• Just thinking about how if I look up a few pages on major themes of sta

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 4 05:16:54 2022
    Notes on NFTs, longevity themed NFTs seem to do well, and seem to have a Chinese audience. Tabs have about 36k nfts and there are about 20-40 etherium valued NFTs found searching for LSD. Natural images of Iceland do well also

    A disc shaped iridescent pressure sensitive liquid crystal form might look really nifty sitting on a tunable piezoelectric transducer

    Sassafras root bark Teething objects for human infants, who are absent a 2 generational family history of cancer, children teethe, and providing the especial mouth comfort and enjoyment of chewing sassafras root benefits children. Chewing sassafrass root
    soothed one of my teeth without anesthetizing my mouth. The children's sassafras root bark teething product could be artificially sweetened. A combination of multi ingredient sassafras extract could be combined with polymers to make regular and freeze
    able children's teething objects and toys

    Sassafrass trees may benefit from human created polyploidy if they are not already polyploid plants

    The edible algae spirulina has a chromosome, would making it polyploid improve its usefulness to humans

    They could make removable stickers with numerals children could place on cuisinaire rods

    Garments and fabrics that stay cleaner could be made by having lasers fuse polymer thread microstrands to a smooth surface that repels dirt

    Making people impervious to weather is beneficial to children, teens, and adults, previously described is utilizing the mitochondrial uncoupling of brown fat cells at white adipose tissue fat cells. Another approach to generating more beneficial warmth
    voluntarily is to change the amount of the 23 different enzymes to encourage mitochondrial metabolism, although greater specificity makes more sense just doubling the amount of enzymes is likely to double warmth production, one way to make this voluntary
    is to engineer a gene switch-on chemical into human scalp hair that turns on the hyperproduction of citric acid cycled mitochondrial enzymes, that way people can choose when they generate more warmth such as during winter or if they have an aquatic
    lifestyle, growing more scalp hair may be beneficial so that can be co-accomplished genetically, one source of fast scalp hair growth genes are people at the 99.99th percentile of fastest growing scalp hair genetics, another way to increase the velocity
    of scalp hair growth is to find the genes that modulate the rest or grow cycle of human scalp hair and switch them to growth always on high with genetic engineering

    First they could verify and quantify that educational software and educational media contribute to children's mental ability, then, with a quantification of how much it does they could simply speed up the software or media and the children would gain
    mental fluency faster, as an example it is very easy already for me to enjoy youtube videos played 125% velocity, and I think 150% velocity would be fine for learning, that could give a 4th grader a 6th grade education or freshman/freshwoman year of
    college to a 9th grader

    Sex toy I have seen mini clitoral stimulators that are wearable with a waist strap for use by a woman or girl during thrusting penetrative sex with a man, these could be improved by optically sensing the nearness of the man's body and when his thrusts
    were deepest and fastest and the clitoral vibrator or sucking toy could heighten its intensity to match the depth of his thrusts, notably because these small wearable clitoral sex toys have upper hip encircling laces, the laces could have wires like
    super soft headphone wires or smaller connecting the clitoral vibrator or clitoral sucking toy with a side battery pack or inductive power witricity antenna so the clitoris stimulating sex toy is super small and lightweight yet is powered as long as the
    woman or girl likes, also the clitoral stimulator stays lightweight because the optical sensor can be linked to computer electronics at the battery side area. The optical sensor at the clitoral stimulator could also have an optical blood pressure reader
    additional optical sensor to see how the woman or girls blood pressure, graphed as a little mountain rises and progresses to orgasm or also multiple orgasm and then increases the intensity and duration of the clitoral stimulation, still in time to the
    man or boy's sexual thrusting to give the woman or girl even greater orgasm ic and multiorgasmic pleasure, the computer electronics could also learn each woman or girl's individual sexual pleasure and orgasm style and continuously improve the experience

    Any internet able iot sex toy can communicate with light bulbs to change the color or pulse the brightness of the bulbs mildly and pleasantly the light bulb pulsing could be computer directed to pulse so that if the man or woman changes their rhythm of
    touch or thrusting to match the pulsing lights she will get the most pleasure, similarly with a woman thrusting, riding, or driving her hips onto a man's penis the color that the lights pulse at could change so she can drive her hips onto his penis so he
    lasts his longest, or also a light color pulse pattern that makes him orgasm most intensely

