• Neurological plane nootropics:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 19:49:55 2023
    Imaginably a person could think of a nootropic as causing a person to think of things twice as often, one neurostimulant that does this while being highly mild at the organism is simply illuminating an area with twice as much light so that that the
    persons is able to distinguish twice as many things; Notably at a person this occurs without thinking twice as fast, and can be carried out during a usual duration of wakefulness withouth having much, if any, effect on duration of wakefulness and sleep
    periods; Also, doubling the number of things, like objects, or simplistically, words, at an area of text can radically change meaning, a kind of bulk-effect salient meaning, or a “if there’s lots of it that’s the idea I get about it” meaning,
    That suggests that just like the retina is a kind of plane of neurons, something that causes heightened activity of another plane of neurons where the plane of neurons could actually be a physical structure, possibly an actual plane of neurons, like the
    outer surface of gyrii of frontal lobes, or even the actual plane of AMPA neurons, if there is one at some location of the brain, or if there is a plane of kind of chronologically identical neurons at the limbic system then there is a muliple items of
    noticing and salience, with simulataneous emotiveness nootropic

    Conceptually, if an amygdala could be a “notice it fast” nootropic plane, is there a different nootropic plane where if you notice it, stimulate it, or route data through it, unlike the amygdala, it is noticed as good, noticed as happy, a noticed as
    happy nootropic plane; noticed as pleasurable might be a nucleus accumbens plane nootropic. It is possible some kind of fMRI or positron emission tomography thing could notice a retina-like plane of simultaneous neural response that is a plane of
    nootropic enjoyment, happiness, cognitive depth, idea form, “isness” Then just as light only stimulates the retina nootropic plane, it is possible drug localization technology could activate just that actual brain structure physical (likely even
    simultaneous, like the retina) nootplane, to up it across the board, causing a noot-plane themed cognitive thematization or realization typicality venue, like if you used dissipative solitons

    One thing that might be like a plane of nootformness (kind of like a retina is sort of a nootropic plane) is flavor, I perceive I read that there are parts of the human CNS that do not have a blood brain barrier, and that some of these neurons directly
    direct the presence of chemicals at the circulatory system, and that some of the neurons activate gag reflex when they detect a get rid of it now chemical, get rid of it fast right away, without blood brain barrier filtration or multiplexed neural data
    from the tongue; so the thing is, as a technology, are there any of these that feel good? A yum! neuron circulatory fluid reaction? Are any of these yums! particularly reinforcing at behavioral psychology? Do different species have different Yum!s?
    Are there perhaps even different Yum!s that can be measured as having people like them but not actually change the amount of food a person voluntarily consumes? Those could be BMI neutral ways to make food even more delicious.

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  • From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 23:55:39 2023
    Imaginably a person could think of a nootropic as causing a person to think of things twice as often, one neurostimulant that does this while being highly mild at the organism is simply illuminating an area with twice as much light so that that the
    persons is able to distinguish twice as many things; Notably at a person this occurs without thinking twice as fast, and can be carried out during a usual duration of wakefulness withouth having much, if any, effect on duration of wakefulness and sleep
    periods; Also, doubling the number of things, like objects, or simplistically, words, at an area of text can radically change meaning, a kind of bulk-effect salient meaning, or a “if there’s lots of it that’s the idea I get about it” meaning,
    That suggests that just like the retina is a kind of plane of neurons, something that causes heightened activity of another plane of neurons where the plane of neurons could actually be a physical structure, possibly an actual plane of neurons, like the
    outer surface of gyrii of frontal lobes, or even the actual plane of AMPA neurons, if there is one at some location of the brain, or if there is a plane of kind of chronologically identical neurons at the limbic system then there is a muliple items of
    noticing and salience, with simulataneous emotiveness nootropic

    Conceptually, if an amygdala could be a “notice it fast” nootropic plane, is there a different nootropic plane where if you notice it, stimulate it, or route data through it, unlike the amygdala, it is noticed as good, noticed as happy, a noticed as
    happy nootropic plane; noticed as pleasurable might be a nucleus accumbens plane nootropic. It is possible some kind of fMRI or positron emission tomography thing could notice a retina-like plane of simultaneous neural response that is a plane of
    nootropic enjoyment, happiness, cognitive depth, idea form, “isness” Then just as light only stimulates the retina nootropic plane, it is possible drug localization technology could activate just that actual brain structure physical (likely even
    simultaneous, like the retina) nootplane, to up it across the board, causing a noot-plane themed cognitive thematization or realization typicality venue, like if you used dissipative solitons

