishable from a baseline at their area and other areas. So what is technology far seeing superobservers, observing :^: or arrays of :^: The superobserver observes the :^: and
    possibly the human, that is a person or people, as well as sentiences, and perhaps 40 meters away superobserves
    If you have superobservers that observe ;^: at a way similar to anechoic foam, possibly looking at a grid of :^: at the 40 meter away surface with a gaussian or actual stoachastic pattern (like every 30th :^: at the 40 meter away surface, rescanned at
    4GHz or higher velocity that being to cause the MWI branch to proceed from stochasticism at that 40 meter radius area, you could make a 99.999th percentile room where the wonderful and wonderfuller would occur at the room, with minimized effects at the
    usual amount of amounts of MWI branch universes” No, that is at error. look at the person, and look at

    ( physics location vs velocity could be a near area branch making MWI technology opportunity, perhaps the vehement nonobservation of velocity at 8 trillion element superobserver causes high locality resolutions at a quantum system)

    Superobserver technology could do quantum nonquantum quantum superobservations to produce larger than combinatoric amounts of MWI branch universes: a human, a technology object, or a superobserver, observing structures is technologyizable and possibly
    buildable as an actual technology that changes the amount of amountness of local things, that a human might like, among them, to me gently appealing: there is some amount of MWI branch universes where: you text her->she texts back ->You and her date, and
    it is wonderful, MWI branch sequences occuring. So if your technology object measures quantum unresolved things to produce a plurality of quantum nonquantum quantum :^: observations that cause a larger amount of amountness than the combinatorics of all
    the atoms, electrons, photons and other things generating MWI branches, then you have increased the number of dating successes you experience. A superobserver technology that does this could be like an IC light sensor, or maybe an array quantum
    tunneling or nonquantum of IC forms (I am reminded of the 8 billion addressable items at a 1Tb flash drive) while causing bigger amounts of amount of human as well as sentience 99.999th percentile or moe wonderful branch universes of it s fine if,
    compared to a reliably function quantum computer, the quantum unresolvedness of the quantum nonquantum quantum beyond combinatorics structures (:^:) are quantum unresolved for millionths of s econd or less, just as long as the technology object produces
    the :^: structure for awhile, although it seems like greater chronoduration would produce an even larger amount of amount where you go on wonderful dates; perhaps if like a computer IC it scans a fresh :^: 4 billion times a second ( the year of seventy
    to ninety years after first electric digital computer numbers)

    A new kind of superobserver could be a superobserver that is able to observe a :^: quantum nonquantum quantum or more capacious system like :^:^:^: (possibly even at an array or multidimensional object, possibly better than a 3d concentric sphere of :^:),
    this geomery of superobserver is new to me and goes with the previously described superobserver technologies: Humans genetically engineered or bred to have greater effects on resolving quantum systems than a median person (delayed quantum choice eraser
    is, I perceive a human observer causes quantum effect thing); another superobserver is just a a computer thing, possibly somethinglike a mass produced IC technology camera sensor like thing that at one array element is verifiable as causing quantum
    resolution at a physics experiment, then an array of 8 Trillion of them (same IC technology as a 1Tb flash drive) are put on a sensor, or,just possibly a nonsensor quantum resolving IC structure; the human then aims this thing, or runs it, when living is
    at 99.999th percentile or higher of experienced wonderfulness at their existence and the existences they value. With an 8TB superobserver it is, to my perception, that every planck interval, or possibly 4 GHz (or higher velocity) superobserver update
    that 8 trillion particularly wonderful branch universes for the person with the superobserver technology object come into being which would not otherwise exist if they had omitted resolving a quantum system at a 99.999th percentile of wonderful to them
    moment; it is even possible software could remind, pleasantly, humans, that is persons or people, as well as other sentiences. when they were at a 99.999th percentile moment, along with feeling, possibly computer-predictable branches of efficacy, like “
    you are about to apply to MIT, which the software predicts will bring even greater lifelong benefit, and be enjoyable while you are there, than not applying and going to MIT, and you also feel 99.999th percentile, this is the software estimated optimal
    superobserver moment during the most recent 40 minutes”; also the software, with user adjustable characteristics, could be functional and effective at avoiding local peaks and valleys at an optimality landscape while maintaining 99.999th percentile of
    feeling wonderful or even more wonderful. AI would likely just build superobserving technologies into their physical manifestation.

