• beauty pharmaceuticals (2/2)

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 27 20:11:37 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    This one is kind of theoretical my perception is that hydrocarbons are popular as a result of ease of transport at the engine, it flows, n atomizes n things as compared with say chunks of matter so apparently I thought of a new kind of engine that works
    on chunks of matter rather than fluids, which creates a greater range of possible power sources the main thing is that the travelling tube has a kind of
    Ok think of an engine with a person putting a trash can inside another trash can yet the littler trash can or the base of the big trash can has a rapidly rotatingdisc which flings particulates at a distribution of particles even while the nested
    trashcans are travelling, that slightly airpopper whirl like action, although it is mechanically actuated makes sure a particulate has lots of surface area to gas ratio yet the rotating disc could have (((O))) rotation zones such that at biggest volume
    it could actually fling the waste combusted particles to troughs on the sides which would be um, pressure plenumed with a gasket so if you look into a trash can then visualize the concentric circles as being variously rotatable to either fling up
    particulates, or fling to the side post combustion materials that’s what it could look like. The point being to make a an “ICE” that could use particulates like powderized biomass or possibly dried energy rich biomaterials or dry bacteria as a
    conveyable fuel, as compared with a liquid hydrocarbon

    wikipedia describing the weak force notes that a neutron has a half life of a quarter hour making a neutron be a waveform using a double slit experiment them superimposing multiple waveform neutrons on each other may change their duration of half life
    creating custom radioactivity it may be possible to overlap multiple neutrons to create very gradually radioactive tritium or highly radioactive deuterium
    a beauty producing pillow creates a mild dc electromagnetic field wiggling magnetic particles at the face creating like 1 pt dermabrasion which would duplicate the cosmetic benefit of a dermabrasion treatment after about 72 hours of sleep thus removing
    any dermabtrasion sensation or side effects while also beautifying a laser could verify the beneficial cosmetic effect onb the dermis then customize the beaut6y treatment i think dc is capable of wiggling magnetic paryicles as a result of slight natural
    face as well as pillow movements. It is possible that a new kind of magnetic particle that is two or more 0---0 magnetic areas linked with a polymer could gather together then ungather as a result of a pulsed dc field. I think a dc field may be milder
    physiologically than an ac field yet human tissue culture would be used to find a magnetic wiggle field that had a beneficial or absence of effect on human tissue lissatricity may also be beneficial at this application I have read that cytomembranez
    polarize near 1 volt thus a magnetic wiggle at less than a volt is likely to be particularly absent controversial effect.
    maya reducing video game
    what should people notice? this video game uses color glasses like 3d glasses to hide distractors at a video game activity area, the person actually practices ignoring things only visible with the glasses off , which include phrases, appearances,
    simulation of actual "avoidable activities" the person practices until they can ignore distractors at their environment. the video game has strong similarities to actuality teaching kids or adults to ignore peers, come-ons, creepy things, things that are
    creepy that seem otherwise. this is a response to the idea of what modality of ethics is right to teach kids, supposedly there is "teaching" verbal suggestion" actual "leading from example" yet these may not be as effective as a simulation. that way a
    person could teach their kids to notice authentic value with mutual benefit, rather than seeking to explain the ethical basis, cautionary narrative, or non-basis of human behavior. from an ethical perspective it could be described as "practicing the
    shared project of ethical behavior" rather than,well the alleged ethicist teaches then we construct a narrative of meaning.
    petroleum geology technologies

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