• Antinociceptive actions and drugs that work on as many animals, krill,

    From Treon Verdery@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 04:15:45 2023
    A localization moiety like a small molecule stain or an antibody could be placed on energy atp producing wellness molecule NMN with localization to the clitoris, clitoral hood, commisure and vaginal canal sides and nerve areas including outer 1/2 or more
    of the vaginal canal, O-spot, a-spot, and if it exists G-spot utilizing a stain or antibody localizer, this causes much more atp generation at highly pleasureable areas of womens and girls genitals, causing greater ability to make more proteins faster
    and perhaps in larger amounts, this more rapidly recharges and reinvigorates the chemistry and protein production of genital pleasure nerves, causing the nerves to be fresh and high in their pleasurable response to motion, touch, percussion, and new sex
    drugs like peptides, localized Atp heightened production causing sustained ability of the clitoris and vagina to cause sexual pleasure as well as continued high peak amplitude or mental shape form orgasms and multiple orgasms even if the woman or girl
    has had many orgasms and multiple orgasms from 3-7 hours of previous voluntary active sex with one or multiple sex partners, another area to localize NMN to are the muscles connected to the hips and other near vagina to abdomen or thigh area muscles most
    utilized to cause vagina and penis shared codriving rythmic sex motions, and also localizing NMN to muscles used in orgasmic contractions

    NMN localization to numerous penile nerves that are pleasure producing, and also erect rigidity producing areas of the penis, and also the clenching male ejaculatory muscle outside the penis and its nerves which seem to provide much of the pleasure of
    ejaculatory orgasm, and semen production organs, supporting and causing more semen ejaculate volume, noting i perceive the pleasure of orgasmic male ejaculation increases both in amplitude from a really strong clench of the ejaculatory muscle(s)
    semenntpleasure and the duration of the orgasm sensation vfluid the amount volume and velocity

    People that utilize genetically enhanced gametes to have children with just two sex chromosomes, an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, can increase the sexual ejaculatory orgasm pleasure of the man or boy by finding the shared and function producing
    genetics of the 99.9th percentile of strength of the ejaculatory orgasm contraction, the 99.9th percentile most rapid nerve conduction velocity, and the pleasure nerves traveling around the ejaculation muscle and the pleasure nerves traveling around the
    semen and sperm transport tube would all have forms matched to a survey where to the 99.99th percentile of most enjoyment of ejaculatory orgasm, and longest perceived pleasure duration of orgasm

    Wound healing peptides and drugs could be attached to a stain or antibody localization fragment

    Lung localization drugs
    Localization chemotherapy drugs at the spleen to shrink or get rid of the spleen, at rodents removing the spleen makes the rodents live 14 or 19% longer so a single spleen localizing time release cytotoxic drug like a chemotherapy drug could be
    administered as an airjected collagen fill depot could beneficially get rid of the spleen at humans, possibly making people live 19 years longer, or at increasing the lifespan of a person that uses a combination of longevity drugs 38-76 more years at
    each 200 or 400 year human lifespan or longer of well living from a one time dose of a spleen neutralizing and recyling to harmless living nonspleen tissue with a depot injection or just possibly a single monthlong activity chemotherapy drug dodeconate
    oral pill

    Easy plentiful saliva as sex lubricant sex technology, think of a person performing cunnilingus on the clitoral area of the vagina, as well as a person performing oral sex on a person with a penis, it would be really pleasure facilitating and pleasure
    causing, and mutual pleasure causing if the taste of the vagina, especially the outer vagina and clitoral area, and the taste of the penis caused the mouth to immediately generate a lot of saliva as a sexual lubricant, from sufficient to cover the outer
    vagina and deeply wet the clitoris and clitoral area so that tongues glide, fingers can wetly rapidly strum the clitoris faster and with more pleasure creation And connection between the sex partners' bodies, at oral sex on a man, the mouth rapidly
    filling with saliva after the first tongue swirls taste the penis, that amount of saliva can then be coated on the penis headand shaft and pleasureable back and forth motions can spread the saliva all along the entire penis, that makes for all wet
    gliding duringand head

