• Flat Earth or Empirical Earth = No Difference

    From Gerald Kelleher@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 04:09:08 2023
    "Earth takes about 23 hours and 56 minutes to turn once on its axis. This is called a sidereal day. However, the time it takes for the Sun to return to the same position in the sky is about 24 hours. This is called a solar day. The difference between a
    sidereal day and a solar day is caused by the Earth's orbit around the Sun. As the Earth orbits the Sun, it is also rotating on its axis. This means that the Earth is slightly ahead of where it would be if it were not orbiting the Sun. So, when the Earth
    rotates once on its axis, the Sun has not yet returned to the same position in the sky.

    The speed of Earth's rotation varies depending on latitude. At the equator, Earth's rotation is about 1,037 miles per hour (1,670 kilometers per hour). At the poles, Earth's rotation is zero." AI software



    Genuine observers would normally come to appreciate how the calendar system is created using the old framework based on the Decans thereby putting paid to the daily change in the position of the stars (RA/Dec) as a reference for one rotation and its
    proportional relationship with the orbital circuit, in this case 1461 rotations to 4 circuits or 365 1/4 rotations to 1 circuit.

    I didn't imagine that contributors here were so intransigent when it comes to correcting mistakes and false views but then again, silly pretence and pride get in the way.

    The Earth rotates once every 24 hours with the Noon Sun as the anchor and a thousand times in a thousand 24-hour days. Everything is explained from that principle.

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  • From Mikko@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 10 17:34:08 2023
  • From Gerald Kelleher@21:1/5 to Mikko on Sun Sep 10 11:57:12 2023
    On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 3:34:12 PM UTC+1, Mikko wrote:
    Empirical Earth is far from flat:


    The Earth has an equatorial rotation velocity of 1,669.8 km/h coincident with the Latitude/Longitude framework and a rotation rate of 15° per hour via the average 24-hour day.

    Empirical academics dispute this fact through contrived logic as they would have known that the Decans framework which registers the annual transition of a star from left to right of the Sun is a marker for the annual motion of the Earth and has been
    that way since antiquity and many centuries earlier than the Ptolemaic framework. The RA/Dec framework and its relationship to planetary motions and solar system structure is similar to flat Earth logic and I will not have any part of that.


    If using individual and full rotations as a gauge, a star returns to the same position after 4 circuits and 1461 rotations, at least to a close proximity. This is why the proportion of rotations is close to 365 1/4 rotations to 1 orbital circuit and not
    the empirical conclusion of 366 rotations in 365 days or 367 rotations in 366 days ( Feb 29th included)-

    " It is a fact not generally known that, owing to the difference between solar and sidereal time, the Earth rotates upon its axis once more often than there are 24-hour days in the year" NASA /Harvard

    Academics are like Brexiteer politicians, they realise the mistake and the necessary effort to restore stability from an indulgence created by vacuous enthusiasts who talked a good game but were making things up as they go along. It is no more or no less
    than an awful situation that Galileo experienced-

    " I know; such men do not deduce their conclusion from its premises or establish it by reason, but they accommodate (I should have said
    discommode and distort) the premises and reasons to a conclusion which
    for them is already established and nailed down. No good can come of
    dealing with such people, especially to the extent that their company
    may be not only unpleasant but dangerous." Galileo

    That is the best I can do for you so be my guest and engage with flat Earth proponents, their emergence is due to the inability to express and explain the proper facts of a round and rotating planet.

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  • From J Birch@21:1/5 to Gerald Kelleher on Fri Sep 15 16:30:13 2023
    Perhaps you meant to (justifiably) disparage AI, but it might not be obvious that (contrary to "At the poles, Earth's rotation is zero." ), at the equator, one's speed around the Earth due to rotation is about a thousand MPH, but at either pole, your
    rotation has not changed, but your speed around the earth (also around the axis) is 0 MPH.

    On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 7:09:11 AM UTC-4, Gerald Kelleher wrote:
    "Earth takes about 23 hours and 56 minutes to turn once on its axis. This is called a sidereal day. However, the time it takes for the Sun to return to the same position in the sky is about 24 hours. This is called a solar day. The difference between a
    sidereal day and a solar day is caused by the Earth's orbit around the Sun. As the Earth orbits the Sun, it is also rotating on its axis. This means that the Earth is slightly ahead of where it would be if it were not orbiting the Sun. So, when the Earth
    rotates once on its axis, the Sun has not yet returned to the same position in the sky.