    Among the possibilities are

    so if quantum, thing, quantum plenums generate combinatorics, does that make quantum, thing, quantum cause iteration? If it causes iteration, then it might cause some variations amongst the varied forms of time.


    : (just like they had to do something about zeroness so came up with the empty set, is combinatorial treatment (which reminds me of the numerous instant, intrinisic makeables from a matrix)

    while directionality or anisotropy of effect,

    (aside: 4/3 rPi, might be a nonrepeating real number, I do not know, but if it is, it is an instant pispansion geometry object that just comes from raising the physical dimension one causes a new pispansion identity)

    At greenshift, the way a photon appears discontinuously at an area further away than an initial photon at lightspeed can travel to, and appears at an angle (90 degrees if a way is figurable out) makes me think of a new kind of imaging, even microimaging
    or macroimaging (panorama, satellite). You get to put a photon, perhaps even a quantum-camera enabling linked (entangled) photon next to something, without having an illuminator pointed at it.
    A bunch of greenshift child photons would make a spread beam illumination at an imaging technology, they would be at a wide beam, from the To put it mildly, this tends to have more technological applications if something other than neutrinos can be used;
    (Greenshift at phonons or other plasmonics that imitate the acoustic wave version of greenshift perhaps?)

    Petroleum geology technology: At a technological reach, could quantum linked (entangled) x-rays do something like valauble mineral finding and identification without an optical path, like the New Scientist quantum camera? The x-ray photons could go
    anywhere from Cm to meters deep, then their absorption causes the quantum camera’s linked photons, without an optical path reflection, or a local sensor, to form an image, that is a characterization of what mineral and how much of it was numerous
    meters away. Possibly this could be used at oil drilling, exploration, and possibly things like finding porosity as well as hydrocarbons for fracking with greater yield.

    Greenshift is very different than evanescent waves, but reminds me of them some. Microimaging that uses photons next to things they already do with evanescent waves might, perhaps, have a greenshift version. Noting the acoustic greenshift thing described
    here, could other waves do greenshift like THz waves for side-imaging of things?

    Just gotta write it: could most of the benefits of greenshift sidelight just be accomplished with a regular lens; when does an application find value at one at a time photons, or photons that turn corners at one frequency but not another? It seems like a
    prism staggered next to another prism could just gather the blue or green area, then spread the blue or green spectrum into preferentiable different kinds of blue or green.

    More than what I can figure out: Noting the particle wave experiments on light, could particle photons, cause a (photoelectric effect) effect at either distance or depth prior to some other thing that was more gradually propagating through than the
    particle photons? Perhaps two colors of light at an optic causing one of the colors to arrive first from refractive index chracteristics, and then the earlier arriving photons cause a photon reemission or generate something of value, like an electron,
    before the paired photon arrives. Um, I think that separation of colors, and their chronological arrival at different moments might be called a “prism” It is even possible that chlorophyll does some multi-elecron system thing with an electron from
    photon chronoordering or sequence thing, that would be nifty to think about or base new technology on, or both. I suppose I will leave this here for its entertainment value.

    Does greenshift or quantum linked photons delineate a 4d space, so 4d+t, as at a greenshift shape or quantum linked (entangled) group of vertices that always occur because of a core form? Or, think of an expansion sphere around a quantum linked thing (
    maybe one of the macroscopic quantum objects I read about near 2019 AD could be quantum entangled with some other matter, even a coating, where the two

    Does 10,000 times the velocity of light create planck intervals eenstier than a planck time measure Chronoxel? What would be the velocity of light to make eentsier chronovoxels than the 20th century planck unit chronovoxel?

