• To create higher resolution quantum observability:

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 07:48:18 2023
    the receptor active drug could also be localized: antibodies, or less immunoalerting, is aptamer localization, to particular neuron types, where the antibody or aptamer is linked to the activator drug. So if it was PEA, you could attach a gadolinium to
    it, and localize it to just one kind of aptamer-findable neuron. That way the observed fMRI, although the human viewed screen resolution (quantum observation mechanism) would be like it is like it is, would be making fMRI observations of some really
    specific things “point” things, rather than swathes of entire brain responding to a neurotransmitter receptor activbating drug. the fMRI would be looking at something like a splayed fiber optic lamp instead of whole room ambient lighting. This is to
    figure out if Dave’s idea that human tissue, like the CNS, is quantum superposed, and that, slightly different than his idea, resolving the quantum superposition, could cause effects.

    Also, from reading Dave’s material on Quora I perceives he entertains the concept that quantum superposition at tissue like the CNS might, to his thought, last “femtoseconds” That suggests making a list of body things, possibly those with less
    aqueous stochastic neighborness, which if superposed would last longer, up to seconds, minutes or days. I read about somewhat macroscopic vibrating wires, that lasted minutes, possibly hours as quantum unresolved matter. It is possible that the
    comparatively less water at the area areas like bone could have filamentous structures that would have longer quantum superposition durability. Also, the durability of what are called hydrations shells, when water next to a molecule takes its shapes, or
    controus around its shape; I perceive there are even layers of hydration shells surrounding the contoured first hydration shapes. So, what is the quantum superposition durability of a hydration shell? (it could be that water lasts a long time around
    some molecules or cytostructures)

    Another listable quantum durable: crystalloid bodies at cytes exist, although I might not know what they are called, I have viewed images of these as circle (presumably round 3d blobs or spheres) of protein so homogenous and tightly arrayed as to form
    what looks like a blob of crystal at images of cytes. Non-lipids, the interior of these is nonaqueous, and could have particularly durable quantum superposition, also noting they might be at the interior of almost all cytes, the effects of their quantum
    resolution or the durability of their superposition could directly affect the cytosol, proteins, their effects, and other cytosol things. So at neurons these crystal blobs, if resolved might have different chemistry, and groups of them might even form a
    distribution of the “amount” that each cyte, like a neuron, is quantum resolved or superposed (this neuron has 90% superposed, 10% resolved, that neuron has 90% resolved, 10% superposed; these amounts of superposition or resolution contribute to the
    actual chemistry that occurs at the cytosol. Quantum resolution would effect spintronic chemistry. Supporting the idea that quantum resolution would affect chemistry differently than quantum superposition is that systems with electron spin, when the
    spins are synchronized (all up) have different spintronic effects (spintronic chemical catalysts are published). Also although it would be proton/nucleus emphasized, nuclear spin, which differs from electron spin, also changes chemical activity (MRI is
    published as effecting biochemistry). So, resolved or superposed molecules could, among numerous possible quantum resolvables, have spin that converts to a particular form, which is chemically differently active than a superposed molecule (say it goes to
    spin up, from spin unresolved that might be like “both chemical versions simultaneously” The unresolved molecule is still doing something, but on observation it does the spin-specific version of its chemistry.

    (from reading about the researchers looking at the DQCE the next day DQCE quantum adjustability lasts many hours, it could last decades if the optical system goes unobserved, but I am absent knowledge of a published “longest interval” to change or
    resolve (DQCE: re-resolve) a quantum event, so, notably at crystalloids and bone, quantum unresolved things could be clustered, arranged, “domino effected” and insulated to produce quantum unresolved structures that had composite durability of
    greater length than any one molecule’s quantum durability. If we domino effect a trillion hydroxyapatite molecules in bone at a structure or even a distribution, then Dave’s “femtosecond” might be a 1 second durability of superposition, long
    enough to so something with his “schoedinger’s neurons” idea. Also, along with arrangements of molecules, previously described is another way to build chronological lengths and physical spans (like length and breadth) of quantum superposedness or
    resolvedness as positioned things, that retain their shape or form, through the generation of standing waves (just make a mirror out of atoms, and next to it occurs a concentration; two mirrors you have an etalon with standing waves, possibly regularly
    spaced as blobs, also some wave cavities and shapes of source-pushes, create solitons (a shape of wave with 100 or more times the durability and non-spead dissolution of a sine wave) Interestingly these can be treated as groupings of superposition, like
    superposition near other superposition, to produce things like solitons of superposedness; these as a slightly different kind of wave would have more than 100 times the non-spread and possibly durability compared with a one atom or one elctron sytem, So,
    to Cheer dave, Ithink there are possible human physiological quantum superpositions that last much longer than femtoseconds, and, if they have value, can be engineered and optimized to provide benefit to humans.

