• Petition urges NFL to fire officiating crew after blown call in NFC Cha

    From Incompetent Roger Goodell@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 27 13:49:52 2019
    XPost: alt.sports.football.pro.phila-eagles, alt.sports.football.pro.ne-patriots, alt.sports.football.pro.no-saints
    XPost: alt.sports.football.pro.la-rams

    The NFL is being urged to fire the crew who officiated the NFC
    Championship game between the Los Angeles Rams and New Orleans
    Saints over a blown call in the fourth quarter of the matchup.

    A petition launched after the Rams defeated the Saints in
    overtime, 26-23, has asked the league to fire official Bill
    Vinovich and the rest of the officials who were in charge Sunday
    afternoon. The officials came under fire after missing a clear
    pass interference penalty late in the fourth quarter.

    “Because of the blatantly missed Pass Interference/Helmet-to-
    Helmet no call in the last minutes of the 4th quarter against
    the New Orleans Saints, which directly resulted in the Saints
    being eliminated from the Super Bowl, Bill Vinovich and his
    entire officiating crew should be fired for gross incompetence.
    This will be known as the worst no call in NFL history,” the
    Change.org petition read.

    With the Saints driving, quarterback Drew Brees threw a pass
    toward wide receiver Tommylee Lewis. It appeared Lewis was in
    good position to catch the ball, but Rams defensive back Nickell
    Robey-Coleman barreled into him and appeared to hit him with his

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    3:08 PM - Jan 20, 2019
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    Many thought the play should have warranted a penalty for pass
    interference, but the officials kept it in their back pocket.
    The Saints were forced to settle for a field goal to take the
    lead. The Rams then came back and tied the game up to force
    overtime and eventually win the game.

    Saints coach Sean Payton said the NFL admitted the referees
    missed the call.

    Prior to the game, Rams fans launched a petition to get Vinovich
    off the officiating crew. Los Angeles had gone 0-8 in games
    Vinovich had officiated since 2012, according to CBS Sports.

    https://www.foxnews.com/sports/petition-urges-nfl-to-fire- officiating-crew-after-blown-call-in-nfc-championship-game

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