    Epigenetics are cultural because of food and can deliver specific epigenetic benefits to food eaters like vegetarians like the epigenetics of greater lifespan and higher sex drive. Dave Pearce' abolitionist manifesto supports well being at all organisms,
    epigenetic guided gene therapy at all of earth that benefits vegetarian organisms is beneficial

    This is not much, but I will pay you $5 (no tip) and give you a 5/5 review if you think of a new energy technology and then paste it to Bill Gates' blog at https://www.gatesnotes.com/Energy/Breakthrough-Energy-Ventures Be very technologically specific
    and you can write in your native language or English.

    Just reply with your new energy idea technology as the response here and I will pick one or a few for the fiverr job.

    Simple example: I think it is possible based on the existence of cooling reflective paints to make a new cooling paint that uses perfectly reflective negative refractive index microbeads to reflect even more light, especially IR. They could paint
    building roofs and cars with it to reduce energy use.

    Previously described at paper notes is a technology where focalized one person at a time speakers send different audio to each of the two or more persons having sex, one kind of personalized audio each person could get is words they could say aloud with
    their own voices that the computer computes as heightening the persons arousal like so full, and do that, and give it to me and harder and fuck harder, the computer also generates and suggests phrases that arouse the person listen to the other person's
    vocalize along vocalizations

    🛋️🏄‍♀️ Renew in June

    I thought I read manifold volutes save like 1% of fuel, that's like 90,000 lives saved from less pollution everywhere annually if they were standard, no, actually not, volutes effect engine output torque, so you would think some kind of cam ratio or gear
    ratio could be used to increase efficiency for higher mpg from volutes,as I perceive it volutes have just themselves as motion effected.

    A study shows a 24% reduction in dust air pollution may cause 18% less infant child mortality, and a Stanford study actually says spraying dusty places with water could at mass application save infant children's lives at about $24 per life saved,
    comparable to one or more vaccines value, the obvious thing that additives could be added to the water might make the process much more efficient, microorganisms could also be considered. It's beneficial that saving infants with reduced particulates also
    benefits some amount of older children and adults

    A scientific paper seems to say that as a result of adaption or epigenetics that when plants are, if I remember, grown from undifferentiated callous, and the undifferentiated callous is warmed, the resulting differentiated plants from the tissue culture
    resist overwarmth, prospering or surviving summers better. That brings up the possibility that if plant tissue culture medium, liquid or solid, has less water in it they could test the differentiated resulting plants for drought resistance/low rainfall
    thriving in the field. If they find out the epigenetics or adaption that do that, that is beneficial, this could also benefit tree seedlings grown from plant tissue culture

    It's possible that putting cortisol in band aid adhesives and band aid pad goos could make it so adhesive bandages and even the scabs they cover are itch less. Is there a wound healing probiotic that could be in band aid pad goo, it seems possible.

    Frogs make a variety of fluorescent with UV colors, these chemicals could be genetically engineered into bacteria and the bacteria then used to mass produce new food colors

    The wonderfruit makes everything taste sweet about 1/2 an hour after it is eaten, people could have a wonderfruit drink on a date thinking it it is likely that 1/2 hour later they will be licking and sucking on the body parts and bodily fluids of their
    dates, this would be a really good introduction beverage at the beginning of sex parties and as a snack at school actual sex practice sex education activities, noting sex can last for many hours they could put wonderfruit in sex lubricant

    Safranal is a chemical found in saffron that may work on GABA receptors and be an antidepressant, it, or another chemical in saffron is also an appetite suppressant. The dose is near 270 micrograms-1milligram per 24 hours, halogenation of safranal could
    make it 100-1000 times more dose potent with fluorination, that creates an antidepressant or possibly new GABA pleasure drug active at 270 Pico grams to 1 micrograms per 24 hour dose.

