• There have been so many good people posting here

    From I Envy JTEM@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 21 23:27:26 2022
    Yes I know that a great many intelligent, educated,
    serious people have posted here over the years,
    and I am not one of them. No. Not me. I post here
    because there's only so much porn one can look
    at in a single day, and I can't get a good discussion
    going anywhere on history, exobiology or the socio
    economic changes to the Roman empire necessary
    to have resulted in the Industrial Revolution
    happening by the 5th century.

    And porn, like I said, but let's not dwell on that...

    Even so, I am a little disturbed by some of the things
    I am hearing on this WHAT Talks.

    Well. Not the science. Not the conclusions. But on
    the source and nature to the hostility that they face.

    Personally I don't understand why they can't see it, this
    problem with paleo anthropology... I mean, it seems
    consistent to me. Regardless of topic -- Aquatic Ape,
    dating, naming, etc -- it's all quite consistently (even
    dogmatically) pro "Out of Africa" and very anti anything
    else. Aquatic Ape threatens Out of Africa purity, simple
    as that.

    It's not the only thing.

    "Mitochondrial Eve," for example: Originally it was
    under 200,000 years old, going by the molecular
    dating. And the molecular dating was (and remains)
    a farce. It heavily exaggerates age and it does so
    for the simple fact that mtDNA is subject to selection.

    Our mtDNA is under selective pressure. It's not neutral.
    The same forces that acted on a whales limbs, turning
    them into flippers, or a giraffes neck, making it longer,
    are also acting on our mtDNA.

    Our mtDNA is important. It serves useful functions,
    and when new or better function crops up it is under
    pressure to change.

    We're talking about the level of a population here, not
    the individual. Individuals are almost irrelevant to
    evolution. It's the change in DNA TO A POPULATION
    that we refer to as "Evolution."

    ...they all seemed to carry THAT line but now they
    all seem to carry THIS line... "Evolution."

    And as proof positive that mtDNA does not change
    by at magic clock like regularity, but instead changes
    quite rapidly when under great pressure, and not at all
    when under no pressure, we look to the LM3 insert.

    Remember that? The LM3 insert? This much-older-than
    "Mitochondrial Eve" mtDNA line that jumped over to
    Chromosome 11 (if memory serves) and is preserved
    there? What we don't see in that, despite being
    significantly older than any Mitochondrial Eve, is all
    this clock-like mutating... all these different haplogroups.


    So we know absolutely everything that they've been
    screeching on the topic of "Eve" has been false.


    And yet they keep making it older!

    From under 200k years to now, what is it? Over 300k
    years old? This very first "Modern" human? Our "Out
    of Africa" ancestor?

    There's archaics in west Africa 13,000 years ago,
    and they're trying to tell us fully modern humans
    were running around 300,000 years before that?

    I guess that's why they changed it. The fossil. They
    turned the archaic into a fully modern human. After
    all, if went against the grain, contradicted the narrative.

    I HAVE BEEN TOLD, directly, that Multi Regionalism
    aka Regional Continuity have to be rejected because
    of racism. I have been told this. I was called a racist
    the first time I advocated Multi Regionalism online,
    here on usenet. Over on Tumblr an Australian student
    cursed "White supremacist" in their rejection of
    Multi Regionalism.

    It's a social program. And it's consistent.

    FOR YEARS people argued AGAINST Neanderthals
    and so called "Moderns" interbreeding. There was
    never a shortage of evidence. Even just plain
    common sense said it had to have happened, as
    every last instance when one human population
    has encountered another did result in interbreeding.
    But it was rejected. Rudely rejected. Attacked.



    In protection of the narrative, the social program.

    IT'S THE SAME THING! This shunning of Neanderthal
    heritage, the rejection of Aquatic Ape; it's the same
    thing! They both threaten Out of Africa purity and
    the decision was made that Out of Africa purity must
    be preserved.

    It's not science, it's a social program.

    The rotten core that control paleo anthropology has
    decided that racism never existed, not ever, and if
    they don't advance this Out of Africa purity nonsense
    then racism will suddenly appear... for the first time,

    Multi regionalism threatens the narrative. Mungo Man
    supports Multi regionalism so that had to go. Archaic
    types in Africa are a threat, so they're re cast as
    moderns. ironically, archaic types in China of similar
    age are no problem so they stay...

    Outside the English speaking world they're laughing at
    us. The Chinese teach Multi regionalism/Regional
    continuity. They insist that they've found the ancestors
    to Asians. The documentary from China I recently
    recommended included a French team, and they were
    quite comfortable with the ideas as well. It's only us
    who are ordered to never stray from the talking points,
    and Aquatic Ape is straying.

    -- --


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  • From littoral.homo@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 22 05:33:39 2022
    Op zaterdag 22 januari 2022 om 08:27:27 UTC+1 schreef I Envy JTEM:


    Even so, I am a little disturbed by some of the things
    I am hearing on this WHAT Talks.

    Next time it's my turn, Sunday 13 February.

    There's not the slightest doubt that erectus were slow-shallow divers for sessile foods, likely mostly shellfish.

    Stephen Munro 2004
    "Fauna of selected Late Miocene to Early Pleistocene fossil sites"
    BA Honours thesis Austr Nat Univ Canberra

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