    Also, for Dave, there is the possibility of looking at Hom much of a system, like a system with an eigenvalue, is both superposed and resolved, like the potentially possible 90% superposed, 10% resolved crysalloids making up a “kind of quantum resolved,
    still quantum superposition flexible” body cyte or neuron. It is my perception he is absent requiring the whole neuron be superposed (I think he thinks that if it were all resolved people would be p-zombies; just the “mechanicals” of chemistry
    and physics)

    Noting a mix of reolved and superposed at an actual cyte or tissue, finding things at the body, where there are a group of them, where the proportions or, utilzing better math:distributions of some resolved and some unresolved could cause

    eigenvalue math and a slightly substrate-independent consciousness source possibility: Note that electron or nucleus spin sort of just makes out the quantum states of an atom or molecule at a neurotransmitter receptor to have kind of have a chemical
    druglike effect, and drugs are already well known to have effects on consciousness, presence of being and isness;

    I should reread what Dave has written, I think he is thinking of why people are not p-zombies and from what experienced consciousness arises from, rather than saying “quantum state can function like a drug” (as an aside, quantum things could be
    affecting the felt mind, but perhaps some unglamourous 3% heightening or lessening of some chemical system)

    noting though that quantum superposition has nonfinite probability distances (the electron could appear a light year away, it is just statistically unlikely to) quantum superposition might have math representation with nonfinite elements at a math matrix;
    That matrix could have different eigenvalues; my perception of an eigenvalue is that it is what remians when you change everything out at a matrix, there is a colloquial thing, where if you swap out every part of a car, and it still drives, is it the
    same car? The carness persists, the things it is made of are swapped out. So an eigenvalue can be thought of that which persists. There could be content here, but I have no idea what it is. being seems, from some perspectives, to be a persistent
    chracteristic even thought

    The things is that eigenvalues have math definitions, so there are logical “unfoldements” and rigorous pathways (operations) that can be performed on the matrices that generate the eigenvalues.
    So, they could search to see if consciousness has any math-of-eigenvalue predictabilities (hypothesizables) then the more things at consciousness that do, or fit, the eigenvalue math easily, or perhaps even sructurally; that is eigenvalue math
    transformations and axioms which eigenvalue math is based on, can be found at consciousness, and then benefically perhaps even physically searched for at the brain. If consciousness has eigenvalue confirming math sourcings and predictable equational
    effects then huamns could find eentsy changes that change he eigenvalue of a marix tremendously and test them on nonhuman mammals and if harmless or beneficial, could do them at humans. Perhaps there is an equational unfoldement of math that can be
    translated to tissue, massively modifying the eigenvalue based, predictive model of consciousness form of being, isness and consciousness. One temporary adjustment could create voluntarily-modified duration of heightened isness, another math operation/
    equation/function could cause temporary P-zombie form.

    So, if there are supported hypothesis that eigenvalue math
    could be found to accurately, equationally-predictively, model and predict isness, or consciousness, that could be another source of consciousness, linkable to physiology, that is different than quantum things, that Dave might like.

    and hey, I donot know if quantum superposition has some eigenvalue persistence thing although putting quantum states into an array, calling it a matrix, and calulating an eigenvalue would make one. Dave might like reading up on eigenvalues, and see if
    even a bubbly “femtosecond” or, as described above second or multiminute ar multiday, quantum effects when viewed as a math array can have a persisting eigenvalue, noting that eigenvalue is a way of mathematically naming something that arises and
    persists even as all the parts bubble into different forms.

    There are things online where they do eigenvalue calculations with actual, or possibly models or emulators of quantum computers; these might have group-effect-swapout-persistence derived values arising from quantum systems. I
    I am absent a basis to think that quantum effects are

    There could be a a lot of things look like this at the human body snag: a turing machine can do matrices and support eigenvalues, so finding eigenvalue-compatible parts of human consciousness might require sifting out many easy-to-misimportancize
    eigenvalue generating systems at the human being. Even just syte/tissue/neuron feed-forward and feedback (Norbert Weiner:cybernetic) loops could be making turing machines all over the place at humans I appreciate that there is possible actual science
    value to finding eigenvalue generators and sustainers at human tissues, and what things they cause to persist, but is there any cause to think that just because consciousness might be one of them, that it is?

    a mathematician might figure out what a matrix with nondecided array elements does. “nondecided elements” would, noting Dave’s idea, be Quantum states like superposition. I have read they make matrices of functions, and of course quantum
    superposition is likely writable as an equation to be placed in a location at a matrix. And hey, why use a 2d grid matrice; it seems likely that mathematicians have figured out calculations, solutions, and unique characteristics of 3D matrices,
    spherical matrices, and matrices with and without “edge wrap”, So, there are some mentally groovy variations on predicting eigenvalues, generating eigenvalues of superpositioned quantum things, persisting effects, and specific math forms together.

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