    Children's toy, colorful stickers with adhesive backings are a popular children's toy, but what if they had 8 times reuseability like post it notes, or a very hypothetical 24 times hypothetical reuseability from a gecko feet geometry, also, they could
    have a water soluble nail polish jar adhesive you can just paint on the backs of old paper stickers.

    Laser engraved vegetable food cans already likely exist, but if they do not they could be decorated wildly.

    Saffron extract pills are less than 20¢ a pill, and have published support that they are antidepressant and svelte Ness producing, if these are popular it could be possible for automated flower harvesting machines to pluck the saffron flower near the
    ground, and the extraction and concentration of Safran chemistry compensate for the combined flower and saffron filament blossom not being separated by hand, that reduces much labor if saffron pills become popular

    A technology that could use lasers to micro surface texture breakfast cereals so they are silky smooth and completely non abrasive is i think possible

    Fridge magnets to hold children's drawings to a fridge could also have an art facing fiber optic or fisheye lens so that they automatically make a software curvature compensated iot computer upload able image that gets posted to the child and parent's
    dataspace, i think these could easily be the size of photovoltaic disc magnets

    Just from watching lots of naked nude and sexy people here at xvideos I feel like everyone is mostly nudist and has a great sex friendly attitude. Go nudist in everyday life, join a nudist recreation center as well. Make your family clothing optional.

    Noticing how many people do oral sex on penises or would like to receive deeper oral sex on their own penis it is great more than 1/3 of all persons are already in 2022 AD absent a gag reflex, making it so those people can enjoy giving oral sex to a
    penis even when it percusses the back of the throat. Cofocalized lasers can shine through deep throat tissue and the lasers can then knockout base of the branch gagging nerves, that makes it so even fast deep intense penis in throat motion called throat
    fucking feels harmless to the giver, the treatment would be about $40, as much as a single laser dermis treatment.

    Many people do oral sex on penises or would like to receive deeper oral sex at their own penis it is great more than 1/3 of all persons are already in 2022 AD absent a gag reflex, Cofocalized lasers can shine through deep throat tissue and the lasers
    can then knockout base of the branch gagging nerves, and that makes it so even fast deep intense penis in throat motion called throat fucking feels harmless to the receiver the treatment would be near $40, as much as a single laser dermis treatment.

    Ii think it is possible to use Cofocalized lasers to zap micronerves in the anus and rectum to remove the micronerves linked to discomfort. This would make the experience of anal sex and anal sex toys completely absent discomfort so only pleasure would
    be felt. It could be as affordable as a single laser dermatology treatment, about $40. The nice blonde in this video would only experience anal pleasure.

    Among domestic partners like wives and husbands it is likely that most would benefit from partner sharing and swapping, described as the swinger lifestyle in 2022AD,to find out if the members of the domestic partnership were likely to benefit from being
    swingers that shared partners a psychometric test could be made.

    Riding a dildo might build the strength to ride a man
    Olympic glbt+ suisuit looks like gymnasts leotard so women seek her out and join her in shower masturbation
    Wet traces of pussy fluid could be vendables
    How many minutes of unfocused stroking my cock viewing videos single
    30mg estrogen contraceptives might assist her or coworkers

    The speed and stamina of finger, hand, forearm, and tongue motions is likely mostly genetic, using twin genetic studies and other genetic studies find the 99th percentile genetics for speed and stamina at these body parts and make those be genetic
    enhancements to all humans that is Homo sapiens, this benefits sexual pleasure and masturbatory self pleasure capacity.

    The generic womanizer clitoral suction sex toy could be made into a soft floppy gel vinyl like array of polymer tubes with individual suction ability, loose and floppy and able to be placed over the whole outer vagina is would suck at many spots and in
    iot computer orchestrated patterns of waves and shapes of suction and also polymer wiggling feeling, the vinyl like polymer material could have different passive acoustic physics resonance masses in it and be activated to motion from piezoelectric beat
    frequency pickup. It makes the entire outside of the vagina feel variously cunnilingus ed and good, it could even have some aperture spaces on it so an actual person's tongue could lick through those gaps.
    Another version of the same thing is like a strapless bra cup or bra lined with gentle suction and soft as the back of the fingers and hand touch feeling to the breasts, this pleasure creating cup can do comforting, pleasing, nonsexual or sexual contact
    patterns on both of each of the breasts. Silicone or vinyl with plural actuatables and suction like the just described all outer vagina simultaneous array pleasure technology item.

