• Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2345 for Friday October 7th, 2022

    From Amateur Radio Newsline@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 7 08:00:11 2022
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    Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2345 for Friday October 7th, 2022

    Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2345 with a release date of Friday
    October 7th, 2022 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

    The following is a QST. Two hams are added to next year's Starliner-1
    launch. Sweden honors a noted tech entrepreneur -- and the
    International Telecommunication Union marks a 'first' in leadership.
    All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2345 comes
    your way right now.



    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: We begin this week with the US space program, which has selected two more amateur radio operators to be on board the maiden
    voyage of the Boeing Starliner-1 next year as part of the agency's
    Commercial Crew Program. Paul Braun WD9GCO reports.

    PAUL: Two amateur radio operators were recently chosen to return to the International Space Station but this time they expect to arrive there
    aboard the first flight of NASA's new Boeing Starliner-1.

    Astronaut Scott Tingle KG5NZA will be its commander and Mike Fincke
    KE5AIT of NASA will serve as the Starliner's pilot. They will join
    Jeanette Epps, KF5QNU, who will be aboard as mission specialist. NASA
    assigned her in August 2020 to join the crew.

    There is no launch date yet for Starliner-1. It must complete NASA's
    Boeing Crew Flight Test, which ensures the spacecraft can fly crewed
    missions to the ISS on a regular basis. This is part of NASA's
    Commercial Crew Program.

    The first test flight is scheduled for early 2023.

    I'm Paul Braun WD9GCO.



    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: High honors are being conferred upon an amateur radio
    operator from Sweden who is well-known for the advances he has made in
    growing the internet. We have those details from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.

    JEREMY: Congratulations to Swedish tech entrepreneur Peter
    LĂPara.thberg SM4KEL/W4KEL, whose work in helping the internet get an
    early foothold and grow in Sweden has won him a gold medal from the
    Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. King Gustaf is to
    present the medal to him next month. Dubbed an "internet guru" by
    Wired Dot Com (WIRED.COM) in 2007, he has given much sought-after
    advice to industry giants such as Cisco and Sprint. With this gold
    medal, Peter joins the ranks of scores of similarly decorated academy innovators. The academy (also known as the IVA) says on its website
    that its vision is "Technology in the service of humanity," in the
    belief that technical and economic science can make a positive
    contribution to society. I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH. (IVA, SOUTHGATE)


    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: If you're involved in Scouting, or know someone who is,
    you know that October is a big month on the Scout calendar. Bill
    Stearns, NE4RD, tells us what's happening in just a few days.

    BILL: Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTA-JOTI) is
    the world's largest Scout event taking place on the internet and over
    the airwaves. Held every year in October, the event connects millions
    of young people around the world for a full weekend of online
    activities that promote friendship and global citizenship. In 2022,
    JOTA-JOTI takes place from 14 to 16 October. For the JOTA side of the
    event, Scouts and Guides all over the world connect with each other by
    means of amateur radio. Short-wave and digital radio signals carry
    their voices to virtually any corner of the world. It's the sheer
    excitement of having a live conversation with a fellow Scout or Guide
    at some other place in the world that attracts so many young people to
    this event.

    Event planning information or resources can be found on the K2BSA
    website at K2BSA.net. Register your station today at jotajoti.info and
    check out the virtual campsite where you can find lots of activities
    for this travel-free jamboree.

    For the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this is Bill Stearns, NE4RD.


    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: October is also a big month for CW enthusiasts and one
    club in the UK has picked a date for a big but very informal
    get-together. Jeremy Boot G4NJH explains.

    JEREMY: Members of the FISTS CW Club in the UK know that you don't need
    a reason to declare it's time for a QSO Party. So organisers have
    declared the 22nd of October as the date for the club's official autumn gathering. The FISTS website says [quote] "This is simply an
    opportunity to rekindle old friendships and make new ones." [endquote]
    This means that nonmembers and radio ops who send QRS are just as
    welcome as are FISTS regulars. The QSO party takes place on that date
    between 1900 and 2359 UTC.

    As the club points out on its website, this is an activity that won't
    help anyone score points or add another certificate to their
    ever-growing collection - but on the other hand, you might just make
    some new friends. The website offers a few more encouraging words by
    adding: [quote]: "Let's wheel out the homebrew, the military gear, the
    old stuff and the new and let's just chat to each other." [endquote]

    Details are available at fists dot co dot uk (fists.co.uk)

    This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.


    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Another group of CW enthusiasts has reached out to its
    members to showcase a talent that doesn't require a straight key,
    cootie or bug -- just perhaps some pen, ink and a little imagination.
    Kevin Trotman N5PRE has that report.

