• [RAC] Meme Appreciation Month: Not Your Average Special Event

    From Radio Amateurs of Canada@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 21 15:46:07 2022
    XPost: rec.radio.info

    June 25 to August 5 on all bands / all modes

    View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/rac/meme-appreciation- month-not-your-average-special-event?eV439b80b6)
    Not your Average Special Event: “Meme Appreciation Month”:
    June 25 to August 5, 2022 https://www.rac.ca/not-your-average-special-event-meme-appreciation-month/

    GIRL –

    For immediate release:

    Ben Riehl, VA4BEN

    I’m currently a 17-year old who’s graduating out of high s
    chool in Rural Manitoba this year.

    I’m planning to head out east to Quebec or Ontario for Computer En
    gineering. I’d like to become an Electronics Technician later down
    the road. I’ve been a licensed Amateur for about a year and a hal
    f now.

    I have my Canadian Advanced as well as my USA Extra. I hold VA4BEN, VA4O
    OF, VE4LID and AD2DF. I’m also the President of “Not A C
    ult ARC”, which is a youth focus club. Now onto the main event!

    This event was originally spurred out of nothing other than an inside joke
    with a group of friends from both the Young Amateurs Radio Club and the A mateur Radio Operators of Canada discord server. But I however took it to
    the next level and filled out the application for a special event call si
    gn on New Year’s Day. Once I shared the newly approved call around
    , a handful of other Amateurs decided they wanted in on the fun. To us
    , this event is a way to express our group’s feelings that speci
    al event call signs don’t have to be “so serious”.
    We want to show the goofy side of the hobby, something that could click
    with youth to potentially bring them in the hobby.

    Some might also see it as a way to put ridiculous call signs on the air,
    but we see it as a way to acknowledge the impact that “memes
    have had on pop culture and our lives. Memes are something that we
    share amongst our friends, family, strangers, etc. They’re
    created by people all over the world to cater to various types of humour.
    Just like how there’s a wide variety of music genres, one size
    doesn’t fit all.

    One thing that memes have in common with all their variants is how rapid a
    nd widespread they can be sent and viewed by other people. This is where A mateur Radio comes in, only like if it was a matter of time until a bore
    d high school kid filed an application for VB4LIGMA.

    Note: The event was supposed to be named “Ligma Awareness Month
    which would occur in July. Which is where search results for memes
    peaked according to Google Trends. The Amateur Radio Service Centre corre
    ctly suggested we rename the event to something that wouldn’t get
    them calls to the front desk asking “what Ligma is” so we
    agreed that “Meme Appreciation Month” was the new name. N
    ow you need to look up “Ligma” ...

    We plan to be active from June 25 to August 5 on all bands / all modes,
    with a strong emphasis in HF SSTV due to its image-sharing potential.

    QSL policies per each call sign will vary, so please check out the QSL i
    nfo for each call sign as needed. Most should be able to do both direct an
    d bureau cards and will be listed on https://www.qrz.com/ for more informa tion. Donations to offset the costs of the cards would be greatly apprecia
    ted. VB4LIGMA & K3K - VA4BEN / AD2DF (me). Amateurs can contact me on my l isted email address on QRZ.com.

    For more information please visit:


    ** Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/)
    ** Facebook (http://www.facebook.com)
    ** Website (http://mailchimp.com)
    Copyright © 2022 Radio Amateurs of Canada, All rights reserved.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Radio Amateurs of Canada@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 22 15:16:48 2022
    XPost: rec.radio.info

    June 25 to August 5 on all bands / all modes

    View this email in your browser (https://us10.campaign-archive.com/?eV439b80b6&uc2ce962688ad6bb6db0d414&idm9981f636)
    Not your Average Special Event: “Meme Appreciation Month”:
    June 25 to August 5, 2022 https://www.rac.ca/not-your-average-special-event-meme-appreciation-month/

    GIRL –

    For immediate release:

    Ben Riehl, VA4BEN

    I’m currently a 17-year old who’s graduating out of high s
    chool in Rural Manitoba this year.

    I’m planning to head out east to Quebec or Ontario for Computer En
    gineering. I’d like to become an Electronics Technician later down
    the road. I’ve been a licensed Amateur for about a year and a hal
    f now.

    I have my Canadian Advanced as well as my USA Extra. I hold VA4BEN, VA4O
    OF, VE4LID and AD2DF. I’m also the President of “Not A C
    ult ARC”, which is a youth focus club. Now onto the main event!

    This event was originally spurred out of nothing other than an inside joke
    with a group of friends from both the Young Amateurs Radio Club and the A mateur Radio Operators of Canada discord server. But I however took it to
    the next level and filled out the application for a special event call si
    gn on New Year’s Day. Once I shared the newly approved call around
    , a handful of other Amateurs decided they wanted in on the fun. To us
    , this event is a way to express our group’s feelings that speci
    al event call signs don’t have to be “so serious”.
    We want to show the goofy side of the hobby, something that could click
    with youth to potentially bring them in the hobby.

    Some might also see it as a way to put ridiculous call signs on the air,
    but we see it as a way to acknowledge the impact that “memes
    have had on pop culture and our lives. Memes are something that we
    share amongst our friends, family, strangers, etc. They’re
    created by people all over the world to cater to various types of humour.
    Just like how there’s a wide variety of music genres, one size
    doesn’t fit all.

    One thing that memes have in common with all their variants is how rapid a
    nd widespread they can be sent and viewed by other people. This is where A mateur Radio comes in, only like if it was a matter of time until a bore
    d high school kid filed an application for VB4LIGMA.

    Note: The event was supposed to be named “Ligma Awareness Month
    which would occur in July. Which is where search results for memes
    peaked according to Google Trends. The Amateur Radio Service Centre corre
    ctly suggested we rename the event to something that wouldn’t get
    them calls to the front desk asking “what Ligma is” so we
    agreed that “Meme Appreciation Month” was the new name. N
    ow you need to look up “Ligma” ...

    We plan to be active from June 25 to August 5 on all bands / all modes,
    with a strong emphasis in HF SSTV due to its image-sharing potential.

    QSL policies per each call sign will vary, so please check out the QSL i
    nfo for each call sign as needed. Most should be able to do both direct an
    d bureau cards and will be listed on https://www.qrz.com/ for more informa tion. Donations to offset the costs of the cards would be greatly apprecia
    ted. VB4LIGMA & K3K - VA4BEN / AD2DF (me). Amateurs can contact me on my l isted email address on QRZ.com.

    For more information please visit:


    ** Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/)
    ** Facebook (http://www.facebook.com)
    ** Website (http://mailchimp.com)
    Copyright © 2022 Radio Amateurs of Canada, All rights reserved.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)