    One of Amazon's most popular children's toys is a bunch of geometrically shaped mini panels that have magnets embedded in them so that they easily touch and link to make 3D shapes. I've noticed children like to play with balloons, I think if easy to blow
    up balloons had magnetic material embedded in their rubber sheet surface that they could be both big cores and magnetic attraction decorations for other magnet panel buildings, the balloons could come in a many pack, and its possible adding 1/1000th of a
    cent of metal to a 1¢ balloon is a 1-2¢ multi magnetic bump balloon. One nice thing is you can draw on balloons too.

    Actual sex sex education in video computer games, at the Sims the individual sim could often accomplish its relationship goal if the sim did sex education and practice which for the Sims player would consist of learning sexual moves, first moves, touch
    flirtation, and making concrete plans in advance to go out to music venues and swingers clubs in real life I think sex and interpersonal intimacy improves health and happiness, so at other computer amusements doing the actual sex education could improve
    those health and happiness amounts for the character

    Outdoor children's play structures for the yard work better the more often children visit them, i think something like a large sized automatic fish feeder could dispense two candy or mini eggs a day into the upper part of a climb able yard play structure,
    this causes the children to voluntarily use the play structure more often

    BT bacterial spray to terminate caterpillars that eat tree leaves already exists, engineering the BT bacteria to make opiate peptides that numb the mouths and cause the caterpillars to cease eating could be possible, the opiate peptides could also slow
    caterpillar movement

    I am absent knowing but I perceive 2021 AD Americans like driving large vehicles with some greater elevation from the road surface, it's possible there are a variety of ways to construct a tall but fuel saving light mass vehicle, but that previously came
    with risks of tipping ot unsafe motion, it's possible dynamically sliding masses like those that do earthquake motion compensation in buildings could make tall feeling, but fuel efficient vehicles possible causing greater economy and emissions reduction

    A window, like dwelling window applique made of thick autoclingy floppy vinyl that has high refractive index and can be stacked in layers to make a soft glittery prism stack, the softness makes it child friendly

    Toy for babies, babies might like a toy they can squish and change with their hands that has super soft foam on the outside, a big gel shape in the middle, and a core that bends like a gumby

    I have heard of plastic tent pegs but not Teflon coated tent pegs

    Powdered carbohydrates like oatmeal have high glycemic response, coating them with glue could give them less glycemic response

    Translate ideas to Russian and Arabic

    Mashed potato wedges formed with carbonated water

    Breathsavers have blue middles and lifesavers have apertures, optics savers could have telescope making optical elements instead of apertures

    A cylindrical three sided coin that looks like a gappy old air capacitor

    Children's shoelaces you write sayings on then lace up shoes with might be slightly fun, mad-libs versions

    Do children's stomachs and gi tracts have different pH than that of adults? If they do then pills could be especially reformulated to be functional at children's gi tracts

    Saran wrap could be coated with microbiocidal but harmless to human peptides so wrapped food avoids decaying, at least some, possibly, or maybe not

    Many people must have thought of this but making stick-pack drink mixes with co2 bubbles in the sugar crystals could make them dissolve much better although not carbonate the beverage

    The technology to make prismatic bike reflector candy from sugar crystals could easily exist, these would be really glittery to look at.

