• Way of preventing malaria that is harmless to humans, mosquitos drink n

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 04:18:00 2023
    Technology that causes 111 times physically less big, fully functional, or also enhanced function electrical generators, transformers, motors, electromagnets, in and out force technology objects, magnetic disk platters, mass drivers, magnetic catalysts,
    magnetooptical effect technologies, magnetic brain, nerve, and tissue stimulators like tms, particle accelerators, magnetohydrodynamic technology items, and possibly magnet optimized antennas, Mri, fmri body and brain scanners, NMR spectroscopes,
    agricultural magnetic technologies that benefit plants, and a new thing, high magnetic field, like annular field shockwave compression of metal, ceramic, polymer, concrete and asphalt compression such that the compression and peak force areas at the
    entire volume of material have an effect like laser peening to increase durability and resistance to cracking, 15-20 times, as well as heighten corrosion resistance not just at the surface, and also at the entire volume of material, the technology is
    based on a coin squishing single zap magnet i read about online that, apparently without noteably warming the metal disc causes it to be much thicker but at about 1/3 less diameter, approximating the magnetic field of the coin sqjisher, without accuracy,
    each sequential tesla of magnetism is about a ^2 magnetic field increase, so a 7 tesla mri is about 128 times more magnetic, a known 45 tesla magnet that omits shattering its own winding exists, the coin squisher magnet disintegrates its few loop
    magnetic winding near instantly, suggesting the coin squisher magnet is between 19 and 40 teslas,

    A lot like laser peening and supported with coolish magnetic coin sqishers is at entire depth and fullness of metal or even diamagnetic material like a polymer or ceramic, a high shockwave, likely repeated double digit tesla pulse causes compession,
    tension, and expansion at depth that causes, at laser peened surfaces 15-20 times greater strength and durability, magnetic depth peening i think has the high utility attribute of making the entire depth and fullness of the material 15-20 times stronger,
    or a greater amount than that because computer optimized three dimensional structures like geodesics of tension and compression can be made throughout the material, a novel use for this is that some electric cars are built on a thing called a skate,
    taking individual parts of the skate and magnetic depth peening them causes them to be 15-20 times or greater stronger, that brings up the ability to engineer a skate that is just as strong while being made of 20 times less material, which at an electric
    vehicle increases efficiency, similarly, at a hydrocarbon oxidation vehicle the engine block and drive train, and other parts could be depthily magnetic peened and weigh 20 times less, heightening energy efficiency, thinking of rebar that is depth
    magnetic peened, this causes structures to utilize rebar that is 20 times stronger for the same $, causing greater structural strength, at chemical process industry reactors made of minimally chemically reactive strong alloys like hastelloy, being able
    to make these reactors with 1/20th the mass and material $ increases profitability, and promotes more rapid technological advancement, another magnetic depth peening product is the wire used in generators, transformers, motors, and electromagnets, making
    these 2-20 times stronger, or making very strong metal sheaths like tungsten, and tungsten superalloys around the main conductors or wires makes it so that very high 24-40 tesla field electric generators like utility electric generators, transformers,
    including utility power distribution transformers, and motors and electromagnets are able to accomodate their own high magnetic field when they are utilized, such that their wire windings omit disintegration even at near or partial magnetic coin squisher
    field intensities

    A generator or motor that is 111-200 times physically smaller is, i think, possible with high tesla fields, and fractions of magnetic coin squisher currents, very high currents that are less than coinsquisher currents could produce an 11 tesla field at
    both the stator and the rotor, i am unknowledgeable, but perceive an 11 tesla field is about 2048 times stronger than a 1 tesla field,

    Some versions of new to me electromagnets being part of the conductive pathway, prevously described as a winding at a generator, transformer, or motor winding are, noting two same pole magnets facing each other have compressed field lines and very high
    magnetic field, a variation on that is to have the two same pole magnets be like edge touching clock hands angled to each other, and test 11 different hingelike angles to each other to find the greatest concentration of field lines that cause a large, or
    largest magnetism field protuberance, whether that is a kind of magnetic field 3D many field lines parabola, or is from the two magnet contact or .4-.8 mm spacing rather than contact at the hinge, this could be a way to have a tall magnetic field that
    travels from the stator, farther than the rotor stator gap to actually put its high intensity parabola at some depth into the rotor, highly at the

