• Antimatter and Antienergy a Convenient Fiction?

    From Rockinghorse Winner@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 18 19:04:05 2023
    I understand that antimatter and antienergy were proposed as a partial
    solution to the problem of observed accelerating expansion of the universe. Isn't it more true to say that the universe defies our mathematical
    equations, and the math doesn't work, end of sentence. Rather than propose antimatter and antienergy as a 'patch' for our bad math, why not just say we don't *know* why our equations don't work and leave it to future research to figure out why. Is antimatter and antienergy a convenient fiction?

    'Many have sought in vain to tell joyously of the Most Joyous. Now at last It declares
    Itself to me, now in this misery.' - Holderlin
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