    KEVIN: The Straight Key Century Club is asking its members to call upon
    a skill that requires a good hand and a good eye instead of a good fist
    and a good ear. The club is preparing for activities marking the 17th anniversary of its founding -- and that means it needs a new and unique
    QSL card for a special event. Every year the SKCC designates January as Straight Key Month and starting on the 2nd of January, operators get on
    the air using the special event call sign K3Y.

    Members have until the 14th of December to submit their designs and
    then the club gets to vote on the submissions, which are displayed on
    the event webpage. The design with the most votes becomes the design of
    the official K3Y QSL card and many of the others become part of the
    SKCC print calendar for 2023.

    No, it's not too early to start thinking about 2023 or this special
    event. If you're a club member who likes to design QSL cards - or if
    you want to try - this is your chance. Designers are permitted to
    submit their cards from previous competitions in the hopes of making it
    to the top this year. For details, see the link the text version of
    this week's newscast at arnewsline.org

    [PRINT ONLY: https://skccgroup.com/k3y/k3y-qsl-vote.php ]

    This is Kevin Trotman N5PRE.



    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Members of the ITU have chosen their next leader and
    she's not just the first woman - she's a ham. Dave Parks WB8ODF has

    DAVE: The International Telecommunication Union, the United Nations
    agency that coordinates telecommunications operations globally, has
    elected an amateur radio operator from the US as its new
    secretary-general. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, KD2JTX, will be the first
    woman to hold that office when she succeeds Houlin Zhao on January 1st.

    Her campaign page on the US Department of State website lists her deep involvement with the ITU, most recently as director of the ITU's Telecommunication Development Bureau. The website listed her
    accomplishments in bringing about upgrades that better embrace digital advances, and that her work in the role supported global efforts to
    promote school connectivity and greater involvement of youth. Under her leadership, the ITU focused on giving youth more of a voice in strategy
    and programs.

    She posted on her Twitter account on September 19th: [quote] "Immensely
    proud to be the first woman ever elected to the post of ITU
    Secretary-General. We've finally smashed a 157-y.o. glass ceiling! -and
    I hope this result inspires women and girls everywhere to dream big and
    make those dreams a reality!"

    Her rival for the post was Rashid Ismailov of Russia, who lost in a
    vote of 139 votes to 25.

    This is Dave Parks WB8ODF.



    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: This is a reminder that there is a little less than one
    month left for interested clubs to apply to the ARRL Foundation Club
    Grant Program. Deadline for applications is November 4th. The program
    is run with the help of a grant from Amateur Radio Digital
    Communications and allows clubs to expand such programs as those
    focused on education and training, especially new radio amateurs. A
    total of $500,000 is available to clubs and as much as $25,000 can be
    provided to any one club for a worthy project. Ham clubs requiring more
    than that amount are being asked to apply directly to the ARDC.

    Additional details about the ARRL program can be found at the link in
    the text version of this week's newscast at arnewsline.org

    [PRINT ONLY: arrl.org/club-grant-program ]


    BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur
    Radio Newsline heard on bulletin stations around the world including
    the W3NTT repeater in Palmerton Pennsylvania at 9 p.m. on Sundays.


    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Amateur radio was the big lesson of the day recently on
    one university campus in India. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF tells us what
    everyone talked abouthappened.

    JIM: There was perhaps no better way to mark the occasion of
    Engineering Day in September than to hold an amateur radio workshop on
    a university campus and provide some eye-opening lessons for tech
    students there.

    AMSAT-India's regional coordinator, Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP, did just
    that at Marwadi University in Gujarat, and in four hours the 80
    students from the Information and Communications Technology Department,
    along with a special team assigned to a student project, gained
    insights into amateur radio as well as ham radio satellites. For that
    one special team of students, the timing could not have been better:
    The university recently announced that they will be building a
    satellite to be launched by the ISRO. The workshop provided some bonus preparatory work for them. The more terrestrial-minded demonstrations
    -from digital modes and VHF FM to SSTV - were conducted with the help
    of Sakshi Vagadia, VU3EXP, and Shyama Vagadia, VU3WHG, who is also part
    of the student satellite team. Workshops also covered such topics as
    the jargon of amateur radio, operating in the POTA and IOTA award
    programmes, high-altitude balloon tracking and, of course, CW.

    Just as every amateur contact on the air is usually followed up with a
    QSL of some sort, this workshop is not the end of the contact with this
    campus. Rajesh reported that the university administrators were so
    pleased that AMSAT-INDIA can expect to come back to conduct more

    This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.



    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: A popular Extra Class net is back on the air after
    taking a break for a few months. We hear about their plans from Sel
    Embee KB3 T Zed Dee.