    Things that benefit babies, SIDS preventing technology, laser physical motionizing activity ranges from the strong metal reorganizing activity, to the gradual rotation of a radiometer, that suggests there is a laser causation of physics force which is
    completely harmless to human, that is homo sapiens and branch species tissue, also repeated laser millinewton force can accumulate at what is called physics resonance to cause much larger amounts of tissue and nerve and neuron movement, pressurization,
    and individual body cyte massage, to prevent SIDS, have a camera or laser continually observe a babys breathing, if the breathing becomes 94th percentile shallowest or most irregular, or like anything known about pre-SIDS breathing then the centinewton
    or millinewton force producing laser beams onto the diaphragm stimulating muscle activation nerves, and the pulses of pressure, at some frequency cause nerve stimulation and the diaphragm motion that goes with it, making it so the baby breathes, and
    keeps breathing, simultaneously with that, the baby is enjoyably prompted to be awake from completely pleasant pleasure nerve photonic motion stimulation of the nerves of the mouth, and, also prompting waking, gently increasing the amount of eye harmless
    brightness of light, or different colors, or round white and white and blue and white and green shapes that are projected into eyes through non open eyelids to cause waking, this is based on the idea that SIDS occurs from nonbreathing, if SIDS occurs
    from cardioorgan activity shallowness to nonmotion then when the lasers or camera notice cardioorgan shallowness of activity, photonic massage of the vagus nerve or cardioorgan nerves causes full function relaxed happy baby pulse, BP, and cardioorgan
    circulatory system fluid motioning amount. Related to this is the rapid camera and laser sensing of the minutes or seconds before, or first milliseconds during a myocardial infarction, notably at an adult, and to redirect the myocardial infarction nerve
    activation patterns to be those of completely well cardioorgans, preventing an actual myocardial infarction from occuring

    if the baby is asleep

    The un has 17 development goals, one of which is precluding or preventing all hunger, rnai epigenetic technologies support that goal, 1) hypermethylation of histone protein production, or genetic engineering to cause an absence of crop plant histones, or
    1/8 the previous amount of histones reduces histone quantity causing more rapid transcription and production of plant gene products and crop plant growth, particularly at grains and grainheads, tubers, legumes, sugar plants like sugarbeets, oilseeds
    including palm oils, soybeans, milk cow grazing crops, causes greater mass of grain, tubers, and many othed food plants and milk cow food straw amount per plant, epigenetic downregulation of antinutritional phytates at all crops, notably beans and peas,
    as well as baby and infant food surplus causing voluntary, and reversible use of epigenetic modifiers to produce double human breastmilk volume from acetylating the genes activated and measurable when humans use galactogens like fenugreek concentrate
    and rBST, voluntary breastfeeding person having epigenetic acetylation and upregulation of the genes associated with human milk that is at the 99th percentile of lipids, sugars, proteins, micronutrients, and baby and infant immune system building
    physiochemicals amount, as well as 99th percentile genes of producing food calorie rich hindmilk being epigenetically upregulated such as acetylated, as well as the hypermethylation of any genes that would have decreased breatfeeding human milk amount or
    nutrition content, another technology that supports global food suffieciency at all humans is the baby modified epigenetics or also voluntary child or adult epigenetic modification of the epigenetics of the human gi tract small intestine becoming 1.5-2
    times greater length with greater narrowness that absorbs more food calories, proteins, and lipids than gi tracts the length of 90th percentile 20Th century AD gi tracts, notably the probiotic yogurt lkm512 causes this gi tract lengthening and narrowing
    at mice, so that is a way to find the receptor genetics, and physiochemical genetics of longer narrower gi tract form that cause greater food absorption so that effective single dosd epigenetic modifiers can be constructed, it is possible that at humans,
    that is homo sapiens and branch species that this causes single digit or double digit increase in food absorption, if 7-9% greater food calorie absorption occurs then that is like global food supply, including local food supply to increase 7-9% from a
    voluntary and optionally revertable human epigenetic modifier, causing a food surplus equivalent of as as much as the amount of food utilized at 700 million humans per 8 billion humans, one epigenetic modifier dosing form technology that works from one
    dose is an epigenetic modifier at a liposome, where the liposome has dodecanate moieties on it that cause monthlong diffusion, liposome travel to all body cytes and cumulative dosing of the epigenetic modifier, noting that at about 200 Pico grams
    cumulative dose, the epigenetic modifier dose is about a millionth of 1¢, or at 1 microgram of liposome at $90/kg at 1/10,000 of a ¢, and a delicious tasting rapid dissolve in the mouth 1/4¢ 111 mg candy vehicle with plant proteins or alginate that
    cause 11-24 minute duration of mouth, buccal, sublingual absorption of the eligenetic modifier chemical liposome, causing an order of magnitude more transport to the body of the epigenetic modifier, or also a 1/100th of a cent flat gel breath freshener
    form, which are also both forms administerable to babies after parturition as well as voluntary use at any child or adult that ever has personal concern about the amount of sufficient food they are getting, it is possible and high personal utility to
    have and maintain a svelte beautiful, attractive form at all humans, notably at the global vast majority of humans with food sufficiency and surplus it is possible at the women and girls that voluntarily participate at puberty that the simultaneous
    epigenetics and epigenetic modifiers of breast tissue growth like adipose tissue growth accompany getting or utilizing 7-9% greater food calorie absorption causes any calorie surplus to increase the size of the breasts of humans with two sex chromosomes,
    both of them X chromosomes to be the size of the 2021 AD sex video lead sex activity person Buffy Busty also known as Lucie Wilde who has Perhaps G to K cup breast size, at the fresh, gravity effect minimized and highest lifespan perkiness of the shape
    of Buffy Busty' also known as Lucie Wilde's breasts at age 14-16 shape while human enhanced germ line and somatic genetics maintain a svelte waist to hip ratio of .64, and a genetic hip size of 32-34 inches at women and girls who have attained their full
    height of 73 or 74 inches,