    Sex technology, to make sucking and licking and deep throating a penis, fellatio, much more enjoyable to the person performing the fellatio, and to make sucking and licking the clitoris and vaginal area even more enjoyable to a person the surface of the
    penis or vagina could produces exciting confident, energetic high producing biomolecules that function like cocaine that comes off the genitals onto the tongue active transport moieties, mucolytic sugar dendritic crystals, with d amino acids for long
    dose duration, as well as the brain receptor type or area localization that equals the personally felt effect of any of cocaine's sex drive heighteners, nucleus accumbens or also pallidum pleasure center localization is also possible, the drug would be
    at the genital surface from 1) gene therapy, including topical liposomal dermis padticular gene therapy, or 2) probiotic production at genital dermis of the cocaine functional drug, to make performing oral sex even more pleasant a peptide or rna drug
    that stimulates/receptoractivates the salivary gland tissues to make much much more saliva, a variety of peptide sweeteners and flavorings can exist or previously exist, increasing the pleasure of the person doing cunnilingus or fellation, also, the
    probiotic or gene therapy could make peptide or rna drugs that kept habituation or reduced high with repeated exposure, from occuring

    As a way to prevent the actual illness of breast cancer from tiny 1/10 of a mm oncolumps that can be found with 30 micrometer imaging ultrasound that are published as seeing individual epithelial cytes at capillaries scanning each entire breast and lymph
    node volume, finding any cluster of what looks like 7-8 cancer morphology shaped cells, the computer then automatically does deep tissue spectroscopy of the cancer looking cytes at the cluster and can verify that it is few micrometer cancer, then another
    deep tissue cofocalized laser, or a many beam very narrow sound, ultrasound, or soliton or novel sonic waveform beam cofocalization disintegrates the cancerous cytes at the mini group, another version uses a photoactive chemotherapy drug to cofocal laser
    activate and terminate the cancer cytes without disintegration, as previously described at my notes, physiologically harmless focusing and computer image enhancement reticles can be injected into the body and used to heighten both imaging quality and
    cancer cyte terminating disintegration energies or photochemotherapuetic drugs, making 30 micrometer resolution, 1 cm^2 sonograms composited could digitize 2 liters of breast tissue in as little as 200 one second images while at a 10 imaging ultrasound
    transducer chest piece, or a little over 3 minutes to scan the breasts for microcancers, photonic treatment is similarly fast, using the ir frequencies the body is much more transparent to, and a 100 FPS million separate controllable reflector million
    leaf, very ordinary 1024^2 array micromirror device, MMD, could process 100K, at a nine beam cofocalizations, 100 times per second, which might or might not be able to zap 5000 micro cancer cyte clusters per CC of breast tissue, zapping each 1000 CC of
    breast tissue to be micro cancerless, which could be verified as preventing actual breast cancer, this could be even faster than 3 minutes , 2 seconds with software, the three minutes is from 30 micrometer single cyte imaging everywhere, if that is mixed
    with 2-3 cyte 90 micrometer imaging, then the ultrasound imaging process takes about 1.5 minutes long, another possibility is instead of a progressive scan from a single direction, if that's what ultrasound transducer pickups do, progressive scan from
    two directions at once, halves the 1.5 minute interval to just 45 seconds to scan the breasts for microcancers, as a treatment for micrometer sized miniature breast cancers one possibility as a photoactivated chemotherapy drug is photoactive rapamycin or
    other mTORc1 inhibitor which also happens to be longevizing, another possibility is a photoactive version of a youthifying longevity increasing senolytic, i have read about a few, but dasatinib has >30% longevity increase at mice, the same micrometer few
    cyte cancer imaging and zapping technology could work at many other tissues, reducing risk of liver, bone, brain, lung, even skin cancers