    Cushy rubber microfoam feels really good, they could make children's and adults shoelaces out of it

    Making refrigerators more fun for small children searching for things in a refrigerator or putting them away, children 5 and under can only reach certain areas of the fridge easily, and the vegetable drawers might have occupied space right near
    childrens most optimal refrigerator areas in 2022,simply moving the vegetable drawers up could free up space of high usability to refrigerator using children

    If leaflitter and soil mulch were white it could reflect much more light back onto the plants growing in that material. I think it is possible to genetically engineer plants to have white color in their leaves that accumulates to make highly reflective
    white dirt

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 9 03:32:10 2022
    Notes on NFTs, longevity themed NFTs seem to do well, and seem to have a Chinese audience. Tabs have about 36k nfts and there are about 20-40 etherium valued NFTs found searching for LSD. Natural images of Iceland do well also

    A disc shaped iridescent pressure sensitive liquid crystal form might look really nifty sitting on a tunable piezoelectric transducer

    Sassafras root bark Teething objects for human infants, who are absent a 2 generational family history of cancer, children teethe, and providing the especial mouth comfort and enjoyment of chewing sassafras root benefits children. Chewing sassafrass root
    soothed one of my teeth without anesthetizing my mouth. The children's sassafras root bark teething product could be artificially sweetened. A combination of multi ingredient sassafras extract could be combined with polymers to make regular and freeze
    able children's teething objects and toys

    Sassafrass trees may benefit from human created polyploidy if they are not already polyploid plants

    The edible algae spirulina has a chromosome, would making it polyploid improve its usefulness to humans

    They could make removable stickers with numerals children could place on cuisinaire rods

    Garments and fabrics that stay cleaner could be made by having lasers fuse polymer thread microstrands to a smooth surface that repels dirt

    Making people impervious to weather is beneficial to children, teens, and adults, previously described is utilizing the mitochondrial uncoupling of brown fat cells at white adipose tissue fat cells. Another approach to generating more beneficial warmth
    voluntarily is to change the amount of the 23 different enzymes to encourage mitochondrial metabolism, although greater specificity makes more sense just doubling the amount of enzymes is likely to double warmth production, one way to make this voluntary
    is to engineer a gene switch-on chemical into human scalp hair that turns on the hyperproduction of citric acid cycled mitochondrial enzymes, that way people can choose when they generate more warmth such as during winter or if they have an aquatic
    lifestyle, growing more scalp hair may be beneficial so that can be co-accomplished genetically, one source of fast scalp hair growth genes are people at the 99.99th percentile of fastest growing scalp hair genetics, another way to increase the velocity
    of scalp hair growth is to find the genes that modulate the rest or grow cycle of human scalp hair and switch them to growth always on high with genetic engineering

    First they could verify and quantify that educational software and educational media contribute to children's mental ability, then, with a quantification of how much it does they could simply speed up the software or media and the children would gain
    mental fluency faster, as an example it is very easy already for me to enjoy youtube videos played 125% velocity, and I think 150% velocity would be fine for learning, that could give a 4th grader a 6th grade education or freshman/freshwoman year of
    college to a 9th grader

    Sex toy I have seen mini clitoral stimulators that are wearable with a waist strap for use by a woman or girl during thrusting penetrative sex with a man, these could be improved by optically sensing the nearness of the man's body and when his thrusts
    were deepest and fastest and the clitoral vibrator or sucking toy could heighten its intensity to match the depth of his thrusts, notably because these small wearable clitoral sex toys have upper hip encircling laces, the laces could have wires like
    super soft headphone wires or smaller connecting the clitoral vibrator or clitoral sucking toy with a side battery pack or inductive power witricity antenna so the clitoris stimulating sex toy is super small and lightweight yet is powered as long as the
    woman or girl likes, also the clitoral stimulator stays lightweight because the optical sensor can be linked to computer electronics at the battery side area. The optical sensor at the clitoral stimulator could also have an optical blood pressure reader
    additional optical sensor to see how the woman or girls blood pressure, graphed as a little mountain rises and progresses to orgasm or also multiple orgasm and then increases the intensity and duration of the clitoral stimulation, still in time to the
    man or boy's sexual thrusting to give the woman or girl even greater orgasm ic and multiorgasmic pleasure, the computer electronics could also learn each woman or girl's individual sexual pleasure and orgasm style and continuously improve the experience

    Any internet able iot sex toy can communicate with light bulbs to change the color or pulse the brightness of the bulbs mildly and pleasantly the light bulb pulsing could be computer directed to pulse so that if the man or woman changes their rhythm of
    touch or thrusting to match the pulsing lights she will get the most pleasure, similarly with a woman thrusting, riding, or driving her hips onto a man's penis the color that the lights pulse at could change so she can drive her hips onto his penis so he
    lasts his longest, or also a light color pulse pattern that makes him orgasm most intensely