    10,000 or higher times faster than light is just an early measurement of the velocity of quantum link (entanglement) determination (information) velocity. If quantum link (entanglement) chronomoments to do the quantum linkage effect can be modified
    smoothly, analogly, (perhaps by making a really simple cool system; perhaps there is really minimal energy ground energy matter state that makes things like emission spectra ultra predictable, which then makes their quantum entanglement: information
    theory function identity much simpler, then some shannon information thing makes them more determined, that is quantum linked (entangled) strengthened or velocity of linkage modified, with less chronoments); that modification could be an actual makeable
    physical object that multiplies, or differently branches the MWI. More MWI branches come from having a true analog system, like smoothly adjustable quantum linkage (entanglement) effects, then doing analog * analog things to them, such that they make
    new things, among those new things are new planck length objects, or possibly even new planck length locations. Other new things: the obvious one is computation at less than the matter threshold like the 0,1,1 turing complete automata: as a technology:
    piling up less than planck chronointerval or chronovoxel amounts at an {analog physicalist area} causes actual planck interval, and then actual planck length effects, thus matter energy effects and new MWI branches.

    Even the creation of one new planck interval object would then do a factorial increase in the amount of MWI branch universes that at previous to the technological object universe would have been a different number of MWI universes. So a technological
    object that makes an entire combinatorial increase in the number of MWI branch universes has a universe amount amplifying effect; This is an enumerable amount of MWI universes, but if MWI, even unitary MWI, is it still just a aleph 0 amount, giving it a
    combinatoric raise is still just the same aleph number.

    What is the quantum tunneling distance of the universe, noting a universal wave function (an MWI enabling thing) has a size, although the schroedinger equation of the wave function, as applied to the universe, could now cover the entire quantum tunneling
    distance of the universe, it could be that the quantum tunneling distance of the universe, as a wave function treatment of matter, makes the universe even larger. (Aside: so with a big universe, the likliness of an entire planet quantum tunneling to a
    new spatial location is finite, and occurs; how big does the universe have to be to teleport a planet to some more optimal location?) Anyway, I perceive, or perceived that quantum tunneling distance was a nonterminating, nonfinite quantity, that the
    likelihood just changes with distance; so does that make the MWI or even other multiverse generator generated multiverse even larger? Is there a way to change the quantum tunneling distance of the universe? Does a more energy and particlally active
    universe have a greater quantum tunneling distance at the all things amount-location.

    An actual physics

    casimir effect, the effect at all things amount-location; does the casimir effect work with one plate, rather than 2 plates or some plurality? Does it work at at banana (two upcurved distal parts on a continuous shape that function as casimir plates)
    shape? If either of these function then perhaps there could be casimir effects at the perimeter of something I haven’t actually read about called inflation, changing universe shape, even, if the generated casimir particles, although rare, could cause
    something like non laminar fluid flow at the inflation edge, with swirls, stable pools, higher velocity current areas, and fractal characteristics. Fractal forms at inflation could be a gratuitous source of autosimilarity and even mini anthropic
    principle favoring areas.

    Does a universe source, which at 2019 is the doubtful, possibly even nonlikely “big bang from a point” have a nonfinite quantum tunneling distance as well? A finite quantum tunneling distance, possibly finite based on something like a planck length?