    Hyperaffordable breast cancer diagnosis and treatment that benefits the developing world, use a color changing antibody test to find out that say a person has a 50% chance of having breast cancer, then give them a 1-3 month duration chemotherapy chemical
    decoanate, if their pee test comes out with less cancer cyte antibodies then perhaps that means the person is 95% likely to have breast cancer, then at a single medical provider visit a $400 ultrasound machine verifies a tumor, and guides its removal, so
    that minimally trained people can remove the tumor an autohealing surgical technology is used, coolsculpt freezes adipose tissue on the body, freezing it, terminating fat cytes, a slightly different version can freeze disintegrate breast tumors,
    coolsculpt with refrigent flowing through a loop in the tumor freezing wand, where the wand is slim and flexible, and useable with the ease of a liposuction wand, freezes the breast tumor, the person then gets another 1-3 monthy single dose chemotherapy
    injection, as far as i can perceive this is an approximately $2-3 in cancer pee tests and dodecante, and although coolsculpt termination of the tumor is less than 1/2 hour so a dentist doing surgery would charge as much as 2 fillings, or about $80 in the
    second cheapest country in Europe private dentist, or perhaps $10-40 using a developing world dentist to do the coolsculpt freeze termination of the breast tumor, another beneficial technology to go with coolsculpt is using soundwaves to disintegrate the
    frozen tumor, a 60W ultrasonic cleaner element is $4.15 at Alibaba and much more powerful than necessary to hyperdisintegrate the frozen tumor to avoid any risk of metastasization, as an affordable breast cancer solving medical activity, at nations where
    earnings were just $2/day, a $14-28 effective dentist administered coolsculpt treatment/cure for breast cancer represents 7-14 days of earnings which might be considered affordable to the developing world women, notably this brings up an enhancement of
    earnings and quality of life while on the 1-3 month single injection chemotherapy dodecanoate, which is what chemotherepeutic chemical is least crummy feeling and most sparing of the voluntarily employed person's work productivity and ability to remain
    voluntarily employed, perhaps treating breast cancer would feel milder if a moiety were added to a chemotherapy chemical that kept it from passing the blood brain barrier and spared the brain the stress of chemotherapy

    One basis for making a $14-28 per breast cancer removal standard franchiseable procedure, and machine at dentists is that during the 20th century each 4 billion women got 500 million occurences of breast cancer, suggesting that the simplest colorimetry
    pee or saliva test, coolsculpt and ultrasound procedure, without radiation, that works can be made into a franchise form, like restaurants, and can be profitable enough to propagate rapidly and internationally, the alibaba $ for the components are $3 of
    diagnosis drugs and colorimetric cancer verifying tests, $200-400 tablet pc with transducer that does ultrasound, $680 for a coolsculpt machine, est $40 ultrasonic cleaner frozen tumor disintegrator, about $1100,so the franchisee would spend $3000 on the
    breast cancer treatment kit, the franchiser would make $1900, propagating the breast cancer treatment

    Plural ameliorative peptides and epithalon
    Estrogen receptor blocker like a receptor
    nonstimulating estrogen variant or estrogen receptor blocking peptide, dasatinib and other chemotherapy chemicals that are senolytic

    peptide chemotherepeutics

    Noting that at treating breast cancer during 2021AD antiestrogens were utlized but these have side effects, it is possible that estrogen receptor networks could be modified with a drug, possibly a peptide drug or epigenetic drug to block the
    cytoproliferative effects of estrogen while preserving estrogen benefits throughout the body, also an iontophoretic brassiere could be used with known chemotherapeutics to make side effect minimized antiestrogen therapy with known drugs because it
    delivers drugs just to the breasts

