• Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2323 for Friday May 6th, 2022

    From Amateur Radio Newsline@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 6 10:13:17 2022
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    Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2323 for Friday May 6th, 2022

    Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2323 with a release date of Friday
    May 6th, 2022 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

    The following is a QST. Ham radio assists in a human-trafficking
    rescue. Testing continues for wireless transmission of electrical power
    -- and Belgium studies the feasibility of a new amateur band. All this
    and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2323 comes your way
    right now.



    PAUL/ANCHOR: We begin this week with a harrowing tale of abduction that
    ended with amateur radio assistance. According to the United Nations
    Office on Drugs and Crime, human trafficking is on the rise in South
    Asia. In India, one woman was rescued from that fate thanks to amateur
    radio. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF brings us that story.

    JIM: Amateur radio operators in West Bengal, India, helped police
    locate and rescue a woman who told them she had been abducted and
    tortured as part of a human trafficking operation. News accounts in The
    Times of India and The Hindu newspaper both reported that the woman,
    who is in her 20s and from Bangladesh, had arrived for a visit in
    Kolkata when she was forcibly taken to a train station for transport.
    The news reports did not say how she found her way to a telephone but
    said that she contacted her brother, an amateur radio operator in
    Bangladesh. Members of the West Bengal Radio Club then received a call
    from the woman's family. Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA of the radio club,
    said that police in Pendurthi (pen-DOOR-Tee) in Andhra Pradesh state
    were called. Other hams, including those with the National Institute of
    Amateur Radio, aided the search for her. A member of the Dolphin
    Amateur Radio Repeater Club, who was not identified in news reports,
    told The Hindu newspaper that the woman was soon located and following
    her rescue May 2nd through a window, police took a man and woman into
    custody. Ambarish Nag Biswas said another ham, Sai Likhit, VU3EFN
    accompanied the young woman to the police station.

    For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.



    PAUL/ANCHOR: Meanwhile, in the United States, military researchers'
    latest test of wireless power transfer over microwave frequencies has
    been called a success. Kent Peterson KC0DGY brings us the update.

    KENT: The still-experimental practice of beaming power over microwave frequencies to transfer electrical power using so-called "ground
    bounce" has completed its most successful test to date. The United
    States Naval Research Laboratory recently completed a trial in which
    1.6 kilowatts of power was transmitted terrestrially using a 10-GHz
    beam over a distance of 1 kilometer, or six tenths of a mile. This kind
    of point-to-point transfer of electrical power is an emerging
    technology that is becoming increasingly favorable for scientists
    looking to expand its application. An IEEE (I Triple E) paper published
    late last year said the use of the ground-based transmitter is part of
    ongoing exploration that researchers hope will eventually open the door
    to space-to-earth wireless transmission of power. Scientists believe
    that limiting the frequencies in use to those below 10GHz will lessen
    the loss of power during transmission.

    Paul Jaffe, KJ4IKI, the project lead, said in an April 20th press
    release that the systems have been developed keeping safety limits in
    mind for animals and people.

    The 10 GHz band is already well-used by the amateur radio community on
    a secondary basis. Amateurs may operate between 10 and 10.5 GHz with
    amateur satellites operating at frequencies between 10.45 GHz and 10.5

    For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Kent Peterson KC0DGY.



    PAUL/ANCHOR: Ham radio experimenters in Australia have reported great
    success with their latest balloon launch, despite a last-minute
    adjustment to their gameplan. Jason Daniels VK2LAW has more.

    JASON: There was a slight change in plans for the high-altitude balloon
    launch in Australia by Project Horus, a part of the South
    Australia-based Amateur Radio Experimenters Group. The weather balloon
    had a successful launch on Sunday the 1st of May but this was a
    telemetry-only trip. The imagery portion of the flight was postponed
    for another weekend. According to the AREG website, the forecast and
    the expected cloud cover did not make for ideal conditions for imagery.
    The experimenters' group said the flight's goal was to provide
    receivers in the Central South Australia region with a chance to
    receive the telemetry using the ā-˜Horus-GUI' software. The balloon
    carried a single 70cm beacon on board.

