• Yet MORE classified documents found HIDDEN by Lyin' Biden!

    From Tommy@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 11 17:27:01 2023
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??
    https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-classified-documents/index.html Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!
    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Wed Jan 11 17:38:17 2023
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??
    https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-classified-documents/index.html Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!
    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!

    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Wed Jan 11 17:46:31 2023
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??
    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!
    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI agents
    raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Moderate@21:1/5 to Alan on Wed Jan 11 19:58:09 2023
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> Wrote in message:
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:> Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??> https://www.
    cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-classified-documents/index.html> Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!> https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-
    trump-classified-docs-before-wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records> The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you......despite not returning the documents
    when asked......despite denying that he had any more......despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    Baker caught in a lie, deflects.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Moderate on Wed Jan 11 18:49:49 2023
    On 2023-01-11 17:58, Moderate wrote:
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> Wrote in message:
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:> Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??> https://www.
    cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-classified-documents/index.html> Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!> https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-
    trump-classified-docs-before-wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records> The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you......despite not returning the documents
    when asked......despite denying that he had any more......despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    Baker caught in a lie, deflects.

    What lie would that be?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Wed Jan 11 18:50:33 2023
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??
    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!
    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI
    agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.

    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate
    taking of classified documents wasn't.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Moderate@21:1/5 to Alan on Wed Jan 11 21:10:28 2023
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> Wrote in message:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:>> On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:>>> Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were
    lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??>>> https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-classified-documents/index.html>>> Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this
    because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!>>> https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-trump-classified-docs-before-wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records>>> The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run
    again? GOOD QUESTION!>> But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...>>>> ...despite not returning the documents when asked...>>>> ...despite denying that he had any more...>>>> ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?> > Yeah,
    Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI agents
    raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.I'm not changing the subject.You're claiming that this is a big deal......but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    Changes the subject again. There is now a cover up by the WH.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 11 19:12:45 2023
    T24gMjAyMy0wMS0xMSAxOToxMCwgTW9kZXJhdGUgd3JvdGU6DQo+IEFsYW4gPG51aC11aEBu b3BlLmNvbT4gV3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZToNCj4+IE9uIDIwMjMtMDEtMTEgMTc6NDYsIFRv bW15IHdyb3RlOj4gT24gV2VkbmVzZGF5LCBKYW51YXJ5IDExLCAyMDIzIGF0IDU6Mzg6MjIg UE0gVVRDLTgsIEFsYW4gd3JvdGU6Pj4gT24gMjAyMy0wMS0xMSAxNzoyNywgVG9tbXkgd3Jv dGU6Pj4+IFNlbmlsZSBwZXJ2ZXJ0IEx5aW4nIEJpZGVuIGhhcyBoaWdobHkgY2xhc3NpZmll ZCBkb2N1bWVudHMgc3F1aXJyZWxlZCBhd2F5IEFMTCBPVkVSIHRoZSBjb3VudHJ5ISBBbmQg V0hZIHdlcmUgbGF3eWVycyB1c2VkIHRvICJjbGVhciBvdXQiIGFuIG9sZCBvZmZpY2U/IERp ZCB0aGV5IGFscmVhZHkgZXhwZWN0IHRoZSBzaGl0IHRvIGhpdCB0aGUgZmFuPz8+Pj4gaHR0 cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS8yMDIzLzAxLzExL3BvbGl0aWNzL2JpZGVuLWNsYXNzaWZpZWQt ZG9jdW1lbnRzL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw+Pj4gTm93LCB3ZSBrbm93IHRoYXQgdGhpcyBraW5kIG9m IGJlaGF2aW9yIGlzIEhJR0hMWSBJUlJFU1BPTlNJQkxFLiBXZSBrbm93IHRoaXMgYmVjYXVz ZSBzZW5pbGUgcGVydmVydCBMeWluJyBCaWRlbiBUT0xEIFVTIFNPIT4+PiBodHRwczovL3d3 dy5mb3huZXdzLmNvbS9tZWRpYS9iaWRlbi1zaGFtZWQtaXJyZXNwb25zaWJsZS10cnVtcC1j bGFzc2lmaWVkLWRvY3MtYmVmb3JlLXdoLWFkbWl0dGVkLXNlbnNpdGl2ZS12cC1yZWNvcmRz Pj4+IFRoZSBxdWVzdGlvbiBpcyB0aGlzIFNPIGlycmVzcG9uc2libGUgdGhhdCB0aGUgcGVy dmVydCBzaG91bGQgcmVzaWduIG9yIG5vdCBydW4gYWdhaW4/IEdPT0QgUVVFU1RJT04hPj4g QnV0IFRydW1wJ3MgYmVoYXZpb3VyIHdhcyBzb21laG93IGZpbmUgd2l0aCB5b3UuLi4+Pj4+ IC4uLmRlc3BpdGUgbm90IHJldHVybmluZyB0aGUgZG9jdW1lbnRzIHdoZW4gYXNrZWQuLi4+ Pj4+IC4uLmRlc3BpdGUgZGVueWluZyB0aGF0IGhlIGhhZCBhbnkgbW9yZS4uLj4+Pj4gLi4u ZGVzcGl0ZSB0aGVyZSBiZWluZyBodW5kcmVkcyBvZiBtb3JlIGRvY3VtZW50cyBpbnZvbHZl ZD8+ID4gWWVhaCwgRm9vbCwgVFJZIHRvIGNoYW5nZSB0aGUgc3ViamVjdCAoaS5lLiBXSEFU QUJPVVRJU00pIC0gc29ycnksIHRoaXMgZG9kZ2UgaXNuJ3QgZ29pbmcgdG8gd29yazogc2Vu aWxlIHBlcnZlcnQgTHlpbicgQmlkZW4gTVVTVCBiZSBoZWxkIHRvIHRoZSBzYW1lIHN0YW5k YXJkcyB0aGF0IHRoaXMgaWRpb3QsIHRoZSBET0ogYW5kIENvbmdyZXNzIGhlbGQgVHJ1bXAg dG8uIFRoaXMgbWVhbnMgYW4gQVJNRUQgc3F1YWQgb2YgRkJJIGFnZW50cyByYWlkaW5nIEVW RVJZIEx5aW4nIEJpZGVuIHJlc2lkZW5jZS5JJ20gbm90IGNoYW5naW5nIHRoZSBzdWJqZWN0 LllvdSdyZSBjbGFpbWluZyB0aGF0IHRoaXMgaXMgYSBiaWcgZGVhbC4uLi4uLmJ1dCBpZiB0 aGlzIGlzIGEgYmlnIGRlYWwsIHlvdSBoYXZlIHRvIGV4cGxhaW4gd2h5IFRydW1wJ3MgZGVs aWJlcmF0ZSB0YWtpbmcgb2YgY2xhc3NpZmllZCBkb2N1bWVudHMgd2Fzbid0Lg0KPiANCj4g Q2hhbmdlcyB0aGUgc3ViamVjdCBhZ2Fpbi4gVGhlcmUgaXMgbm93IGEgY292ZXIgdXAgYnkg dGhlIFdILg0KDQoxLiBOb3BlLiBJdCdzIHJpZ2h0IG9uIHBvaW50Lg0KDQpJZiB0aGlzIGlz IHN1cHBvc2VkbHkgaW1wb3J0YW50IG5vdywgU3Vuc2hpbmUgbmVlZHMgdG8gZXhwbGFpbiB3 aHkgaXQgDQp3YXNuJ3QgQUxXQVlTIGltcG9ydGFudC4NCg0KMi4gVGhlcmUncyBiZWVuIG5v IGNvdmVyIHVwLg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Wed Jan 11 19:23:22 2023
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 7:15:27 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 19:10, Moderate wrote:
    Alan <nuh...@nope.com> Wrote in message:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:>> On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:>>> Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were
    lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??>>> https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-classified-documents/index.html>>> Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this
    because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!>>> https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-trump-classified-docs-before-wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records>>> The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run
    again? GOOD QUESTION!>> But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...>>>> ...despite not returning the documents when asked...>>>> ...despite denying that he had any more...>>>> ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?> > Yeah,
    Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI agents
    raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.I'm not changing the subject.You're claiming that this is a big deal......but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    Changes the subject again. There is now a cover up by the WH.