    The speed of Earth's rotation varies depending on latitude. At the equator, Earth's rotation is about 1,037 miles per hour (1,670 kilometers per hour). At the poles, Earth's rotation is zero." AI software



    Genuine observers would normally come to appreciate how the calendar system is created using the old framework based on the Decans thereby putting paid to the daily change in the position of the stars (RA/Dec) as a reference for one rotation and its
    proportional relationship with the orbital circuit, in this case 1461 rotations to 4 circuits or 365 1/4 rotations to 1 circuit.

    I didn't imagine that contributors here were so intransigent when it comes to correcting mistakes and false views but then again, silly pretence and pride get in the way.

    The Earth rotates once every 24 hours with the Noon Sun as the anchor and a thousand times in a thousand 24-hour days. Everything is explained from that principle.

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  • From Quadibloc@21:1/5 to J Birch on Fri Sep 15 18:46:23 2023
    On Friday, September 15, 2023 at 5:30:15 PM UTC-6, J Birch wrote:
    Perhaps you meant to (justifiably) disparage AI, but it might not be obvious that (contrary
    to "At the poles, Earth's rotation is zero." ), at the equator, one's speed around the Earth
    due to rotation is about a thousand MPH, but at either pole, your rotation has not changed,
    but your speed around the earth (also around the axis) is 0 MPH.

    Yes, that is certainly correct. You can get dizzy from spinning, even if you aren't going
    around in circles.

    However, I generally forbear to raise such issues, as failure to make such technical
    distinctions properly is among the least of his faults.

    John Savard

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  • From Gerald Kelleher@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 16 01:00:47 2023
    Sometimes it is easier to bypass non-descript responses and move on to why this issue is important for multiple reasons. It is, therefore, demonstrating dynamics with purpose rather than contending with those who live off deficient or contrived views.

    The North and South Poles rotate across the light and dark hemispheres of the Earth and parallel to the orbital plane as a function of the planet's orbital motion. It gives researchers a reference other than the central Sun. It can be complicated as it
    requires a new framework ( actually the original framework for the calendar system) where the precession of the equinoxes is accounted for by the proportion of rotations to orbital circuits not being exactly 1461 rotations for 4 orbital circuits.

    Copernicus was obligated to use the Ptolemaic framework so there was always going to be an issue accounting for the seasons and the precession of the Equinoxes so I will leave the original statement and De Revolutionibus mutation as a testament to this
    real quandary that can now be resolved by introducing a new framework which is a big deal.

    "The third is the motion in declination. For the axis of the daily rotation is not parallel to the axis of the great circle, but is inclined to it at an angle that intercepts a portion of a circumference, in our time about 23 1/2°. Therefore, while the
    centre of the earth always remains in the plane of the ecliptic, that is, in the circumference of the great circle, the poles of the earth rotate, both of them describing small circles about centres equidistant from the axis of the great circle. The
    period of this motion is not quite a year and is nearly equal to the annual revolution on the great circle." Copernicus, Commentariolous

    " I said, however, that the annual revolutions of the centre and of inclination are nearly equal. For if they were exactly equal, the equinoctial and solstitial points as well as the entire obliquity of the ecliptic would have to show no shift at all
    with reference to the sphere of the fixed stars. But since there is a slight variation, it was discovered only as it grew larger with the passage of time. From Ptolemy to us the precession of the equinoxes amounts to almost 21° " Copernicus, De
    Revolutionibus, Chapter 11

    The circumference where the Sun remains in view at the North Pole and remains out of sight at the South Pole is now contracted to a very small circumference and the switch occurs on the September Equinox as the North Pole rotates into the dark hemisphere
    and the South Pole rotates into the light hemisphere for 6 months. It has to be considered a rotation despite Galileo's objection and Copernicus's later mutation-

    "From what I see, did not understand very well- was a certain experiment which I exhibited to some gentlemen there at Rome in partial explanation and partial refutation of the "third motion" attributed by Copernicus to the earth. This extra rotation,
    opposite in direction to all other celestial motions, appeared to many a most improbable thing, and one that upset the whole Copernican system. . . . What I said was designed to remove a difficulty attributed to the Copernican system, and I later added
    that anyone who would reflect upon the matter more carefully would see that Copernicus had spoken falsely when he attributed his "third motion" to the earth since this would not be a motion at all, but a kind of rest" Galileo

    The diurnal rotational velocity at the North and South Poles is 0 mph, however, as a function of its orbital motion, the Poles rotate the equivalent of the circumference of the Arctic and Antarctic Circles over the course of an orbit.

    I now sufficiently appreciate that theorists and their cheerleaders don't work with geometry, observations and visible dynamics so are unlikely to make sense of the historical discussion that has been laid out here, wish it could be different but there
    is an easy door into all the issues which expand perspectives rather than contend with faulty ones.


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