    The experimenters' group noted on their website: [quote] "Every piece
    of telemetry data is valuable to the flight tracking and recovery
    teams." [endquote]

    Despite the adjustment in plans, organisers proclaimed the flight a
    success. An enthusiastic Mark Jessop VK5QI, the lead member of Project
    Horus, announced on Twitter: [quote] "Great to see so many stations
    receiving!" [endquote]

    For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jason Daniels VK2LAW.



    PAUL/ANCHOR: In Belgium, the regulator has received reports of FT8
    being used illegally on a band being eyed for ham radio use. Ed Durrant
    DD5LP brings us that report.

    ED: The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications,
    that nation's communications regulator, reports that amateur radio
    operators have been spotted operating using the FT8 mode illegally on
    40.680 MHz. Belgian hams are not permitted access to the 40 MHz (8
    metre) band available in some other countries. Word of the illegal transmissions comes at a crucial time: The regulator has been studying
    whether to allocate a portion of the band for use by amateur radio
    operators. At present, only short-range ISM, remotely controlled models
    and devices to open garage doors are authorized there. According to a
    report by the Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union, there are concerns
    that the illegal operation by some hams could have a negative impact on
    the regulator's determination.

    For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Ed Durrant DD5LP.


    PAUL/ANCHOR: Meanwhile, in New Zealand, hams have been granted a
    one-year extension on their access to 60 meters. This is a continuation
    of sub-licenses already held by amateurs for operation between 5351.5
    and 5366.5 kHz. Those licenses were due to expire on May 4th. The
    extension gives the regulator time to develop a new General User Radio



    PAUL/ANCHOR: An amateur radio club in Indiana will be able to upgrade
    its emergency response equipment thanks to two generous gifts. Stephen
    Kinford N8WB tells us about them.

    STEPHEN: The emergency response work by hams in the Northeastern
    Indiana Amateur Radio Association just got a big boost from more than
    $33,000 in grants to buy additional equipment, including a trailer. The
    club's Go Box project, a key tool for efficient response in disasters,
    has received a grant of nearly $3,000 from the ARRL Foundation. The
    club's other project is to buy a trailer and furnish it with an analog
    and digital repeater, radios and an array of software including Winlink
    and FLDIGI. That effort has just been given a grant of nearly $30,000
    from San Diego-based Amateur Radio Digital Communications. When the
    trailer is not in use supporting the activity of Amateur Radio
    Emergency Services, it will be taken to public events to be part of
    various amateur radio demonstrations and public education.

    For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Stephen Kinford N8WB.


    PAUL/ANCHOR: Congratulations to Newsline's own Amanda Alden K1DDN who
    will be taking up the responsibility of serving as the ARRL Colorado
    Section manager starting on July 1st. Amanda will succeed Robert
    Wareham, N0ESQ, whose resignation takes effect on June 30th. The ARRL
    announced the change in leadership on Friday, April 29th on its
    website. Robert cited time constraints as his reason for stepping down following his long period of service within the league. He has been
    public information coordinator, section emergency coordinator and state government liaison. In addition to being well-known to Newsline
    listeners and HamNation viewers, Amanda has been assistant section
    manager and regional emergency coordinator for the south and southeast All-Hazards Regions of Colorado.


    BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur
    Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including
    the VK8MA repeater in Australia's Northern Territory on Sundays at 7
    p.m. local time.


    PAUL/ANCHOR: The clock is ticking on the time you have left to send in
    your nominations for the Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio
    Newsline Young Ham of the Year award. Amateur Radio Newsline's Mark
    Abramowicz (pronouncer Abram-a-vich) NT3V is chairman of the award
    committee and has more...

    MARK: We're looking for candidates - 18 years or younger from the
    continental United States.

    Details under the awards tab at our website: arnewsline.org.