    Epigenetics are cultural because of food and can deliver specific epigenetic benefits to food eaters like vegetarians like the epigenetics of greater lifespan and higher sex drive. Dave Pearce' abolitionist manifesto supports well being at all organisms,
    epigenetic guided gene therapy at all of earth that benefits vegetarian organisms is beneficial

    This is not much, but I will pay you $5 (no tip) and give you a 5/5 review if you think of a new energy technology and then paste it to Bill Gates' blog at https://www.gatesnotes.com/Energy/Breakthrough-Energy-Ventures Be very technologically specific
    and you can write in your native language or English.

    Just reply with your new energy idea technology as the response here and I will pick one or a few for the fiverr job.

    Simple example: I think it is possible based on the existence of cooling reflective paints to make a new cooling paint that uses perfectly reflective negative refractive index microbeads to reflect even more light, especially IR. They could paint
    building roofs and cars with it to reduce energy use.

    Previously described at paper notes is a technology where focalized one person at a time speakers send different audio to each of the two or more persons having sex, one kind of personalized audio each person could get is words they could say aloud with
    their own voices that the computer computes as heightening the persons arousal like so full, and do that, and give it to me and harder and fuck harder, the computer also generates and suggests phrases that arouse the person listen to the other person's
    vocalize along vocalizations

    🛋️🏄‍♀️ Renew in June

    I thought I read manifold volutes save like 1% of fuel, that's like 90,000 lives saved from less pollution everywhere annually if they were standard, no, actually not, volutes effect engine output torque, so you would think some kind of cam ratio or gear
    ratio could be used to increase efficiency for higher mpg from volutes,as I perceive it volutes have just themselves as motion effected.

    A study shows a 24% reduction in dust air pollution may cause 18% less infant child mortality, and a Stanford study actually says spraying dusty places with water could at mass application save infant children's lives at about $24 per life saved,
    comparable to one or more vaccines value, the obvious thing that additives could be added to the water might make the process much more efficient, microorganisms could also be considered. It's beneficial that saving infants with reduced particulates also
    benefits some amount of older children and adults

    A scientific paper seems to say that as a result of adaption or epigenetics that when plants are, if I remember, grown from undifferentiated callous, and the undifferentiated callous is warmed, the resulting differentiated plants from the tissue culture
    resist overwarmth, prospering or surviving summers better. That brings up the possibility that if plant tissue culture medium, liquid or solid, has less water in it they could test the differentiated resulting plants for drought resistance/low rainfall
    thriving in the field. If they find out the epigenetics or adaption that do that, that is beneficial, this could also benefit tree seedlings grown from plant tissue culture

    It's possible that putting cortisol in band aid adhesives and band aid pad goos could make it so adhesive bandages and even the scabs they cover are itch less. Is there a wound healing probiotic that could be in band aid pad goo, it seems possible.

    Frogs make a variety of fluorescent with UV colors, these chemicals could be genetically engineered into bacteria and the bacteria then used to mass produce new food colors

    The wonderfruit makes everything taste sweet about 1/2 an hour after it is eaten, people could have a wonderfruit drink on a date thinking it it is likely that 1/2 hour later they will be licking and sucking on the body parts and bodily fluids of their
    dates, this would be a really good introduction beverage at the beginning of sex parties and as a snack at school actual sex practice sex education activities, noting sex can last for many hours they could put wonderfruit in sex lubricant

    Safranal is a chemical found in saffron that may work on GABA receptors and be an antidepressant, it, or another chemical in saffron is also an appetite suppressant. The dose is near 270 micrograms-1milligram per 24 hours, halogenation of safranal could
    make it 100-1000 times more dose potent with fluorination, that creates an antidepressant or possibly new GABA pleasure drug active at 270 Pico grams to 1 micrograms per 24 hour dose.