    Other technologies that support the UN guide to make it so all humans have sufficient food are utilizing, not gibrrrelin directly, but the genes, gene networks, and cascades that cause rapid growth from either cytoproliferation or cytoelongation, if
    there are 9-11 genes active at the giberellin response gene network it is possible 2 of them are giberellin effect decreasers, those growth decreaser genes could be deleted at crop plants, then plants with that genetic change measured as to their
    increased food and other product yield, it is also possible that rather than a gene deletion, a gene producible epigenetic modifier like RNAi that does single, duo, or triple methylation downregulation of growth decrrasing genes, is notably made a part
    of an existing gene expressed in large quantity mostly at the food producing part of the plant like a grainhead, notably nutrient rich grain germ, tuber, bean, or oilseed structure, during 2004ish AD i heard or read about a genetic cassette that caused
    introduced new DNA to be highly expressed at the seeds or grains of barley, it is possible that the 40-111 most frequently grown crops have an edible plant tissue concentrating gene cassette that is already published and available, similarly aptamer
    peptides coded with dna and expressed at the crop plant that glom and make nonactive any receptor or receptor active plant chemical that decreases plant growth, and crop plant food part growth increase both the amount of food produced, as well as
    heighten plant tissue leaf, microroot, and root hair amount that causes higher amounts of plant thriving and plant tissue volume, the heightened amount of more rapidly produced plant leaf and microroot plant tissue volume makes the numbers of 24 hour
    periods between planting seeds and gathering the crop to be fewer, which increases agribusiness and farm revenue and profitability from producing, possibly, multiple more crops per growing season, as well as increasing crop gathered quantity led grow
    light active vertical farming number of crops amount produced each 365 and be an amount that causes amount can be bethe benefit of a gene an a non or delicious gel thin layer epigenetic modifier similar to a 1/100th of a cent breath freshening gel mouth
    dissolved form gibberelin, stomata volume, stomata water ph

    A technology to heighten crop yield at all food plants is to use seeds optimized to the local climate and weather, various daytime temperature and sunlight amount, one optimization is to have cool climate seeds be engineered to make visual frequency
    optically transparent wide ir spectrum ir absorbing plant chemicals, perhaps especially near the visible light absorbing leaf metabolic parts, the visual frequency transparent ir absorbers could be based on any known or new ir absorbing chemical
    including a novel visual transparent version of any blue plant color chemical like those at blue blossoms, as well as a highly reengineered fluorescent protein, there is also a violet carotenoid that if modified to be transparent at the visible might
    absorb ir, at cooler crop climates absorbing morning and noon and evening ir warms photosynthetic enzymes and atp making enzymes and plant fluids, causing faster carbohydrate and atp production and growth, making the duration period between seeding and
    gathering the crop briefer and raising fiscal effectiveness, and allowing double cropping per chronological span, one thing that would benefit this technology is photoble

