• Re:Total idiot leftist expert tries to stop Iceberg's cat going out in

    From *skriptis@21:1/5 to The Iceberg on Fri Apr 12 08:07:18 2024
    The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r
    Honestly, seems there no limit to how dumb and power-mad these leftist idiots are? this one is trying to say shouldn't let my cat out in the garden for some virtue-signalling nonsense and she must be lying about "public opinion" unless she means on the
    reddit Marxist forum or something! well she can get lost, my cat loves being in the garden cos he a cat, he not meant or designed to live permanently inside for Sampras' sake!!!!! she prob the type that would cut his claws! if she tried that he would
    rightly give her a good scratching! also what kind of mental case takes their cat to a park where there are vicious dogs like pit bulls that eat cats? they should've banned all leftists from owning pets once the stories about them having a "vegan dog"
    came out!the nut says "Does your cat want to go outside?" YES YES YES HE DOES COS HE A CAT! LOLhttps://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-to-responsibly-let-your-cat-outsideHow to (Responsibly) Let Your Cat OutsideGiving your house cat a taste of freedom
    doesn’t have to imperil local birds or other wildlife. Here’s what experts suggest.Since adopting him in November 2022, I have loved sharing a home with my indoor cat, Mouse. I love how the bell on his collar announces his presence in a room, and how
    his cartoonish ears twitch as he watches the birds outside.But, admittedly, I started to envy dog owners. When I’d go to the park, I would look around at the pit bulls and retrievers and various doodles, and think “Mouse would love this.” So, last
    May, when the D.C. weather was still comfortable, I started taking him to the park in our neighborhood, coaxing him with treats into his harness and carrier for the five-minute walk, then letting him explore on-leash once we arrived. He loved it.Public
    opinion has largely turned against allowing cats free range of the outdoors — it’s dangerous for them and for the birds and other small wildlife they encounter. But as Mouse and I learned, it is possible to give your house cat at least a sliver of
    freedom while avoiding environmental destruction.Does your cat want to go outside?When dealing with cats, it’s important to present them with a choice to engage in an activity, rather than forcing them into a situation that might actually terrify them.

    Lol 😁

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