    Children's toy, colorful stickers with adhesive backings are a popular children's toy, but what if they had 8 times reuseability like post it notes, or a very hypothetical 24 times hypothetical reuseability from a gecko feet geometry, also, they could
    have a water soluble nail polish jar adhesive you can just paint on the backs of old paper stickers.

    Laser engraved vegetable food cans already likely exist, but if they do not they could be decorated wildly.

    Saffron extract pills are less than 20¢ a pill, and have published support that they are antidepressant and svelte Ness producing, if these are popular it could be possible for automated flower harvesting machines to pluck the saffron flower near the
    ground, and the extraction and concentration of Safran chemistry compensate for the combined flower and saffron filament blossom not being separated by hand, that reduces much labor if saffron pills become popular

    A technology that could use lasers to micro surface texture breakfast cereals so they are silky smooth and completely non abrasive is i think possible

    Fridge magnets to hold children's drawings to a fridge could also have an art facing fiber optic or fisheye lens so that they automatically make a software curvature compensated iot computer upload able image that gets posted to the child and parent's
    dataspace, i think these could easily be the size of photovoltaic disc magnets

    Just from watching lots of naked nude and sexy people here at xvideos I feel like everyone is mostly nudist and has a great sex friendly attitude. Go nudist in everyday life, join a nudist recreation center as well. Make your family clothing optional.

    Noticing how many people do oral sex on penises or would like to receive deeper oral sex on their own penis it is great more than 1/3 of all persons are already in 2022 AD absent a gag reflex, making it so those people can enjoy giving oral sex to a
    penis even when it percusses the back of the throat. Cofocalized lasers can shine through deep throat tissue and the lasers can then knockout base of the branch gagging nerves, that makes it so even fast deep intense penis in throat motion called throat
    fucking feels harmless to the giver, the treatment would be about $40, as much as a single laser dermis treatment.

    Many people do oral sex on penises or would like to receive deeper oral sex at their own penis it is great more than 1/3 of all persons are already in 2022 AD absent a gag reflex, Cofocalized lasers can shine through deep throat tissue and the lasers
    can then knockout base of the branch gagging nerves, and that makes it so even fast deep intense penis in throat motion called throat fucking feels harmless to the receiver the treatment would be near $40, as much as a single laser dermis treatment.

    Ii think it is possible to use Cofocalized lasers to zap micronerves in the anus and rectum to remove the micronerves linked to discomfort. This would make the experience of anal sex and anal sex toys completely absent discomfort so only pleasure would
    be felt. It could be as affordable as a single laser dermatology treatment, about $40. The nice blonde in this video would only experience anal pleasure.

    Among domestic partners like wives and husbands it is likely that most would benefit from partner sharing and swapping, described as the swinger lifestyle in 2022AD,to find out if the members of the domestic partnership were likely to benefit from being
    swingers that shared partners a psychometric test could be made.

    Riding a dildo might build the strength to ride a man
    Olympic glbt+ suisuit looks like gymnasts leotard so women seek her out and join her in shower masturbation
    Wet traces of pussy fluid could be vendables
    How many minutes of unfocused stroking my cock viewing videos single
    30mg estrogen contraceptives might assist her or coworkers

    The speed and stamina of finger, hand, forearm, and tongue motions is likely mostly genetic, using twin genetic studies and other genetic studies find the 99th percentile genetics for speed and stamina at these body parts and make those be genetic
    enhancements to all humans that is Homo sapiens, this benefits sexual pleasure and masturbatory self pleasure capacity.

    The generic womanizer clitoral suction sex toy could be made into a soft floppy gel vinyl like array of polymer tubes with individual suction ability, loose and floppy and able to be placed over the whole outer vagina is would suck at many spots and in
    iot computer orchestrated patterns of waves and shapes of suction and also polymer wiggling feeling, the vinyl like polymer material could have different passive acoustic physics resonance masses in it and be activated to motion from piezoelectric beat
    frequency pickup. It makes the entire outside of the vagina feel variously cunnilingus ed and good, it could even have some aperture spaces on it so an actual person's tongue could lick through those gaps.
    Another version of the same thing is like a strapless bra cup or bra lined with gentle suction and soft as the back of the fingers and hand touch feeling to the breasts, this pleasure creating cup can do comforting, pleasing, nonsexual or sexual contact
    patterns on both of each of the breasts. Silicone or vinyl with plural actuatables and suction like the just described all outer vagina simultaneous array pleasure technology item.