    1. Nope. It's right on point.

    If this is supposedly important now, Sunshine needs to explain why it
    wasn't ALWAYS important.

    2. There's been no cover up.

    Lyin' Biden called mishandling of classified documents HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE - this also applies to HIM! Trying to dismiss it (which I heard on NPR) just doesn't pass the SMELL TEST! Believe me, this WILL be TOPIC ONE in the upcoming election (the one you
    focused on). What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Wed Jan 11 19:19:51 2023
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??
    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!
    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI
    agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.
    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and the disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From One Putt@21:1/5 to Alan on Thu Jan 12 11:32:32 2023
    On Wed, 11 Jan 2023 19:12:45 -0800, Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> wrote:

    On 2023-01-11 19:10, Moderate wrote:
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> Wrote in message:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:>> On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:>>> Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were
    lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??>>> https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-classified-documents/index.html>>> Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this
    because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!>>> https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-trump-classified-docs-before-wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records>>> The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run
    again? GOOD QUESTION!>> But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...>>>> ...despite not returning the documents when asked...>>>> ...despite denying that he had any more...>>>> ...despite there being hundreds of more documents
    involved?> > Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad
    of FBI agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.I'm not changing the subject.You're claiming that this is a big deal......but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    Changes the subject again. There is now a cover up by the WH.

    1. Nope. It's right on point.

    If this is supposedly important now, Sunshine needs to explain why it
    wasn't ALWAYS important.