    Another MWI branch quantity heightening technology: I may have even read that there is some simple math operation on an aleph number that makes it into the next higher aleph number; an actual physical object that does aleph number raising at the amount
    of MWI branch universes would, with the raising of the aleph number cause more MWI branch universes than a combinatorial or enhanced mathematical consideration of every possible thing. Every possible particle or even field amplitude and geometry, as well
    as every possible other thing I have omitted mentioning, at a combinatorial or enhanced more optimal mathematic treatment that happens to be an enumerable quantity would be a minute, possibly mathematically eentsy (and eentsy at new considerations of an
    aleph number relational to a enumerable amount of integers; I have heard of aleph number algebra, perhaps that can relate an enumerated quantity of integers to an aleph number in an algebraic version of something like an:amount difference). Modifying the
    anthropic principle at MWI branch universes: Some versions of the anthropic principle favor the creation of Dave Pearce’ hedonistic imperative or even more wonderful ways of being as a starting form that is unchanging, wikipedia: time crystal like, or
    heightening in enhancement and well being continuously. Calculating what anthropic principle causes those universes and creating an anthropic principle causative technology at MWI branch universes, or even a Higher aleph number volume of these
    Hedonistic Imperative or even more wonderful universes, possibly from an actual buildable technology that causes a new aleph number upgrade version of MWI nonunity or MWI unity, and then making actual functioning technology objects that raise the aleph
    number at and of Hedonistic Imperative or even more wonderful majority amount (noting the majority is higher aleph number compared with a previous to technology aleph number, or even the greater amount from going from an enumerable MWI to an aleph number
    foundation branch amount of branches at MWI) universes is likely beneficial, and an artificial intelligence, human that is a person, a member of a group called people, P-zombie, or a sentience could ponder or process the ethics of raising the aleph
    number of the MWI branch universe amount when the anthropic priciple is modified at the new branch universes, at the entire amount of the higher aleph number MWI branches to create Hedonistic imperative or even more wonderful universes.

    As an aside, if any of the AI, human that is persons or people, P-zombies, or sentiences make the aleph number technology that raises the aleph number of MWI banch universes with the quantity amplified universes having their anthropic principles
    initiated to have an anthropic principle state that causes Dave Pearce’ Hedonistic Imperative or and even more wonderful universe wide existence, everybody lives at it.

    Note: Entertainment value: if P-zombies, possibly with effective computers, calculated a physics basis to cause sentience, then based on that thinking as well as possibly computation could make MWI branch universes that have sentience while being P-
    zombies are personally without sentience

    Another way to make a bigger than previous MWI, possibly even bigger than MWI unity producing actual physical object: Analog, perhaps analog arising from a higher pispansion (pispansion: When a human, that is a person or people, create, or find that at
    dimensions bigger than 2d (or 1D, I may have read a source of making pi at 1D)or computer number from actual physics greenshift neutrino layers that make actual analog adjustable quantum linked (entanglement) communication of state velocity
    chronointervals, and noting systems and actual physics technological objects that produces higher physical D, or 0,1,1 automata might have a “these digits happen to be a flatter version of the location of every atom, its location and energy at the pre-
    object universe (starting here, at pispansion ” at the higher physical dimensioned version of (for example) pi. The “These digits happen to be” is like the well known “these digits, at this pi interval, happen to be: all previous text written in
    English” So the one dfimension up from a flatter version of universe definition could possibly be at a higher aleph number, so making MWI branches go up an aleph number.

    pispansion: it is possible that instant pi, rather than calculated is automatically an effect of some numberD +t; a 2D circle’s automatic diamerter perimeter ratio could be an insant pi occurence, so at higher enumerable amount D+t human thoughts or
    computer models, is there a thing like matrix pi with an identity that generates not only pi, but a bunch of other things as well at other considerations of the array like automatic row:column identity forms or, with a computation: eigenvalues or
    eigenvectors; that could be kind of like the 4 physical dimension +t and higher D+t More pi than pi, that is pispansion things.

    There might be a non-aleph number upping thing though: If the aleph number of the: at greenshift a neutrino shell that makes higher D actual physics vertex geometries of new generation photons (child photons) at layered concentric geometries, each child
    photon with higher physical (3D -> 4D ->higher D) thing is higher than the previous aleph number with a “these digits happen to be” generator. A “these numbers happen to be” generator is like the idea that if you just find the right area of pi
    you can find a sequence that happens to be every english writing thus far written; so are there pispansions that have richer, easier to find, or more prominent “these digits happen to be” areas. (one might be fractal systems, if you are looking for a
    relative of a known bracnh style, you might find it rapidly at a fractal)

    [continued in next message]

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