    We're looking for someone who has a real love of the hobby - perhaps
    through a public service role in amateur radio. Maybe that young ham
    you know serves as a net control for a local net.

    Or they like working with other young people, helping expose them to
    the fun and excitement of ham radio.

    Maybe - thanks to Elmers or other mentors - they really have
    developed a love of contesting or chasing DX and sharing those
    experiences with others.

    Are they active in your radio club?

    Have they ever been to Dayton or made a presentation there or someplace

    How about introducing amateur radio at school?

    Maybe establishing a school radio club.

    Or have they helped set up and taken part in a contact with the
    International Space Station?

    Time to act now.

    Deadline for nominations is May 31st.

    For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V.


    PAUL/ANCHOR: If you're getting revved up for the annual special event
    station at the Indianapolis Speedway, you're not alone. Jack Parker
    W8ISH takes us for a test drive.

    JACK: As spring temperatures warm up so do the radios at W9IMS, the
    official special event station at the Indianapolis 500 Motor Speedway.
    Starting early Monday May 9th, you can make contact with the special
    event station for the Indy Grand Prix race the following weekend.
    That's seven days of continuous access on 20 and 40 meters.

    This is the first of three races and the special event stations for the
    racing season at the famed two-and-one-half-mile oval in Speedway,

    Later this month, beginning May 23rd, you can make a second contact
    with W9IMS for the 106th running of the Indianapolis 500 mile race.
    They will be logging contacts until race day. According to station
    coordinator Bill Kennedy, WY9T, this is the 19th year for the Indy 500
    special event station.

    After a short breather, the W9IMS men and women will rev up the radios
    again for the NASCAR 200 race beginning July 25th.

    Each contact will receive a custom designed QSL card for each race.
    Those hams logging all three special event stations are eligible for a
    special three-race certificate this fall.

    You can find more details of the times and dates by logging onto W9IMS
    at QRZ. Com.

    Reporting from Indianapolis, for Amateur Radio Newsline, this is Jack
    Parker, W8ISH.

    PAUL/ANCHOR: The three youngsters who were scheduled for a big DX
    adventure in 2020 are two years older - and two years more eager to
    get going and get on the air. They're ready for the Dave Kalter
    Memorial Youth DX Adventure that will land them in CURAƇAO as PJ2T
    between July 14th and 19th. Created in 2008, the adventure group
    provides a DX experience, education and some travel experience for
    young licensees between the ages of 12 and 17 at no cost to them. It is supported entirely by donations from individuals, clubs and other organizations. If you're heading to Hamvention later this month, stop
    by booth number 2602 and meet the trio of young operators and their
    team. Tickets will also be sold for a raffle drawing on an HF rig to
    help support their trip. The trio of young radio amateurs are the same
    ones chosen for the 2020 trip before it was cancelled because of the
    pandemic. The youth DX group's last adventure was held in 2019 and set
    a program record of 6,569 QSOs.



    PAUL/ANCHOR: A special event station for young Scouts in the United
    States is back after two years, and it logged an impressive array of
    contacts. For that story we turn to Newsline's newest correspondent,
    George Zafiropoulos KJ6VU.

    GEORGE: You might consider special event station W2P the official
    station of the Comeback Kids. The 58th annual Scout Camporee at the
    West Point Military Academy in New York had to be cancelled for two
    consecutive years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the weekend of
    April 22nd to 24th, it returned and got on the air, making 577 contacts
    on CW and phone, covering 41 states and 25 DXCC entities on three
    continents. James Gallo, KB2FMH, one of the organizers, told Newsline
    that organizers and the West Point Scoutmaster's Council saw that the
    camporee itself made up for lost time, even with the usual number of
    6,000 attendees reduced to 4,000 as a COVID precaution. The radio
    station had about 13 operators working in rotation on five stations on
    Saturday and three stayed on with James to finish up the activation the
    next day. James said the contacts were devoted to mini-ragchews, giving everyone a chance to share memories of being in Scouting or the
    military. Many of the operators, who were from the Fair Lawn Amateur
    Radio Club in New Jersey, handled the pileups and engaged their
    contacts in a lively conversation. He said the most memorable contact
    was logged in the middle of the night on 20 meters: a 5-watt station
    with the call sign R5AJ. The operator told James he'd been a Scout as a
    boy and when he found the listing on QRZ he had to make the call. He
    gave the Scouts a signal report of 5 and 8.