    2. There's been no cover up.

    Yes there is. The documents were found a week before the midterms but
    news of it wasn't released until earlier this week, 2 months after the
    midterm elections. When it was discovered Trump was in possession of classified documents it was all over live news that night with aerial
    shots of the FBI raiding Mar-a-Lago.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 12 11:04:28 2023
    T24gMjAyMy0wMS0xMiAwOTozMiwgT25lIFB1dHQgd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIFdlZCwgMTEgSmFu IDIwMjMgMTk6MTI6NDUgLTA4MDAsIEFsYW4gPG51aC11aEBub3BlLmNvbT4gd3JvdGU6DQo+ IA0KPj4gT24gMjAyMy0wMS0xMSAxOToxMCwgTW9kZXJhdGUgd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4gQWxhbiA8 bnVoLXVoQG5vcGUuY29tPiBXcm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdlOg0KPj4+PiBPbiAyMDIzLTAxLTEx IDE3OjQ2LCBUb21teSB3cm90ZTo+IE9uIFdlZG5lc2RheSwgSmFudWFyeSAxMSwgMjAyMyBh dCA1OjM4OjIyIFBNIFVUQy04LCBBbGFuIHdyb3RlOj4+IE9uIDIwMjMtMDEtMTEgMTc6Mjcs IFRvbW15IHdyb3RlOj4+PiBTZW5pbGUgcGVydmVydCBMeWluJyBCaWRlbiBoYXMgaGlnaGx5 IGNsYXNzaWZpZWQgZG9jdW1lbnRzIHNxdWlycmVsZWQgYXdheSBBTEwgT1ZFUiB0aGUgY291 bnRyeSEgQW5kIFdIWSB3ZXJlIGxhd3llcnMgdXNlZCB0byAiY2xlYXIgb3V0IiBhbiBvbGQg b2ZmaWNlPyBEaWQgdGhleSBhbHJlYWR5IGV4cGVjdCB0aGUgc2hpdCB0byBoaXQgdGhlIGZh bj8/Pj4+IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNubi5jb20vMjAyMy8wMS8xMS9wb2xpdGljcy9iaWRlbi1j bGFzc2lmaWVkLWRvY3VtZW50cy9pbmRleC5odG1sPj4+IE5vdywgd2Uga25vdyB0aGF0IHRo aXMga2luZCBvZiBiZWhhdmlvciBpcyBISUdITFkgSVJSRVNQT05TSUJMRS4gV2Uga25vdyB0 aGlzIGJlY2F1c2Ugc2VuaWxlIHBlcnZlcnQgTHlpbicgQmlkZW4gVE9MRCBVUyBTTyE+Pj4g aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZm94bmV3cy5jb20vbWVkaWEvYmlkZW4tc2hhbWVkLWlycmVzcG9uc2li bGUtdHJ1bXAtY2xhc3NpZmllZC1kb2NzLWJlZm9yZS13aC1hZG1pdHRlZC1zZW5zaXRpdmUt dnAtcmVjb3Jkcz4+PiBUaGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gaXMgdGhpcyBTTyBpcnJlc3BvbnNpYmxlIHRo YXQgdGhlIHBlcnZlcnQgc2hvdWxkIHJlc2lnbiBvciBub3QgcnVuIGFnYWluPyBHT09EIFFV RVNUSU9OIT4+IEJ1dCBUcnVtcCdzIGJlaGF2aW91ciB3YXMgc29tZWhvdyBmaW5lIHdpdGgg eW91Li4uPj4+PiAuLi5kZXNwaXRlIG5vdCByZXR1cm5pbmcgdGhlIGRvY3VtZW50cyB3aGVu IGFza2VkLi4uPj4+PiAuLi5kZXNwaXRlIGRlbnlpbmcgdGhhdCBoZSBoYWQgYW55IG1vcmUu Li4+Pj4+IC4uLmRlc3BpdGUgdGhlcmUgYmVpbmcgaHVuZHJlZHMgb2YgbW9yZSBkb2N1bWVu