• Hawking's Divinity Annulled, Einstein's Remains

    From Pentcho Valev@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 3 14:41:21 2021
    Hawking's divinity annulled:

    Philip Ball: "The problem with deifying Stephen Hawking" https://prospectmagazine.co.uk/magazine/stephen-hawking-celebrity-physicist-flaws

    Einstein's divinity remains, even though Philip Ball, one of the godfathers of today's science, is well aware that Einstein's physics is actually an insane ideology:

    Philip Ball: "Did Einstein discover E=mc²? The biggest revelation for me was not so much seeing that there were several well-founded precursors for the equivalence of mass and energy, but finding that this equivalence seems to have virtually nothing to
    do with special relativity. Tony Rothman said to me that "I've long maintained that the conventional history of science, as presented in the media, textbooks and by the stories scientists tell themselves is basically a collection of fairy tales." I'd
    concur with that." http://philipball.blogspot.com/2011/08/did-einstein-discover-emc2.html

    Brian Koberlein: "Thus, the "actual" mass of the electron due to its electric charge alone must be m=E/c². Poincaré's paper deriving this result was published in June of 1905, just a few months before Einstein's paper. Although the equation is often
    attributed to Einstein's 1905 paper, Einstein didn't actually derive the equation from his theory of relativity." https://www.forbes.com/sites/briankoberlein/2017/11/09/the-history-of-einsteins-most-famous-equation/

    Hans C. Ohanian: "Although Einstein's name is closely linked with the celebrated relation E=mc² between mass and energy, a critical examination of the more than half dozen "proofs" of this relation that Einstein produced over a span of forty years
    reveals that all these proofs suffer from mistakes. Einstein introduced unjustified assumptions, committed fatal errors in logic, or adopted low-speed, restrictive approximations. He never succeeded in producing a valid general proof applicable to a
    realistic system with arbitrarily large internal speeds." https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0805/0805.1400.pdf

    Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Lisa Randall, Brian Greene: "E=mc²" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuxFXHircaI

    See more here: https://twitter.com/pentcho_valev

    Pentcho Valev

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  • From Pentcho Valev@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 4 12:51:30 2021
    "Is it time to free physics from Einstein's legacy?" https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24332472-900-bye-bye-space-time-is-it-time-to-free-physics-from-einsteins-legacy/

    Technically, "to free physics from Einstein's legacy" is easy - physicists denounce Einstein's 1905 constant-speed-of-light nonsense and relativity, entirely predicated on the nonsense, automatically collapses. The problem is that the idiocies (e.g. time
    travel) triggered by the nonsense are now inherent in the culture of our civilization - removing them may produce an incurable psychological trauma and greatly accelerate the decline of the civilization:

    Thibault Damour: "The paradigm of the special relativistic upheaval of the usual concept of time is the twin paradox. Let us emphasize that this striking example of time dilation proves that time travel (towards the future) is possible. As a gedanken
    experiment (if we neglect practicalities such as the technology needed for reaching velocities comparable to the velocity of light, the cost of the fuel and the capacity of the traveller to sustain high accelerations), it shows that a sentient being can
    jump, "within a minute" (of his experienced time) arbitrarily far in the future, say sixty million years ahead, and see, and be part of, what (will) happen then on Earth. This is a clear way of realizing that the future "already exists" (as we can
    experience it "in a minute")." http://www.bourbaphy.fr/damourtemps.pdf

    So, somewhat paradoxically, continuing to worship Einstein's idiocies and sing cretinous dithyrambs may turn out to be less detrimental than establishing the truth:

    "Divine Einstein! No-one's as divine as Albert Einstein not Maxwell, Curie, or Bohr! His fame went glo-bell, he won the Nobel - He should have been given four! No-one's as divine as Albert Einstein, Professor with brains galore! No-one could outshine
    Professor Einstein! He gave us special relativity, That's always made him a hero to me! No-one's as divine as Albert Einstein, Professor in overdrive!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lE-I2I4i00

    Max Tegmark: "We all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity. Yes we all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity. Everything is relative, even simultaneity, and soon Einstein's become a de facto physics deity. 'cos we all believe in
    relativity, relativity, relativity. We all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity. Yes we all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PkLLXhONvQ

    Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Lisa Randall, Brian Greene: "Light travels at the same speed no matter how you look at it. No matter how I move relative to you light travels at the same speed. No matter who is doing the measurement and no
    matter what direction you are moving the speed of light is the same. The speed of light is the same no matter what direction or how fast... As you travel faster time slows down. Everything slows down. Everything slows down. Time slows down when you move.
    Time passes at a different rate. Clocks run slow. It's a monumental shift in how we see the world. It's a beautiful piece of science. It's a beautifully elegant theory. It's a beautiful piece of science. It's a beautiful piece..." https://www.youtube.com/

    "The Riverside Church in New York, west portal - upper line, second of right. In 1930, during a stay in New York, Albert Einstein and his wife visited the Riverside Church, too. During the detailed guided tour through the church Einstein was also shown
    the sculptures at the west portal. He was told that only one of the sculptures there represented a living person, and that was he himself. What Einstein is supposed to have thought in that moment when he heard that information and saw himself
    immortalized in stone? Contemporaries reported that he looked at the sculpture calmly and thoughtfully."

    More here: https://twitter.com/pentcho_valev

    Pentcho Valev

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