    Anticancer cytoreproduction reducers are an area of breast cancer and all other cancer chemotherapeutic research, tissue and organ specific IPMAT blockers chemically attached to body organ or tissue localization peptides omit all noncancerous body
    tissues when doing IPMAT chemotherapy, is a possible way to reduce side effects, as well as at known drug for cancer chemotherapy

    could ultra high resolution ultrasound imaging and computed cofocalized acoustics disintegrate tumors without surgery at an intensity that disintegrates oncocytes so thoroughly there is minimized metastatic cancer risk, also could cofocalized acoustics
    or photons create a scar tissue sphere around the actual tumor, blocking blood supply and also blocking even nonvascular diffusing nutrient supply to the tumor, stopping tumor growth, this could be particularly affordable as a cancer treatment, even
    comparable to a dental x ray in cost so that more people including developing world people can afford it

    arrow tube coolsculpt

    Ultrasound gel blob lens,

    Longevity technology, make a photoactivateable version of rapamycin or other mTORc1 inhibitor then photoactivate body compartments that might usually get less drug, possibly heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord, genitals, joints, rapamycinwide ultrasound
    scan and zap of the entire

    Youthful body and aesthetics of maintaining the connective tissue at teenage form to avoid sag at the face and breasts, at the breasts connective tissue and a thing called coopers ligament hold up the breasts and shape them, collagen and connective
    tissue de-stretching drugs with peptide localizers, photonic activators, autophagy stimulators at coopers ligaments and breast connective tissue maintain and cause teenage breast shape, such as high and perky, one kind of connective tissue is the
    biochemistry of not using one's feet while in a cast and finding out the tendons and perhaps connective tissue has drawn itself tighter and shorter, those tighter shorter connective tissue producing active proteins, genes, and receptors can all be used
    to make a coopers ligament tightener and possibly ligament elevator, as well as a general breast connective tissue drawer-togetherer, notably at the face, these same connective tissue teenage form restorers can be used to look younger, i have previously
    written about getting a body scan at different years of life including child, preteen, 14, 18, so with an actual record of what a person looks like at 14 they can adjust their youthification of appearance to be their 14 year old form, with, beneficially
    the guidance of computer software that further beautifies their 14 year original recorded form

    Iontophoresis bra worn once every 1-2 months at night can do custom estrogenic or estrogen receptor peptide breast hormone size increase of breasts so they are the same size and identically symmetric, the numerous conductive microelectrodes at the
    iontophoresis bra like a half tone can effect specific areas of each breast, including the tops and sides of each breast, it is possible that noting solid electrolytes at a different thing, batteries, that solid electrolyte iontophoresis is possible,
    making the iontophoretic breast enhancement bra nonwet, also, the drug or chemical along with estrogens administered could be peptides or rna that causes connective tissue increase that while maintaining breast softness also reduces likeliness of shape
    change with gravity and time, girls just developing breasts would use the connective tissue iontophoretic bra to get lifetime breast shape, symmetrical size, and perky gravity less effected form advantage, voluntary eugenics is a better way to have
    beautiful symmetrically shaped, gravity and time resistant breasts than iontophoretic brassieres

    At a different note the technology of making a cooling fabric or shoe interior with fabric that contains rounded harmless to the skin industrial diamond microparticles, this could also be used at a higher coolness sports brassiere to keep cool, even if
    more support fabric is used, a cooling sports bra could also have wicking thread that traverses from both interior to exterior of the bra to make better cooling use of perspiration during athletic activity, the weave is similar to button weave, or even
    button hole weave without the button, there is even the possibility of button hole weave with very small buttonholes or eyelets being skin to air microgaps that cause more cooling, nude and toplessness benefit all people exercising as well

    Smooth Industrial diamond containing cooling pillowcases, cooling sheets, and cooling blankets are possible

    There is a white barium based paint so reflective it actually radiates away warmth from building surfaces, putting this at bed fabrics and pillowcases could make cooling versions of these even cooler, also as ir radiative cooling might be doing the
    effect, a transparent blue or green color on the barium layer makes colors possible with full ir reflectance