dHMNCj4+IGludm9sdmVkPz4gPiBZZWFoLCBGb29sLCBUUlkgdG8gY2hhbmdlIHRoZSBzdWJq ZWN0IChpLmUuIFdIQVRBQk9VVElTTSkgLSBzb3JyeSwgdGhpcyBkb2RnZSBpc24ndCBnb2lu ZyB0byB3b3JrOiBzZW5pbGUgcGVydmVydCBMeWluJyBCaWRlbiBNVVNUIGJlIGhlbGQgdG8g dGhlIHNhbWUgc3RhbmRhcmRzIHRoYXQgdGhpcyBpZGlvdCwgdGhlIERPSiBhbmQgQ29uZ3Jl c3MgaGVsZCBUcnVtcCB0by4gVGhpcyBtZWFucyBhbiBBUk1FRCBzcXVhZCBvZiBGQkkgYWdl bnRzIHJhaWRpbmcgRVZFUlkgTHlpbicgQmlkZW4gcmVzaWRlbmNlLkknbSBub3QgY2hhbmdp bmcgdGhlIHN1YmplY3QuWW91J3JlIGNsYWltaW5nIHRoYXQgdGhpcyBpcyBhIGJpZyBkZWFs Li4uLi4uYnV0IGlmIHRoaXMgaXMgYSBiaWcgZGVhbCwgeW91IGhhdmUgdG8gZXhwbGFpbiB3 aHkgVHJ1bXAncyBkZWxpYmVyYXRlIHRha2luZyBvZiBjbGFzc2lmaWVkIGRvY3VtZW50cyB3 YXNuJ3QuDQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBDaGFuZ2VzIHRoZSBzdWJqZWN0IGFnYWluLiBUaGVyZSBpcyBu b3cgYSBjb3ZlciB1cCBieSB0aGUgV0guDQo+Pg0KPj4gMS4gTm9wZS4gSXQncyByaWdodCBv biBwb2ludC4NCj4+DQo+PiBJZiB0aGlzIGlzIHN1cHBvc2VkbHkgaW1wb3J0YW50IG5vdywg U3Vuc2hpbmUgbmVlZHMgdG8gZXhwbGFpbiB3aHkgaXQNCj4+IHdhc24ndCBBTFdBWVMgaW1w b3J0YW50Lg0KPj4NCj4+IDIuIFRoZXJlJ3MgYmVlbiBubyBjb3ZlciB1cC4NCj4gDQo+IFll cyB0aGVyZSBpcy4gIFRoZSBkb2N1bWVudHMgd2VyZSBmb3VuZCBhIHdlZWsgYmVmb3JlIHRo ZSBtaWR0ZXJtcyBidXQNCj4gbmV3cyBvZiBpdCB3YXNuJ3QgcmVsZWFzZWQgdW50aWwgZWFy bGllciB0aGlzIHdlZWssIDIgbW9udGhzIGFmdGVyIHRoZQ0KPiBtaWR0ZXJtIGVsZWN0aW9u cy4gIFdoZW4gaXQgd2FzIGRpc2NvdmVyZWQgVHJ1bXAgd2FzIGluIHBvc3Nlc3Npb24gb2YN Cj4gY2xhc3NpZmllZCBkb2N1bWVudHMgaXQgd2FzIGFsbCBvdmVyIGxpdmUgbmV3cyB0aGF0 IG5pZ2h0IHdpdGggYWVyaWFsDQo+IHNob3RzIG9mIHRoZSBGQkkgcmFpZGluZyBNYXItYS1M YWdvLg0KDQpBY3R1YWxseSwgdGhlIE5hdGlvbmFsIEFyY2hpdmVzIGhhZCBiZWVuIHRyeWlu ZyB0byBnZXQgc3R1ZmYgZnJvbSBoaW0gDQpmb3IgYSB5ZWFyIGFuZCBhIGhhbGYuLi4NCg0K Li4uYW5kIG5vIG9uZSBrbmV3IGFib3V0IGl0Lg0KDQpXaGVuIGl0IGJlY2FtZSBvYnZpb3Vz IGhlIHdhc24ndCBnb2luZyB0byBjb21wbHksIGEgcmFpZCB3YXMgZmluYWxseSANCm5lY2Vz c2FyeS4NCg0KVGhlcmUncyBubyB3YXkgdG8ga2VlcCBhIHJhaWQgZnJvbSBiZWluZyBpbiB0 aGUgbmV3cy4NCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Thu Jan 12 11:46:24 2023
    On 2023-01-11 19:19, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??
    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!
    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI
    agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.
    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate
    taking of classified documents wasn't.