    For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm George Zafiropoulos KJ6VU.


    PAUL/ANCHOR: If you worked W2P or heard it as a shortwave listener, QSL
    with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the mailing addresss of
    W2TMR no later than May 9th.


    In the World of DX, be listening for Gustavo, HC2FG, operating as HD8FG
    from Santa Cruz island, Galapagos Islands, SA-004. He will be on the
    air until the 8th of May, operating only on 6m FT8 and satellites. QSL
    to his home call.

    Reiner, DL2AAZ will be active from Guadeloupe as TO2AZ from May 27th to
    June 10th. Be listening on 40-10m where Reiner will be using CW and
    SSB. Send QSLs to his home call.

    Listen for Roland, F8EN, on the air from Libreville, Gabon as TR8CR
    during the middle of May until July. Be listening on 40, 30 and 20
    where he will be using CW. Send QSLs to F6AJA.

    Be listening for Paul, ZS2PS, who will be operating mobile as he visits
    Namibia in early May. He will be on the air through the middle of June, operating from various grids and doing some POTA activations. Be
    listening on 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 and 10m. QSL via LoTW.



    PAUL/ANCHOR: Finally, we end with a story about hams reflecting on
    being hams. It's the sum and substance of a new radio documentary that
    made its premiere at an arts festival in the UK. Jeremy Boot G4NJH
    brings us the details.

    JEREMY: Radio celebrates radio in a half-hour audio documentary that
    made its debut last month at an arts festival in Dublin. It is a
    mixture of interviews with amateurs based in Ireland, actual on-air
    contacts made by the hams and - because this was for an arts festival -
    there is also music by the Ficino String Quartet, an ensemble also
    based in Ireland. Dublin's Five Lamps Arts Festival presented the
    half-hour programme, "Ham," as a broadcast on Dublin Digital Radio in
    early April. The documentary is the creation of Craig Cox, a composer
    and an active contributor to the city's experimental music community.
    All those musical notes are complemented by an array of technical notes provided in interviews with Annard Brower, EI4IQB; Ana CaÅ(tm)izares
    Bejarano, EI5IXB; Tony Breathnach, EI5EM; and Joe Guilf, EI2JZ. The
    hams talk about moonbounce, signal reports, bandwidth and the music
    inherent in the dits and dahs of Morse Code.

    Though the Five Lamps Festival is a community-based event traditionally focusing on local arts, culture and theatre, the addition of the drama
    and culture of amateur radio transported the celebration across
    continents, if only for a few moments.

    For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH.

    PAUL/ANCHOR: The documentary can be heard now on demand on SoundCloud.
    See the text version of this week's Newsline script for the link.

    [FOR PRINT, DO NOT READ: soundcloud.com/craigcoxsound/ham ]


    NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group;
    ARRL; BBC; CQ Magazine; Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure; David
    Behar K7DB; DXWorld.net; EMFCamp; Five Lamps Festival; The Hindu
    newspaper; the IEEE; James Gallo, KB2FMH; KPC News; New Zealand
    Association of Radio Transmitters; Ohio Penn DX; QRZ.com; the Radio
    Society of Great Britain; Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union;
    SoundCloud; Southgate Amateur Radio News; shortwaveradio.de; The Times
    of India; the United States Navy; YouTube; and you our listeners,
    that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. You can write to us at newsline@arnewsline.org. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio
    Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs
    expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please
    visit our website at arnewsline.org and know that we appreciate you

    For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and
    our news team worldwide, I'm Paul Braun WD9GCO in Valparaiso Indiana
    saying 73. As always we thank you for listening.

    Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.

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