    Angular momentum, compared with spin has a much larger data representational space from greater associated instrinsic variations and what i read is called polydimensionality, that brings up the technology form that is the physics particle, or physics
    energy field carrier, that contains the largest amount of angular momentum multiple attributes including polydimensionality, like energy field carrying photons, plasmonic atom groups, ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic magnetic coupling like
    witricity that transfers electromotive force at a distance, as well as the energy carriers at completely new to me and different magnetism like effects, that imaginably could have 4,5,or even combinatorial 24 or 120 different magnetic pole types, or most
    basic and parsimonious possible magnetism like structures at each single 3/2,5/2,5/3,and integer spin particles, particle and atomic element groups, and a nonatom particle next to, associated with, at the nuclear nucleus radius area colocation, or at the
    entire atom radius area including electron area and volume, as well as nonelement 5 and 3 fractional spin and integer particles that are bosons or other physics forms that cause the technological capability of multiple simultaneous particles to
    simultaneously occupy the same volume and shared volume, boson particle, 5/2,5/3,3/2 fractional and integer spin forms at boson or boson like ability to have numerous, possibly nonfinite amounts of particles at a volume, make it so that the magnetism
    like field with 4,5,24,or 120 novel kinds of magnetic, or magnetic metaphor field forms, instantaneous polymagnetic pole or pole like magnetic forms, as well as 1K,11K,a million, a billion, a trillion a quadrillion of these varied spin state particles at
    bosonic form that technologically makes numerous orders of magnitude high simultaneous volumetric colocation makes new magnetic field like, new forms of magnetism that have magnetism and magnetism like effects that have mathematically describable snd
    engineerable magnetism like field intensities of 1K,11K,a million, billion, trillion, quadrillion or larger amount of teslas at each multipartiicle bosonic volumetric particle radius and volume area, the ability to make million, billion, trillion, and
    quadrillion or higher magnetism like effects creates completely new technologies, including such things as particle and element energy densities that cause nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, what are called as nuclear isotopes that have orders of magnitude
    greater stored energy than fissioning or possibly fusioning energy production, the possible new technology where a polybosonic multibillion to quadrilion simultaneous particle colocation with the million to quadrilion times greater magnetism like effect
    could be able to share energy, direct energy, math and technology instantaneously predict and create novel 3D,2D,1D,dimensionlessly,fractal dimensionally, or predictably have state change during chronological duration progression, such that different
    individual high instensity field like technologies could purposefully effect and modify just the weak force, just the strong force, just the forces that effect quark and gluon distancing energetics, quark and gluon nearnessizing energetics, dynamics of
    quark and gluon component periodic auto repeating motions and motion energetics, where, notably, quark and gluon energetics, distances and nearnesses, and periodic dynamicisms are modifiable with million to quadrillion or higher purposefully engineered
    bosonic volume simultaneity 5,3,fractional and integer spin particles magnetism like effects, notably not just the single instant quark, gluon, weak and strong force effect at 10^9-18 tesla like field at an overlapping boson group volume, but also the
    engineered, and also ai and genetic algorithm modeled purposefully optimized, enhanced, and completely new effect circuit-like, dynamic production and instantaneous equation sulution and form or technology creation, including both cellular automata
    iteration computers different than turing machines, but also technologizing and making billion, trillion, quadrilion or greater bosonic novel different than 1/2 fractional spin magnetic like forms, such that these magnetic like forms iterate over
    nanoseconds, picozeconds, exaseconds, or those fractions of a second iterations possible at the polymagnetic cooverlapping particle volume size, if a nucleus is 1K to 1 millionth of a 111 Pico meter radius element atom, and light travels about 25
    micrometers each picozecond, 25 Pico meters each femtosecond, and about 25 femtometers each attozecond, or 25 units of length 1K times eentsier than a femtosecond each 1/1000th of an attosecond, that suggests that based on the velocity of light an
    element nucleus of a quadrilionth of a meter can be traversed with a photon during 1/25000 of an attosecond, that suggests that at a multibillion multitrillion testlas of magnetism like intensity of form polybosonic novel fractional or integer spin pulse
    the higgs boson to dynamically alter mass, resonantly pump mass amount, or the opposite of mass amount, which makes various particles responding to the pulsed higgs boson to have different experiences of gravity, any of the pulsed higgs boson effected
    particle types that show or have mass anisotropic, mass smooth increase or mass smooth decrease excluding higgs boson pulsed gravitational function, or locations of very high stability and durability even multisecond or multimilenium durability forms and
    stable forms from a pulsed higgs boson decreased gravity effect, increased gravity effect, or completely new and engineerable kind of gravity or gravity effect with newly math polyglyph, multiple more math equation attribute, or also math describable
    polydimensionality of pulsed higgs boson gravity forms and technogies makes it so that a pulsed higgs boson next to a particle, a plurality of pulsed higgs bosons with either identical pulsing timing and pulse waveforms, or diffefently constructed pulse
    intervals at particular higgs bosons, with plural simultaneous pulsing sources at 720° around each higgs boson, atom corral made of higgs bosons, bosonic volume colocation ultramagnetic like fields at atom corrals, and strong, weak, gluon and quark
    field modifier particles including colcated bosonic novel spin simultaneous volume occupiers, atom corrals of particles with angular momentum math space plural data, and instant equation solution at the 90th percentile of angular momentum high data and
    equation capacity particles and physics energy carrying forms, at these high number of angular momentum that differs from spin, attribute greater amount of math attribute equation glyphs and components that can represent data, data capacity,
    instantaneous math equations, and computational, iterated, and instantaneous equation solutions, computer program, AI program, including analog neural networks, digital neural networks, higher efficiency and ability non turing cellular automata forms of
    neural networks, iterated and instantaneous math equation data, database, internet, and all data and databases search hashes, regex search programs, indexes, presorts of databases and the entire internet and all 2D,3D media, brain scans and body scans
    mathematically parsimonious, full data forms, and also the high amount angular momentum particles being and doing completely nonsentient neural networks, completely nonsentient genetic algorithms, completely nonsentient genetic algorithms, as well as
    those attribute and measured physics distinct number of simultaneously addressible, technologically high utility high amounts of angular momentum characteristic having particles, energy carriers, and molecule like plural element or especially multidata,
    multiequation angular momentum attributes that are observable and changeable with technology to do high utility quantum effects and analog effects with
    Angular momentum attribute atom or particle or molecule forms at the atom corral cause a wave overlap concentration area at the middle of the corral, it could be possible to plurally angular hyperload this focal effect area to either have every angular
    momentum attribute of every different physics particle