    You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and the disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.

    The treatment isn't disparate, Sunshine.

    The situations were clearly different.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Moderate@21:1/5 to Alan on Thu Jan 12 13:56:45 2023
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> Wrote in message:
    On 2023-01-11 19:19, Tommy wrote:> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:>> On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:>>> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:>>>> On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:>>>>> Senile
    pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??>>>>> https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/politics/biden-
    classified-documents/index.html>>>>> Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!>>>>> https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-trump-classified-docs-before-
    wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records>>>>> The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!>>>> But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...>>>>>>>> ...despite not returning the documents when asked...
    ...despite denying that he had any more...>>>>>>>> ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?>>>>>> Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden
    MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.>> I'm not changing the subject.>>>> You're claiming that this is a big deal...>>>> ...but
    if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate>> taking of classified documents wasn't.> > You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and the disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.The treatment isn't disparate,
    Sunshine.The situations were clearly different.

    Your Carl Rove quote...
    Before additional classified documents discovered.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 12 12:11:47 2023
    T24gMjAyMy0wMS0xMiAxMTo1NiwgTW9kZXJhdGUgd3JvdGU6DQo+IEFsYW4gPG51aC11aEBu b3BlLmNvbT4gV3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZToNCj4+IE9uIDIwMjMtMDEtMTEgMTk6MTksIFRv bW15IHdyb3RlOj4gT24gV2VkbmVzZGF5LCBKYW51YXJ5IDExLCAyMDIzIGF0IDY6NTA6MzYg UE0gVVRDLTgsIEFsYW4gd3JvdGU6Pj4gT24gMjAyMy0wMS0xMSAxNzo0NiwgVG9tbXkgd3Jv dGU6Pj4+IE9uIFdlZG5lc2RheSwgSmFudWFyeSAxMSwgMjAyMyBhdCA1OjM4OjIyIFBNIFVU Qy04LCBBbGFuIHdyb3RlOj4+Pj4gT24gMjAyMy0wMS0xMSAxNzoyNywgVG9tbXkgd3JvdGU6 Pj4+Pj4gU2VuaWxlIHBlcnZlcnQgTHlpbicgQmlkZW4gaGFzIGhpZ2hseSBjbGFzc2lmaWVk IGRvY3VtZW50cyBzcXVpcnJlbGVkIGF3YXkgQUxMIE9WRVIgdGhlIGNvdW50cnkhIEFuZCBX SFkgd2VyZSBsYXd5ZXJzIHVzZWQgdG8gImNsZWFyIG91dCIgYW4gb2xkIG9mZmljZT8gRGlk IHRoZXkgYWxyZWFkeSBleHBlY3QgdGhlIHNoaXQgdG8gaGl0IHRoZSBmYW4/Pz4+Pj4+IGh0 dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNubi5jb20vMjAyMy8wMS8xMS9wb2xpdGljcy9iaWRlbi1jbGFzc2lmaWVk LWRvY3VtZW50cy9pbmRleC5odG1sPj4+Pj4gTm93LCB3ZSBrbm93IHRoYXQgdGhpcyBraW5k IG9mIGJlaGF2aW9yIGlzIEhJR0hMWSBJUlJFU1BPTlNJQkxFLiBXZSBrbm93IHRoaXMgYmVj YXVzZSBzZW5pbGUgcGVydmVydCBMeWluJyBCaWRlbiBUT0xEIFVTIFNPIT4+Pj4+IGh0dHBz Oi8vd3d3LmZveG5ld3MuY29tL21lZGlhL2JpZGVuLXNoYW1lZC1pcnJlc3BvbnNpYmxlLXRy dW1wLWNsYXNzaWZpZWQtZG9jcy1iZWZvcmUtd2gtYWRtaXR0ZWQtc2Vuc2l0aXZlLXZwLXJl Y29yZHM+Pj4+PiBUaGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gaXMgdGhpcyBTTyBpcnJlc3BvbnNpYmxlIHRoYXQg dGhlIHBlcnZlcnQgc2hvdWxkIHJlc2lnbiBvciBub3QgcnVuIGFnYWluPyBHT09EIFFVRVNU SU9OIT4+Pj4gQnV0IFRydW1wJ3MgYmVoYXZpb3VyIHdhcyBzb21laG93IGZpbmUgd2l0aCB5 b3UuLi4+Pj4+Pj4+PiAuLi5kZXNwaXRlIG5vdCByZXR1cm5pbmcgdGhlIGRvY3VtZW50cyB3 aGVuIGFza2VkLi4uPj4+Pj4+Pj4gLi4uZGVzcGl0ZSBkZW55aW5nIHRoYXQgaGUgaGFkIGFu eSBtb3JlLi4uPj4+Pj4+Pj4gLi4uZGVzcGl0ZSB0aGVyZSBiZWluZyBodW5kcmVkcyBvZiBt b3JlIGRvY3VtZW50cyBpbnZvbHZlZD8+Pj4+Pj4gWWVhaCwgRm9vbCwgVFJZIHRvIGNoYW5n ZSB0aGUgc3ViamVjdCAoaS5lLiBXSEFUQUJPVVRJU00pIC0gc29ycnksIHRoaXMgZG9kZ2Ug aXNuJ3QgZ29pbmcgdG8gd29yazogc2VuaWxlIHBlcnZlcnQgTHlpbicgQmlkZW4gTVVTVCBi ZSBoZWxkIHRvIHRoZSBzYW1lIHN0YW5kYXJkcyB0aGF0IHRoaXMgaWRpb3QsIHRoZSBET0og YW5kIENvbmdyZXNzIGhlbGQgVHJ1bXAgdG8uIFRoaXMgbWVhbnMgYW4gQVJNRUQgc3F1YWQg b2YgRkJJIGFnZW50cyByYWlkaW5nIEVWRVJZIEx5aW4nIEJpZGVuIHJlc2lkZW5jZS4+PiBJ J20gbm90IGNoYW5naW5nIHRoZSBzdWJqZWN0Lj4+Pj4gWW91J3JlIGNsYWltaW5nIHRoYXQg dGhpcyBpcyBhIGJpZyBkZWFsLi4uPj4+PiAuLi5idXQgaWYgdGhpcyBpcyBhIGJpZyBkZWFs LCB5b3UgaGF2ZSB0byBleHBsYWluIHdoeSBUcnVtcCdzIGRlbGliZXJhdGU+PiB0YWtpbmcg b2YgY2xhc3NpZmllZCBkb2N1bWVudHMgd2Fzbid0Lj4gPiBZb3Ugc3VyZSBhcyBoZWxsIGFy ZSwgRm9vbC4gVGhpcyBpcyBhYm91dCBMeWluJyBCaWRlbiBhbmQgdGhlIGRpc3BhcmF0ZSB0 cmVhdG1lbnQgb2YgTGlidGFyZHMgdnMgY29uc2VydmF0aXZlcy5UaGUgdHJlYXRtZW50IGlz bid0IGRpc3BhcmF0ZSwgU3Vuc2hpbmUuVGhlIHNpdHVhdGlvbnMgd2VyZSBjbGVhcmx5IGRp ZmZlcmVudC4NCj4gDQo+IFlvdXIgQ2FybCBSb3ZlIHF1b3RlLi4uDQo+IEJlZm9yZSBhZGRp dGlvbmFsIGNsYXNzaWZpZWQgZG9jdW1lbnRzIGRpc2NvdmVyZWQuDQoNCkhvdyBtYW55IGRp ZCB0aGF0IGFkZD8NCg0KV2hvIGNhbWUgZm9yd2FyZCB3aGVuIHRoZXkgZm91bmQgdGhlbT8N Cg0KV2hvIGFza2VkIGEgVHJ1bXAtYXBwb2ludGVkIERvSiBsYXd5ZXIgdG8gaW52ZXN0aWdh dGU/DQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Thu Jan 12 17:02:09 2023
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 11:46:27 AM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 19:19, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??
    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!
    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents involved?