    At the thin and many plate radiator fins of window air conditioners the plates could have air passing 100 micrometer apertures as well as surface area increasing micro bumps to be more efficient and have more surface area, at window air conditioners and
    building heat pumps, and food refrigerators, i think piezovibrationto microwaft the air layer on the radiator, and harmless mostly gallium liquid metal film on the radiator plates could improve efficiency, as could something similar to just mounting a 69ย
    ข alibaba photovoltaic personal air wafting fan on the outside of the window air conditioner to exchange warm air boundary layer static at the surface

    At orthodontics like invisible transparent braces would nonperceptible on tooth piezoelectric vibration jostle or jiggle the teeth, perhaps in a particular direction, causing the teeth to migrate to their preferred orientation faster for quicker
    beneficial orthodontic results, one approach is a retainer with witricity wireless powered piezoelement with battery

    Vitality wellness technology, each citric acid cycle individual enzyme producing gene has alleles, and optimal variants can be found or engineered, epigenetics of all the citric acid cycle enzymes that produce the most ATP can be found, This makes more
    atp at humans, milk cows, egg chickens, and agricultural plants like rice, wheat, corn, tree farm evergreen trees, fruit and nut trees, increasing agricultural output, at humans this is wellness and youthspan similar to a genetics or epigenetics that
    makes ATP increasing beneficial NMN at every mitochondria

    Nuts and washers and bolts exist, and wave springs or waffle springs also exist, washers could be the simplest wave spring bagel possible, this could be good for making robots with

    At artificial shoulder and hip joints, tensioned polymer fabric or hoberman spheres could press against the hollow lumen sides of the interior of tubes and balls, this tension could be modified with cofocal warmth, softening and de crystallizing the
    polymer or reminding it of prelearned shapes as a memory plastic, there could also be inductive electricity volume and shape change plastic or metal, and if there were 11 shapes of electrically addressible shape metal or plastic, each addressible with a
    different frequency of inductive electricity then tensioned artificial joint fit could be improved iteratively for greatest comfort to the person with the artificial joint, internal electrically adjustable metals or memory plastics in a container like a
    beanbag chair could also benefit robots, and robot grippers and actuators,

    One of the ways to make something like a memory plastic shape that can change back to its original shape is levers attached to piezoelectric crystal stacks, a 1/4 or 1/2 cm piezoelectric shape change can be amplified with a lever to 4-8 cm internal to
    beanbag shape change, also while a lever is usually thought of as a beam, a 2D lever like a tilting plane or perhaps cam is also possible, there might even be a 3D lever although i do not know what a 3D fulcrum might look like, there are spherical
    toothed gears, perhaps a spherical gear that is strongly magnetic could connect, that is magnetically couple to a koosh ball of solid rays, or, better, other shapes, surrounding the spherical gear, this could be used at robots, a 2 tesla magnet is $1 or
    less at alibaba and would couple to metal or magnetic koosh rays or other shapes, directing motion, possibly covered with a beanbag chair to make robot parts and manufacturing actuators, the electromagnetic version of a spherical gear is also possible,

    Better battery electrodes and anodes, think of pressing gravel made of sugar into soft plastic and then washing away the sugar gravel, what remains is a polymer with shapes out of it that would make fresh sugar gravel nestle in at high contact area, high
    surface area, the same thing, matching an embossment texture to the granularity of the batteries cbemicals for greater contact, the battery electrodes can be embossed with that granularity, with the option of laser etching and laser peening, normally
    laser peening produces corrosion resistance, but there could then also be a kind of laser peening that actually increases chemical reactivity of the electrode material