    Novel fractional and integer spin catalysts do new kinds of magnetic catalysis like effects, different than electrons but conducted, polymagnetic novel spin state like form energy transfer similar to witricity doing a thing analogous to electrified
    catalysis, the very most affordable novel fractional spin and integer spin particles and elements, and associated particles being a new kind of battery chemistry, and a new kind of ultrahigh novel fractional and integer spin energy capacity storage as
    well as novel spin energy producing technology, another thing that is new to me are novel fractional and integer spin energy generators, very much like moving wire electrical generators, both at electron electrical Generators and new novel spin energy
    generators piezoelectric wire path, magnet, novel spin form magnet, polypole magnet, and novel spin material that starts neutral and is able to have its novel spin state matter or energy fields experience various kinds of novel spin induction and high
    intensity concentration, bosonic colocation ultra high energy conductors, novel spin state magnetism like effect ultrahigh bosonic colocated field energy generators like rotating or vibrating electron electricity generators, energy form converting
    magnetism like transformers, radio broadcast and reception antenna forms, including novel spin state magnetism like effects that can do witricity like magnetic coupling used as digital and analog, and very high distance traversing magnetism like
    oscillations at the form of very high distance traversal dissipative soliton 2D,and 3D and even fractal dimensionality waveforms, with the possibility that a 3D dissipative soliton wave form could possibly be orders of magnitude or even greater waveform
    shape durability and energy amount volume concentration durability such that witricity like data and energy transmission at novel spin form materials, and even just new technologies of electron magnetism witricity utilizing 2D, or more optimally 3D
    dissipative soliton shaped magnetic fields, and magnetic field math and geometry forms that have the very least dissipative soliton like 3D magnetic field forms, one technology version of a dissipative soliton like magnetic field form is a 3D printed
    pattern of different hysteresis inductors, high magnetism amount particles at the 3D printed forms of durable magnets like neodymium fe boron or higher field strength magnets, pole piece element particles and shapes, multipartiicle or even particle sized
    conductor windings that pick up rf em energy as nanometer or micrometer antennas causing the amount of magnetism at the 3D magnetic dissipative soliton generator that does witricity like magnetic coupling to transmit energy, data, and also be a possible
    new kind of brain, body, as well as any material scanning energy, notably magnetic spin energy and effect fMRI, MRI, nuclear magentic resonance NMR spectroscopy scanner and characterizion technology, including the ability to do NMR