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of FBI
    agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.
    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's deliberate >> taking of classified documents wasn't.

    You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and the disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.
    The treatment isn't disparate, Sunshine.

    The situations were clearly different.

    Yeah they're different: the FBI DIDN'T raid Lyin' Biden's home!

    Make no mistake: senile pervert Lyin' Biden IS a CRIMINAL as there is NO EXCUSE for mishandling CID (compartmentalized intelligence data).

    Tell me, do you think the pervert FORGOT that he had top secret data in his GARAGE when he went on 60 Minutes and called Trump HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE, or when he took the oath of office and PLEDGED to uphold the Constitution and LAWS of America?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Thu Jan 12 17:08:36 2023
    On 2023-01-12 17:02, Tommy wrote:
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 11:46:27 AM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 19:19, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified
    documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY
    were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they
    already expect the shit to hit the fan??

    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know
    this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!

    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or
    not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) -
    sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin'
    Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the
    DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of
    FBI agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.
    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's
    deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and the
    disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.
    The treatment isn't disparate, Sunshine.

    The situations were clearly different.

    Yeah they're different: the FBI DIDN'T raid Lyin' Biden's home!

    Because Biden didn't refuse to return documents that he should have.

    You agree that Trump did refuse, right?

    Make no mistake: senile pervert Lyin' Biden IS a CRIMINAL as there is
    NO EXCUSE for mishandling CID (compartmentalized intelligence data).

    So how is Trump not a criminal by the same standard?

    Tell me, do you think the pervert FORGOT that he had top secret data
    in his GARAGE when he went on 60 Minutes and called Trump HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE, or when he took the oath of office and PLEDGED to
    uphold the Constitution and LAWS of America?

    I think that it's very probably that he forgot about those files, Sunshine.

    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew what he
    was doing.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Mon Jan 16 22:47:46 2023
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 5:08:39 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-12 17:02, Tommy wrote:
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 11:46:27 AM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 19:19, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified
    documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And WHY
    were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office? Did they
    already expect the shit to hit the fan??

    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know
    this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!

    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or
    not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM) -
    sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert Lyin'
    Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this idiot, the
    DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an ARMED squad of
    FBI agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden residence.
    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why Trump's
    deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and the
    disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.
    The treatment isn't disparate, Sunshine.

    The situations were clearly different.

    Yeah they're different: the FBI DIDN'T raid Lyin' Biden's home!
    Because Biden didn't refuse to return documents that he should have.

    You agree that Trump did refuse, right?

    Hardly. Trump MET with the agents when they went thru the documents AT Mar-A-Lago, and INVITED them back if they had anymore questions. The ONLY thing they requested was that an additional lock be put on the storage room, which Trump did.

    Make no mistake: senile pervert Lyin' Biden IS a CRIMINAL as there is
    NO EXCUSE for mishandling CID (compartmentalized intelligence data).
    So how is Trump not a criminal by the same standard?

    Tell me, do you think the pervert FORGOT that he had top secret data
    in his GARAGE when he went on 60 Minutes and called Trump HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE, or when he took the oath of office and PLEDGED to
    uphold the Constitution and LAWS of America?
    I think that it's very probably that he forgot about those files, Sunshine.

    No, you DON'T "forget" about classified documents. What you are saying that his senility has ERASED the memory, which means the pervert is unfit for office.

    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew what he
    was doing.

    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Fri Jan 20 11:13:05 2023
    On 2023-01-16 22:47, Tommy wrote:
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 5:08:39 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-12 17:02, Tommy wrote:
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 11:46:27 AM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 19:19, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified
    documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And
    WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office?
    Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??

    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know
    this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!

    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or
    not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM)
    - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert
    Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this
    idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an
    ARMED squad of FBI agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden
    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why
    Trump's deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and
    the disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.
    The treatment isn't disparate, Sunshine.

    The situations were clearly different.

    Yeah they're different: the FBI DIDN'T raid Lyin' Biden's home!
    Because Biden didn't refuse to return documents that he should

    You agree that Trump did refuse, right?

    Hardly. Trump MET with the agents when they went thru the documents
    AT Mar-A-Lago, and INVITED them back if they had anymore questions.

    Well that's two falsehoods.

    The ONLY thing they requested was that an additional lock be put on
    the storage room, which Trump did.

    Cites, please!

    Make no mistake: senile pervert Lyin' Biden IS a CRIMINAL as
    there is NO EXCUSE for mishandling CID (compartmentalized
    intelligence data).
    So how is Trump not a criminal by the same standard?

    Tell me, do you think the pervert FORGOT that he had top secret
    data in his GARAGE when he went on 60 Minutes and called Trump
    HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE, or when he took the oath of office and
    PLEDGED to uphold the Constitution and LAWS of America?
    I think that it's very probably that he forgot about those files,

    No, you DON'T "forget" about classified documents. What you are
    saying that his senility has ERASED the memory, which means the
    pervert is unfit for office.