    Antivirus durable probiotic to make sex workers lives and men who have sex with men, Msm, lives less risky at hiv and other viruses, protease inhibitors can be proteins or peptides, probiotics of durability from a single dose like B. Durans gi tract
    bacteria lasting several years can be genetically modified to make hiv reducing proteins of peptides that inhibit protease, another product these engineered bacteria could make is an hiv transmission blocker, i think i read that when a person without hiv,
    who has a partner with hiv, that it is an actual million times less likely they will infect each other when they use an hiv transmission blocking pill, sex workers and Msm would also benefit from durable probiotics that make a peptide or protein anti
    genital warts and anti genital herpes drug when these are likely found

    Propellers got about 30% better with genetic algorithm design, using genetic algorithms to design home and commercial laundry machine tub center agitators could make them 30% more efficient, effecting billions of households

    Longevity technology, oocytes have minimal aging at the ovaries, and a recent paper in Nature says this could be because complex I of the Atp generation mechanism goes unused at oocytes, genetically modifying mammals to make sufficient Atp while omitting
    complex I at the entire body is testable as a new longevity technology, notably some body cytes last 7 years while human oocytes last a half century or longer, finding out if making all body tissues last 7-8 times longer because they cease using complex
    I also multiplies the entire lifespan is part of this as a longevity technology, also omitting complex I at neurons could make the human brain function normally for many centuries of lifespan

    The internet says, Researchers reveal that a measurable drop in the dry mass of a cell prior to mitosis is caused by waste products being jettisoned before the cell divides. That suggests the possibility of making a wellness medication that utilizes the
    waste jettisoning genes/proteins/mechanisms to have less waste at all body cytes, which might or might not be gunk, jettisoning waste might increase wellness or provide other benefits

    I think sexually aroused women and girls who show their sexual arousal with slightly but visibly engorged breasts, and increased areola puffiness, if that actually occurs, as well as erect nipples are sexually exciting and aesthetically pleasing, genetic
    enhancements like genetically enhanced gametes and eugenics technologies to have daughters which have bodies that produce all these effects simultaneously is very likely possible, with the form of pale pink 4-4.5 diameter breast nipples at what is
    possibly called in 2021ad a pancake nipple, that when the woman or girl with breasts is sexually aroused gathers its nipple diameter and makes a 3/4 to 1 cm erect nipple, another beneficial genetic enhancement to people with just two sex chromosomes,
    both of them X chromosomes is utilizing the shared genetics of women at the 99.9th percentile of experiencing pleasure at their breasts being caressed and sucked by a sex partner, and another gene effect concentration to find the genes that cause the
    beneficial body form also known as phenotype that makes a voluntary gamete enhancement for having children that have the functional genetics of the 99th percentile of perceptually enjoyable, and cumulatively mounting, increasing to very high and even
    orgasmic, perceptual experienced sexual arousal and cumulativele sex drive during a time sampled along 1-40 minutes duration of breast and nipple caressing and sucking, this is a genetic enhancement that causes greater and greater intensity of sexual
    arousal and greater and greater sex drive that causes the woman or girl initiate and lead partner sexual activity or multiple partner simultaneous sexual activity