    novel spin electrets, piezoelectric vibration producers and energy gatherers from vibrating systems, materials and mechanisms, as well as novel spin piezoelectrics or even different shapes, structures, technologies, electron and hole doped
    piezoelectrics, and piezoelectrics that because of nanometer or even Pico meter sized shapes at the piezoelectric are able to vibrate and make electricity or novel spin state energy forms and concentrations which could be of physical matter conductor
    pathways moved at, energy form combined with parallel and series conductor pathways, as well as the new to me way that novel fractional and integer spin energy conductors could have, far beyond parallel and series connection forms 4,5,24,120 different
    math physics technology ways to group, batch, combine, reinforce at math structures new and more numerous and completely different than nodal concatenation, antinodal concatenation, and with different plural energy components that have different math
    capabilities and technogy capabilites than Fourier transform representations and technologies, wavelet representation forms and technologies, new versions of the scboedinger quantum equation, possibly with a new repacement of the gradient operator, or
    even though the scrodinger equation is absent having a ricci tensor, something ricci tensor like that utilizes and has the 4,5,24,32,120 or even as many as 2^24, 2^32, Or even 2^120 various possible different bit configurations each particular binary
    value of at a novel fractional or

    Delayed Choice quantum Eraser At novel spin states has 4,5,24,120,2^24 or even 2^120 binary differing novel spin state forms, this makes it so that if one kind of equational and physics measured retrocausality from a photon or electron delayed choice
    quantum Eraser technology has a different kind of retrocausility effect, mechanism different than human observation at either an techlogy object or form that is an observer, or a human observer, or an actual physics experiment able to cause a retrocausal
    path modification that responds to different human observer styles or different mechanism produced obsdrvation styles with variously greater cbronological span retrocausality, very different experiment photon or novel fractional or integer spin particle
    form enumerations of which travel path happens, as well as can be caused to happen retrocausally, with a possible technologically high utility effect of the which pathway particle enumerator possibly finding multimodal distributions, non normal style
    distributions, unusual poission distributions, noting the poisson distribution is a way least and most bayersion linear 2D and 3D distribution accuracy of prediction formslpathnumbers per ity conceltually mathematically functionuniqfromboth amorphous and

    Bayesien 3D printing, battery chemistry, manufacturing component polydimensionity, bayesian sundet big or little amount most pronectable and produced gene transcriptions and gene products and epigenetic effector at the 100K open reading frames of about
    20K, or near 21,000 linear coded genes at the buman, that is homo sapiens and branch species genome, a completely new kind of antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicroorgNism, anticancer, anticardiovascular illness, birth defect reducing, mental
    illness reducing, molecules and genetics of causing Dave Pearce' Hedonistic imperative and abolitionist manifesto to be fully functional, very highly enjoyed and preferred, chonologically superdurable at all living organisms, and many many orders of

    I was writing a lot, even going to new topics, after about 3 hours of continuous typing on my android 9, very thrifty 8 core 1.25Ghz tablet using wifi i got a message that said Quors has stopped. I appreciate and and like quoras automatic backup and
    reply draft creation. The big opportunity for quora to benefit its users is to make it so that coments, not just question replies are continually backed up to make postable comments.

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