• I'm still getting s.a.r submissions despite deactivating

    From Jonathan Thornburg@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 16:48:54 2022
    From: SMTP%"dr.j.thornburg@gmail.com" 1-OCT-2022 16:04:10.68
    To: Phillip Helbig <helbig@astro.multivax.de>
    Subj: I'm still getting s.a.r submissions despite deactivating

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    Hi Phillip,

    Despite being deactivated as an s.a.r moderator, I'm still getting
    s.a.r submissions at <dr.j.thornburg@gmail.com>. Here (attached) are
    the two submissions that I got last night, with all their headers.
    Could you handle moderating these two?

    I expect to reactivate monday my time.

    ciao, -- Jonathan

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    From news@aioe.org Fri Sep 30 01:32:56 2022
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    From: eric@flesch.org (Eric Flesch)
    Newsgroups: sci.astro.research
    Subject: Seeing is not Earendel
    Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 08:31:31 GMT
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    Just a very short comment on the so-called "highly magnified z=6.2
    star" Earendel. ArXiv:2208.09007 Figure 1 shows a JWST photo of this
    "Sunrise Arc" which displays about 8 point sources along the
    pencil-thin arc, one of which is said to be the star Earendel.

    I'm quite skeptical of this, however, because of the configuration of
    those 8 point sources. They are arrayed in a regular lattice of
    expanding offsets from right to left. The point sources must all be
    related to each other, and are probably caused by some cosmic-level
    magnetic manifestation not yet understood. This explanation springs
    to mind because of an Aurora Australis that I saw back in 1988, which
    looked like rustling curtains 100 miles high which would spark at the
    top whenever two rustles collided. There was a regaularity to them
    that I see here as well. Thus I speculate this is a magnetic emission
    caused by some alignment of the cluster galaxies.

    Furthermore, the "Sunrise Arc" has not varied over 3 years of
    observation. But the magnification of a z=6.2 star would need to be a million-fold. In no way could such a lensing configuration remain

    Thought this needed to be mentioned, cheers.

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    From news@google.com Fri Sep 30 15:44:36 2022
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    Subject: Wolf's sunspot number is low science, old science fake and should
    replaced by measure of volcanic activity on the Sun, measure of volcanic
    energy ejected by the Sun.
    From: a a <manta103g@gmail.com>
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    Wolf's sunspot number is low science, old science fake and should replaced
    by measure of volcanic activity on the Sun, measure of volcanic energy ejected by the Sun.

    Just look at formula used to calculated number of sunspots.

    For the same telescope "K" is contant, less than 1.

    Case 1

    Number of sunspots groups = 1
    Number of sunspots = 10


    R = (10*G + S)*K

    10*1 + 10 = 20*K

    Case 2

    Number of sunspots groups = 2
    Number of sunspots in each group = 5

    10*2 + 10 = 30*K

    But actually, number of sunspots in Case 1 and Case 2 is the same

    So I opt for the topological definition of sunspots index, as the sum of the volcanic activity on the Sun, calculating total volcanic energy ejected by every sunspot in total towards the Earth,
    since what matters is mass and energy of coronal/coronary plasma ejected toward the Earth ,
    since CMEs exactly fluctuate solar activity,
    resulting in Short Term Climate Changes
    one-month/year Climate Changes

    Since pictuire of the Sun is no more 2D
    and we can study solar surface activity in 3D
    there is no need to calculate number of sunspots, which is fake index, as explained above.

    The sunspot number is calculated using the simple equation: R = (10*G + S)*K. Where: R = the sunspot number. G = the number of sunspot groups observed.
    How do you calculate the n…
    The sunspot number is calculated using the simple equation: R = (10*G + S)*K


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