• The military is cooked

    From Irving S@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 19 02:30:24 2022

    Good to hear it. Who in the right mind would want to risk their lives in Afghanistan or Ukraine or Syria or whatever. What the hell are you fighting for, other than enriching the military industrial complex and corrupt politicians. Is a degenerate
    demented creep like Biden and his proxies worth fighting and dying for?

    Many terminations due to the vax. A lot of these soldiers are smart. And a lot saying Fuck you to the military, because they wont take the vax. And all this woke shit, this transgender shit. The military is about protecting and killing the enemy. We
    need men, not a bunch of pansies and guys that want to cut their dicks off and wear a dress.

    And for those poor lost souls that do fight and come home injured, what awaits. So many not getting the care they need, physical and psychological. How many vets commit suicide daily? How many homeless? My heart goes out for them.

    Give it time, this country will not be able to beat Hondurus in a military conflict. Putin is laughing at what he sees, and he is right to laugh. All our enemies are laughing, they should.

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