• Re: watching Rune

    From Whisper@21:1/5 to The Iceberg on Mon May 13 19:06:35 2024
    On 13/05/2024 6:42 pm, The Iceberg wrote:
    On 12/05/2024 18:15, Sawfish wrote:
    I saw him against Nardi a couple of days ago, so this is a recent
    observation. I just watched the competition and for the most part
    didn't try to evaluate the components of his game.

    First off, Nardi is a damned good player! I believe I've heard of him,
    but hadn't yet seen him. I hope to see more. I'm not sure if he's
    mostly a clay-court guy or not.

    First off, Rune is, as many say, an impressive physical talent. He is
    gifted in the same way that Federer was, so far as fluid, competent
    athleticism. There's no one like Federer whom I've ever seen, and Rune
    is not another Federer, but when you watch him, you also think, as
    with Federer, "Here's a guy for whom the physical demands of the sport
    are negligible." I think he's more of a physical type of athlete,
    minimally less smooth and graceful, but in no sense is he ponderous or
    labored in the least.

    The general impression of potential power brings to mind Sampras, but
    with a broader mobility range.

    wow a "broader mobility range" than Sampras??!!! he must be like Usain
    Bolt combined with Michael Jordan or something then

    Yeah Sawfish has lost the plot with this statement lol : )

    I watched Rune up close at AO and yes he's pretty awesome with huge
    potential. Pretty solid and complete game no real weaknesses, his
    forehand is next level too. But having said that he's no Sampras. Pete
    was maybe best ever mover on a fast court. Maybe not in 2002 USO, but a
    few yrs earlier : )

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