    Nope. I'm saying that even in a well-run office, papers get misplaced.

    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.

    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.

    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    ...but he has so many contradictory excuses.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Sat Jan 21 17:56:42 2023
    On Friday, January 20, 2023 at 11:13:09 AM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-16 22:47, Tommy wrote:
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 5:08:39 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-12 17:02, Tommy wrote:
    On Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 11:46:27 AM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-11 19:19, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 6:50:36 PM UTC-8, Alan
    On 2023-01-11 17:46, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:38:22 PM UTC-8, Alan
    On 2023-01-11 17:27, Tommy wrote:
    Senile pervert Lyin' Biden has highly classified
    documents squirreled away ALL OVER the country! And
    WHY were lawyers used to "clear out" an old office?
    Did they already expect the shit to hit the fan??

    Now, we know that this kind of behavior is HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE. We know
    this because senile pervert Lyin' Biden TOLD US SO!

    The question is this SO irresponsible that the pervert should resign or
    not run again? GOOD QUESTION!
    But Trump's behaviour was somehow fine with you...

    ...despite not returning the documents when asked...

    ...despite denying that he had any more...

    ...despite there being hundreds of more documents

    Yeah, Fool, TRY to change the subject (i.e. WHATABOUTISM)
    - sorry, this dodge isn't going to work: senile pervert
    Lyin' Biden MUST be held to the same standards that this
    idiot, the DOJ and Congress held Trump to. This means an
    ARMED squad of FBI agents raiding EVERY Lyin' Biden
    I'm not changing the subject.

    You're claiming that this is a big deal...

    ...but if this is a big deal, you have to explain why
    Trump's deliberate taking of classified documents wasn't.

    You sure as hell are, Fool. This is about Lyin' Biden and
    the disparate treatment of Libtards vs conservatives.
    The treatment isn't disparate, Sunshine.

    The situations were clearly different.

    Yeah they're different: the FBI DIDN'T raid Lyin' Biden's home!
    Because Biden didn't refuse to return documents that he should

    You agree that Trump did refuse, right?

    Hardly. Trump MET with the agents when they went thru the documents
    AT Mar-A-Lago, and INVITED them back if they had anymore questions.
    Well that's two falsehoods.
    The ONLY thing they requested was that an additional lock be put on
    the storage room, which Trump did.
    Cites, please!

    Make no mistake: senile pervert Lyin' Biden IS a CRIMINAL as
    there is NO EXCUSE for mishandling CID (compartmentalized
    intelligence data).
    So how is Trump not a criminal by the same standard?

    Tell me, do you think the pervert FORGOT that he had top secret
    data in his GARAGE when he went on 60 Minutes and called Trump
    HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE, or when he took the oath of office and
    PLEDGED to uphold the Constitution and LAWS of America?
    I think that it's very probably that he forgot about those files,

    No, you DON'T "forget" about classified documents. What you are
    saying that his senility has ERASED the memory, which means the
    pervert is unfit for office.
    Nope. I'm saying that even in a well-run office, papers get misplaced.

    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.

    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    ...but he has so many contradictory excuses.

    Right - Lyin' Biden's brain is so FUZZY he doesn't know WHAT THE HELL he did with the classified docs!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Sat Jan 21 18:02:44 2023
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...
    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to Alan on Sat Jan 21 19:00:33 2023
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to -hh on Sat Jan 21 23:39:09 2023
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.
    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.
    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.
    That too.


    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question: did you EVER have a security clearance?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to Tommy on Sun Jan 22 06:48:46 2023
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?

    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to -hh on Sun Jan 22 10:09:13 2023
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic statements on security clearances.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Sun Jan 22 10:14:00 2023
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>>>>>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic statements on security clearances.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to Alan on Sun Jan 22 14:17:42 2023
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>>>>>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to -hh on Sun Jan 22 15:17:17 2023
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>>>>>>>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession.
    That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic >>> statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to Alan on Tue Jan 24 15:14:51 2023
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>>>>>>>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to -hh on Tue Jan 24 15:35:50 2023
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>>>>>>>>>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally >>> disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.

    Watching the about face from those in Washington and those here will be fun.

    '"The handling of classified materials and the nation's secret is a very serious matter, and as a former vice president of the United States, I
    can speak from personal experience about the attention that ought to be
    paid to those materials when you're in office and after you leave office
    — and clearly that did not take place in this case," he criticized,
    referring specifically to President Biden.'


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to -hh on Tue Jan 24 16:28:10 2023
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>>>>>>>>>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance.

    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally >>> disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.

    '“Mike Pence took documents from the White House without asking me first
    if I wanted to take them,” he said. “Mike Pence kept me from having a complete collection of documents, and that, quite frankly, is a disgrace.”'


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Wed Jan 25 18:06:23 2023
    On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 4:28:12 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote:
    On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance. >>>>>>>>
    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question:
    did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally >>> disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without
    telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found
    that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.
    '“Mike Pence took documents from the White House without asking me first if I wanted to take them,” he said. “Mike Pence kept me from having a complete collection of documents, and that, quite frankly, is a disgrace.”'


