• LAX traveler rips Delta, 'useless' Pete Buttigieg in wild caught-on-cam

    From useapen@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 30 06:04:44 2024
    XPost: alt.airports, alt.government.employees, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, sac.politics

    A badly confused airline passenger was caught on camera losing her cool at
    Los Angeles airport workers in an expletive-laden tirade — only to find
    out she was in the wrong terminal and yelling at the wrong people all

    The woman was filmed lobbing f-bombs and a list of near-incoherent demands
    at a row of workers after apparently missing her Delta Airlines flight, according to alarming footage captured by TMZ.

    “Get me the f–k up on the next flight you motherf–kers!” she yelled while storming around the check-in desk with her bag and neck pillow ready to
    fly nearby.

    “Get me up on the next flight!” she then screamed.

    “Call Pete Buttigieg right now! Call that motherf–ker right now!” she
    declared, apparently hoping the nation’s Secretary of Transportation might
    step in to save her.

    “That useless motherf–ker,” she added, breathlessly, insisting she was
    ready to call him in herself.

    “Get me up on the next flight. And pay for that s–t.”

    As she made her rounds about the check-in she punctuated her demands with
    a fist on the countertops, but all she seemed able to do was make the
    staff laugh and passersby gawk at the spectacle.

    Eventually, somebody informed her that she was not in fact admonishing
    staff from Delta Airlines — her intended target — but that she was pouring
    fire on the ears of workers for WestJet — a Canadian airline.

    “You’re not Delta?” she said as she broke into a broad grin and she
    stumbled back, lurching and giggling to herself as the desk broke out in laughter, too.

    It is unclear if they were laughing with her or at her.

    It also remains unclear whether she found Delta Airlines, or what became
    of them if she did.

    https://nypost.com/2024/04/25/us-news/confused-lax-flier-unloads-on- useless-pete-buttigieg-then-realizes-shes-in-wrong-terminal/

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