    Gum disease, gingivitis is associated with notably larger cardiovacular risk and possibly alzheimers, a way to use bacteriocidal peptides, rna drugs, or small molecules to cure and preclude gingivitis is to use an iontoproretic dental and gum tray,
    similar to a moldmaking tray that iontophoretically migrates and delivers a long lasting very high dose potency antibiotic or bacteriocidal material like a peptide that has a chemical moiety on it that makes the peptide collagen reactive, keratin
    reactive or other gum tissue, or undergum tooth surface reactive and attaching for gradual diffusion of the drug where the undergums meet the teeth, which is where gingivitis bacteria live, gum tissue attaching or undergum tooth surface ataching
    chemistry such as keratin reactive micheal reaction attaching of a drug to skin surface keratin, similar to transparent or white color henna, causes long durability and diffusion of the antibacterial peptide, noting iontophoresis can migrate drugs to 2
    cm depth in about 20 minutes, and the base of the gums to tooth surface distance is 4-8mm,an iontophoretic tooth tray that delivers tissue and tooth surface reactive antibacterial chemicals can be cheaply available online (alibaba manufacturing
    components 2-3ยข battery, 3-11ยข voltage/current customizing and optimal pulsatile electricity for iontophoresis making ic circuit, 1ยข each tooth tray two conductive laminate, similar to thin metal and polymer cheap drinkbox material, 2ยข, and 1/10-1/
    100 of a ยข of antibacterial peptide or other chemical is 7-16 ยข for both tooth trays at a gingivitis minimizing or curing electrophoresis antibacterial migrator and concentrator, noting that transparent henna might last three months, a moiety on the
    peptide that attachively reacts to collagen or other reactively attachable gum cytochemical could deliver very high dose potency prptide antibacterials, if 1 mg of injected bremelanotide peptide reaches 70 kg of tissue then 1/400th-700th of 1 milligram,
    or 2-4 micrograms/24 hours works antibacterially at about 200 grams of gum tissue, then gradual diffusive release of 11
    -18 mg makes a full three decades of gingivitis preclusion or cure from using an iontophoretic 16ยข antibacterial gum tray at a process that lasts 5-20 minutes, this could prevent a lot of heart disease and prevent many teeth from disintegrating

    Mounting increasing sexual arousal and cumulative increasing sexual genital pleasure sensation and sex drive that goes cumulatively upward with each female orgasm or male, often ejaculatory orgssm among people genetically enhanced to be absent a sexual
    refractory period is highly beneficial one approach is the network and cascades that actually do the sex amplifying genital pleasure of mc3, melanocortin receptor 3, and mc4 stimulating receptor activator chemical like a new peptide that props open or
    changes the mcr3, 4 receptor molecule shape, as well as its sex avidity and sexual genital pleasuring network receptor proteinsto say be strongly fully on, and the networks and cascades of mcr3, 4 be peptide glommed to report Fully On state to their
    networks, the receptor or Gpcr receptor active glom and receptor switching peptides could have much higher dose potency than sexual avidity and genital pleasure drug brrmelanotide, attachind a distal or side peptide that can variously prferentially
    concentrate at the brain, spine, and genitals, as well as a molecular moiety that causes the new sex peptide to be much better at crossing the blood brain barrier, a different moiety or branch on the new sex peptide could cause it to localize and
    concentrate at just 2 or 3 different cyte types, possibly a particular type of neuron or two and receptor specific kinds of genital nerves and erogenous zone nerves, along with better newer technologies like attaching a drug or peptide to an antibody,
    there are images and descriptions of what small molecule colored stains appear where at what tissue, like there might or might not be colored small molecule stains that concentrate at the nucleus accumbens and pallidum pleasure producing brain structures,
    and linking a new sex peptide to a localizing stain that concentrates at pleasure structures the new sex peptide could have new beneficial effects

    New MDMA or also 2-cb superpleasureable recreational drugs could have a small molecule color stain moiety attached to the drug that localizes to the most wonderful ecstatic and sexual avidity and genital pleasure causing and experiencing areas of the
    brain and spine, ultrahappy ultrablissful also because of the localizer moiety could be 100 to 1000 times higher dose potency with cheap to make and a few micrograms per dose a previous $40 MDMA high then becomes 4ยข with a more esctatic, blissful and
    peaceful high new recreational drug

    Opposite of a p zombie drug, highly amplified presence of being, like 2-4 times greater presence of being, comes from finding the quarter sized area of the brain that can, when stimulated, cause it to be possible to do complex things with, apparently a
    reported abscence of presence of being, then to make 2-4 times more, and pleasant, higher presence of being stimulate the quarter sized area with many of the greater than 100 neurotransmitters or their drug equivalents to find a few or one that increases
    presence of being at human research volunteers, once a neurotransmitter or neurotransmitter system and drug is found that strongly and pleasantly heightens presence of being, that can be attached as a moiety to MDMA, 2-cb,and other recreational drugs

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