    I don't take anything coming from the New Yorker seriously.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Wed Jan 25 19:48:49 2023
    On 2023-01-25 18:06, Tommy wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 4:28:12 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote: >>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance. >>>>>>>>>>
    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question: >>>>>>>>> did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally >>>>> disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without
    telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found
    that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.
    '“Mike Pence took documents from the White House without asking me first >> if I wanted to take them,” he said. “Mike Pence kept me from having a
    complete collection of documents, and that, quite frankly, is a disgrace.”'


    I don't take anything coming from the New Yorker seriously.

    He actually fell for it!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Fri Jan 27 21:29:12 2023
    On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 7:48:52 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-25 18:06, Tommy wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 4:28:12 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote: >>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance. >>>>>>>>>>
    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question: >>>>>>>>> did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally
    disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without
    telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found
    that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.
    '“Mike Pence took documents from the White House without asking me first
    if I wanted to take them,” he said. “Mike Pence kept me from having a >> complete collection of documents, and that, quite frankly, is a disgrace.”'


    I don't take anything coming from the New Yorker seriously.
    He actually fell for it!

    Hardly, Fool.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Fri Jan 27 21:34:00 2023
    On 2023-01-27 21:29, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 7:48:52 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-25 18:06, Tommy wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 4:28:12 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power.

    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance. >>>>>>>>>>>>
    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question: >>>>>>>>>>> did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally
    disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without
    telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found
    that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.
    '“Mike Pence took documents from the White House without asking me first >>>> if I wanted to take them,” he said. “Mike Pence kept me from having a >>>> complete collection of documents, and that, quite frankly, is a disgrace.”'


    I don't take anything coming from the New Yorker seriously.
    He actually fell for it!

    Hardly, Fool.

    Yeah! You really did!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tommy@21:1/5 to Alan on Sun Jan 29 18:52:55 2023
    On Friday, January 27, 2023 at 9:34:04 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-27 21:29, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 7:48:52 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-25 18:06, Tommy wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 4:28:12 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>> On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power. >>>>>>>>>>>>
    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance. >>>>>>>>>>>>
    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question: >>>>>>>>>>> did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally
    disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without
    telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found
    that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.
    '“Mike Pence took documents from the White House without asking me first
    if I wanted to take them,” he said. “Mike Pence kept me from having a
    complete collection of documents, and that, quite frankly, is a disgrace.”'


    I don't take anything coming from the New Yorker seriously.
    He actually fell for it!

    Hardly, Fool.
    Yeah! You really did!

    Nope, he didn't.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Alan@21:1/5 to Tommy on Sun Jan 29 19:54:16 2023
    On 2023-01-29 18:52, Tommy wrote:
    On Friday, January 27, 2023 at 9:34:04 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-27 21:29, Tommy wrote:
    On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 7:48:52 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-25 18:06, Tommy wrote:
    On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 4:28:12 PM UTC-8, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-24 15:14, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:17:26 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
    On 2023-01-22 14:17, -hh wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 1:14:02 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-22 10:09, Tommy wrote:
    On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 6:48:48 AM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:39:10 AM UTC-5, Tommy wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 7:00:34 PM UTC-8, -hh wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 9:02:48 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2023-01-21 17:56, Tommy wrote:
    Trump OTOH, has stated justifications that include that he knew
    what he was doing.
    Because he DECLASSIFIED the documents in his possession. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's one of the excuses he's used...

    It's NOT an excuse, Fool - he DID have that power. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Spoken like someone who’s never had a security clearance. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    It's still an excuse.

    His excuses contradict each other.

    That too.

    You are such a LYING IDIOT! You NEVER answered the question: >>>>>>>>>>>>> did you EVER have a security clearance?
    “Can neither confirm nor deny”, Tommy.


    There you go again - which means you didn't. Also confirmed by your idiotic
    statements on security clearances.


    Yup. Because what Tommy’s not grokking is that while one *can* legally
    disclose if one has a clearance, that from an OPSEC standpoint, one shouldn’t.

    There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

    Frankly, I’m glad in retrospect to have gotten off of my monthly “Lautenberg”
    100% inventory requirement before CoVid, as that was a nuisance even without
    telework. Similarly, was finally successful in foisting my sc’y cabinet full and its
    accountability responsibilities off on the guy who had most of the docs. Bonus
    is that it means that he’s who gets stuck solving his screwup from last year, rather
    than me, or others having to cover for him.

    In the meantime, former VP Mike Pence has now revealed that he has also found
    that he had a ~dozen classified docs that he shouldn’t have too. They’ve been
    turned in. Will be interesting to watch the Republicans twist+squirm on this.
    '“Mike Pence took documents from the White House without asking me first
    if I wanted to take them,” he said. “Mike Pence kept me from having a
    complete collection of documents, and that, quite frankly, is a disgrace.”'


    I don't take anything coming from the New Yorker seriously.
    He actually fell for it!

    Hardly, Fool.
    Yeah! You really did!

    Nope, he didn't.


    Your reaction was precisely as if the article were serious.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)