    One thing that might be like a plane of nootformness (kind of like a retina is sort of a nootropic plane) is flavor, I perceive I read that there are parts of the human CNS that do not have a blood brain barrier, and that some of these neurons directly
    direct the presence of chemicals at the circulatory system, and that some of the neurons activate gag reflex when they detect a get rid of it now chemical, get rid of it fast right away, without blood brain barrier filtration or multiplexed neural data
    from the tongue; so the thing is, as a technology, are there any of these that feel good? A yum! neuron circulatory fluid reaction? Are any of these yums! particularly reinforcing at behavioral psychology? Do different species have different Yum!s?
    Are there perhaps even different Yum!s that can be measured as having people like them but not actually change the amount of food a person voluntarily consumes? Those could be BMI neutral ways to make food even more delicious.

    ok, so: EEG waves: notably people can pile up waves and do things with them on purpose, is it possible to do things like stack and soliton EEG waves to do things on purpose that feel certain ways or even have soliton like ability to propagate further
    through neural tissues. Like if you make solitons (EEG waves) at the frontal lobes somehow, do they propagate physically further to places like the nucleus accumbens where they do all new things, and at the nucleus accumbens, feel wonderful, at a
    simpler version can you node or antinode eeg waves like gamma, to put gamma waves at double height, going with the idea they might be beneficial, at the brain, or notably, at particular areas of the brain; notably I think have read that playing eeg waves
    back into a persons head from scalp electrodes makes it so they learn faster, or even replay the emotional state of the wave, and I even perceive I read that replaying eeg waves back to a persons scalp can cause twice the effectiveess as navigating a
    computer environement rapidly and functionally,

    Writing about beneficial eeg modulation technologies I have mentioned gamma frequencies as beneficial frequently, making all the things I wrote have greater technology beneficialness I would say wherever it says gamma it could say, eeg frequencies that
    are notably beneficial, notably as played back at particular, possibly varied particular head electrode locations, so perhaps sequencing and head spatially arranging gamma with beta and theta, sort of turning a pie chart into a pie chart with different
    simultaneous or sequential proportions) and at particular electrode locations causes a particular benefit at a particular eeg modulation sequence program; I also mention that I think that playing EEGs back onto a persons head using electrodes could cause
    music to be twice as wonderful to experience or more, an application like that might be a non gamma application, but a gamma enriched music experience with another frequency band could combine enhanced wonderfulness of music with the greater cognition
    and learning of gamma frequencies, and that such a combination of wonderfulness and cognition could be the kind of think where if a person listens to a person speaking tot hem as part of a school lecture then the combination could heighten the actual
    learning while making the “resoundingness” “thereness” of the lecture higher and more attended to simultaneously; Also, the frequency bands named after letters could actually be immediately replaceable with new frequency and band meanings,
    effects and designations that arise from something like a deep learning AI classification, a mathematical equation, and a rich dataset could create new meanings about specific frequencies, locations, and naturally occuring multifrequency, even
    multilocation structures that are more functional as technology that produces a particular beneficial intended benefit than just using some word like gamma

    music feeling amplification (eeg modulation making music twice to ten times more wonderful) makes it a thing you would get besides headphones as a consumer getting things behavior

    overear heaphones (Like an Apple product that makes music two to ten times more wonderful) that use EEG modulation to make music twice to ten times as awesome could be imitated at many manufacturers, and versions made to work at any phone, or standalone,
    or like the gelatin capsule slide into hair version produced, valued and distributed

    overear hadphones have many places of contact with the head, besides conductive polymers at the ear pads, a casual, put anywhere approach could cause 2,4 9 of the little conductive nubs on the band to touch the head, it could be that a knowledgeable
    person noting where these electrodes were at ( a traversal location on the mid upper head) could come up with specific beneficial eeg modulation sequences playable to those electrode contact points in particular

    Learning from other people speaking amplification; use at school: it is possible that if eeg modulation can make music twice to ten times as awesome then listening to another person talk, such as the lecture portion of school, could be twice as memorable,
    or twice as attended to; this also benefits persons with different attention span capabilities; school usage is another thing that causes larger numbers of people to utilize it it so it spreads its beneficial effects to larger numbers of people, more
    rapidly, voluntarily

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