    SEL: The GERATOL Net is back. That's spelled G E R A T O L, which
    stands for Greetings Extra Radio Amateur Tired of Operating Lately,
    except after a few months of NOT operating lately, the net is back on
    the air. You can find Extra Class operators checking in every night on
    3.668 MHz, starting at 0100 UTC. Now in its 50th year of operation, the
    net is marking the occasion by adding an anniversary award to the array
    of awards it already confers to qualifying hams. To be eligible, hams
    must make 50 contacts - one for each year of the net's lifetime -during
    a session of the GERATOL Net. These contacts must be logged during the
    period of the net's anniversary year. The contacts must include the
    club staton W0NL.

    For details about the award or additional information on how to find
    and check into the net, visit the website g e r a t o l dot net

    This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.



    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: A student-built CubeSat is being prepared for launch
    next month and its young creators in UKraine have included amateur
    radio operators in their plans. Ed Durrant DD5LP brings us up to date.

    ED: Students at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in Ukraine
    are looking forward to the November launch of an educational satellite
    they built with a group of space-exploration enthusiasts. The students'
    Cubesat is designed to work on a variety of scientific and technical
    issues related to research at the institute's school, the National
    Technical University of Ukraine.

    The Cubesat, QBUA01, will be in a sun-synchronous orbit and accessible
    to hams around the world who can receive telemetry, beacon and science
    payload data.

    The nano-satellite project will focus its studies on near space and
    will explore the operation of solar sensors, magnetometers, gyroscopes, electromagnets and flywheels used in stabilization and orientation in
    space. Research will also focus on thermal regulation of a payload
    using heat pipes and on new software for controlling satellite systems
    and obtaining telemetry. Frequencies to be used are still being
    finalized.A 9k6 GMSK UHF downlink is proposed using AX25.

    This is Ed Durrant DD5LP.




    In the World of DX, Didier, F6BCW, is active from the Marquesas
    Islands, IOTA number OC-027, using the call sign TX7G until the 15th of October. Listen on 80-10m, where Didier will be using CW, SSB and
    possibly FT8 and RTTY. QSL via F6BCW.

    Don K6ZO will again be active from Malawi as 7Q6M from October 19th
    through to the end of November. You can listen for him on 160-6m. He
    will also operate during the CQWW SSB and CW contests. See QSL details
    on the QR Zed dotcom page for 7Q6M.

    Be listening for Helmut, DF7EE, who will be operating from Madeira
    after the 25th of October as CT9/DF7EE along with CT9/D D 8 Zed X. He
    will be using the callsign CQ3W for the CQWW SSB contest. See QSL
    information on QRZ.com.

    In Antarctica, Oleg, ZS1OIN [Zed Ess 1 Oh Eye Enn], will be on the air
    on the HF bands as RI1ANU from Novolazarevskaya (No-Voh Lazza Rev Sky
    Yuh) Station at the end of October. QSL to his home call.



    STEPHEN/ANCHOR: We end this week's report with a story of how hams
    helped bring about a well-timed family reunion in India. Graham Kemp
    VK4BB tells us how it happened.

    GRAHAM: The annual festival of Durga Puja is a big source of
    celebration in India, especially in eastern states such as West Bengal.
    It marks the journey of the goddes Durga as she returns to her family
    home. For the Satpute family in the Indian state of Maharashtra,
    however, there was a more immediate return home that brought them joy:
    The family's 73-year-old patriarch, who went missing 15 years ago and
    was presumed to be dead, came home with the help of a network of
    amateur radio operators.

    It was an extra source of happiness, too, for members of the West
    Bengal Radio Club, who specialise in accomplishing reunions such as
    these -- especially because it happened during this holiday.

    Club secretary Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA told Newsline that he was
    contacted by Dipankar (DEE-PANK-ARR) Chatterjee, a retired member of
    the Indian Air Force, who was out walking with friends when he noticed
    the man eating scraps of food off the street. The friends guided the
    man to a location where he could get food and clean clothing.
    Chatterjee reached out to the hams, explaining he believed the man to
    be mentally challenged. Club members were able to determine that that
    the man was from a part of Maharashtra, nearly 12,000 kilometres away.
    It did not take long for hams in Maharashtra to respond to the West
    Bengal amateurs' calls and to track down the family. Suddenly, the
    holiday took on even more meaning as the Satpute family prepared for a
    long overdue reunion.

    This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.


    NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA; the ARRL;
    BBC News; CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB; DX-World.Net; GERATOL Net;
    IARU; Indo-Asian News Service; NASAp QRZ.com; SKCC; Southgate Amateur
    Radio News; shortwaveradio.de; US Department of State; West Bengal
    Radio Club; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio
    Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its
    continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our
    website at arnewsline.org and know that we appreciate you all. We also
    remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a
    5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve
    Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team
    worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford N8WB in Wadsworth Ohio saying 73. As
    always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is
    Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.

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