• Freemasonry is a Racial Caste System that Position's Pharaoh's Spawn at

    From NightBulb@21:1/5 to Gerald Kelleher on Wed Mar 8 02:32:52 2023
    On 3/8/23 02:16, Gerald Kelleher wrote:
    Natural selection is a colonial expansion excuse, nothing more or less and my goodness, have people of the planet paid dearly for that atrocity.

    We are still paying for it. The Freemasons and occult Catholics at the
    top of the socio-economic pyramid still continue in their delusion that
    being descended from Pharaoh's bastards makes them of "divine blood"
    with a "divine right" to "divide and rule" the "inferior races."

    Why do you think they are so meticulous with their pedigrees?

    The theory of evolution is, and always was, a racial supremacist
    religion with a racial caste system. Pharaoh's kids sit at the top of
    the pyramid. Every Freemason lodge is a replica of the court of Pharaoh.

    The people who tell us that "race doesn't exist" practice the most
    virulently racist religion of the ages. When it comes to their race
    remaining in power, oh, you can bet good money that race exists as far
    as they are concerned.

    NightBulb | https://blog.nightbulb.net | Flip the night switch.

    How to get ahead in life:
    Judaism: circumcision. Christianism: lobotomy. Evolution: brainwash.

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