    One of Amazon's most popular children's toys is a bunch of geometrically shaped mini panels that have magnets embedded in them so that they easily touch and link to make 3D shapes. I've noticed children like to play with balloons, I think if easy to blow
    up balloons had magnetic material embedded in their rubber sheet surface that they could be both big cores and magnetic attraction decorations for other magnet panel buildings, the balloons could come in a many pack, and its possible adding 1/1000th of a
    cent of metal to a 1¢ balloon is a 1-2¢ multi magnetic bump balloon. One nice thing is you can draw on balloons too.

    Actual sex sex education in video computer games, at the Sims the individual sim could often accomplish its relationship goal if the sim did sex education and practice which for the Sims player would consist of learning sexual moves, first moves, touch
    flirtation, and making concrete plans in advance to go out to music venues and swingers clubs in real life I think sex and interpersonal intimacy improves health and happiness, so at other computer amusements doing the actual sex education could improve
    those health and happiness amounts for the character

    Outdoor children's play structures for the yard work better the more often children visit them, i think something like a large sized automatic fish feeder could dispense two candy or mini eggs a day into the upper part of a climb able yard play structure,
    this causes the children to voluntarily use the play structure more often

    BT bacterial spray to terminate caterpillars that eat tree leaves already exists, engineering the BT bacteria to make opiate peptides that numb the mouths and cause the caterpillars to cease eating could be possible, the opiate peptides could also slow
    caterpillar movement

    I am absent knowing but I perceive 2021 AD Americans like driving large vehicles with some greater elevation from the road surface, it's possible there are a variety of ways to construct a tall but fuel saving light mass vehicle, but that previously came
    with risks of tipping ot unsafe motion, it's possible dynamically sliding masses like those that do earthquake motion compensation in buildings could make tall feeling, but fuel efficient vehicles possible causing greater economy and emissions reduction

    A window, like dwelling window applique made of thick autoclingy floppy vinyl that has high refractive index and can be stacked in layers to make a soft glittery prism stack, the softness makes it child friendly

    Toy for babies, babies might like a toy they can squish and change with their hands that has super soft foam on the outside, a big gel shape in the middle, and a core that bends like a gumby

    I have heard of plastic tent pegs but not Teflon coated tent pegs

    Powdered carbohydrates like oatmeal have high glycemic response, coating them with glue could give them less glycemic response

    Translate ideas to Russian and Arabic

    Mashed potato wedges formed with carbonated water

    Breathsavers have blue middles and lifesavers have apertures, optics savers could have telescope making optical elements instead of apertures

    A cylindrical three sided coin that looks like a gappy old air capacitor

    Children's shoelaces you write sayings on then lace up shoes with might be slightly fun, mad-libs versions

    Do children's stomachs and gi tracts have different pH than that of adults? If they do then pills could be especially reformulated to be functional at children's gi tracts

    Saran wrap could be coated with microbiocidal but harmless to human peptides so wrapped food avoids decaying, at least some, possibly, or maybe not

    Many people must have thought of this but making stick-pack drink mixes with co2 bubbles in the sugar crystals could make them dissolve much better although not carbonate the beverage

    The technology to make prismatic bike reflector candy from sugar crystals could easily exist, these would be really glittery to look at.

    Cushy rubber microfoam feels really good, they could make children's and adults shoelaces out of it

    Making refrigerators more fun for small children searching for things in a refrigerator or putting them away, children 5 and under can only reach certain areas of the fridge easily, and the vegetable drawers might have occupied space right near
    childrens most optimal refrigerator areas in 2022,simply moving the vegetable drawers up could free up space of high usability to refrigerator using children

    If leaflitter and soil mulch were white it could reflect much more light back onto the plants growing in that material. I think it is possible to genetically engineer plants to have white color in their leaves that accumulates to make highly reflective
    white dirt

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