• [Reddit] "Old Timer returns from a world of silence"

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    Amateur/Ham Radio

    "Old Timer returns from a world of silence"

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 08:22 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9khor/old_timer_returns_from_a_world_of_silence/

    submitted by /u/CJ_Resurrected
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    Yesterday I knew nothing of radios. Then I was gifted a Uniden and a
    Baofeng. Started researching and found out how cool radios are!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 11:13 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9oeuq/yesterday_i_knew_nothing_of_radios_then_i_was/

    Im taking the Tech license class tonight!! I ordered books to help me learn because I get mixed input online. Unfortunately they will not be here for a month so I might have alot of questions for yall!! So excited!! submitted
    by /u/MrFeels77
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    Ohms law

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 09:08 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9ljxr/ohms_law/

    submitted by /u/VE6LK
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    Fishing line

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 02:16 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9sdt9/fishing_line/

    I tried fishing line for my long wire antenna, all it did was remind me of
    when I go fishing and get tangled all up in a tree…. submitted by /u/Routine_Watercress76
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    Movie recommendation: if you haven't seen "Island in the sky" from 1953, featuring John Wayne, I highly recommend it!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 09:36 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9m7o2/movie_recommendation_if_you_havent_seen_island_in/

    It was recommended to me by an old timer I met on 20m last year, I just
    finally got around to watching it. Its a little slow paced, but its par for
    the era. Its a movie about pilots and planes, not radio. But it heavily features radios, and they use a bit of jargon and lingo that I think most
    hams would understand, while most regular people wouldnt. Pretty cool!
    Its available on pluto.tv, though I admit Ive never used that service.
    Google says its free and legal though.
    Otherwise it looks like you can rent it on Amazon video, or Vudu.
    Hope you enjoy it!
    Edit: I had to repost this, as Reddit automatically removed it for
    being "spammy". Ive removed the direct link to Pluto.tv. Ive got no
    affiliation with them, but apparently Reddit doesnt care. submitted by /u/Beastlykings
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    A Variable Capacitor For Not A Lot

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 09:36 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9m7ey/a_variable_capacitor_for_not_a_lot/

    submitted by /u/ishmal
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    FT-60 charging and aftermarket battery solutions

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 01:48 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9rsul/ft60_charging_and_aftermarket_battery_solutions/

    The FT60 uses NiMH batteries, and I, as an RC airplane and rocketry person
    fear those for their bad energy to weight ratio and poor performance. Also,
    the manual shows that the charging system is pretty complex (plug in for EU version, cradle for US? can the EU version use a cradle???). Im in Europe,
    and my third-hand FT60 came with a NC-88C charger that I plug directly into
    the radio.
    Now, I am very much aware that NiMH batteries and LiIons need to be charged differently. My question is whether thats handled on the pack side, the
    radio side, or the cradle side. If I buy an aftermarket lithium battery,
    how does charging look like? Do I need a special cable, cradle or do I
    entirely lose the option to charge while the battery is installed in the
    radio? submitted by /u/karmeleq96
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    ICOM IC-22S Schematic

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 06:48 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9xs0r/icom_ic22s_schematic/

    Do any of you fine folks happen to have schematics either official (Im not
    sure they exist) or hand-drawn for the IC-22S radio? I have the Instruction Manual and it contains block diagrams, component values, measurement information, but no detailed schematics. submitted by /u/aacmckay
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    Amazing what will pass for an antenna

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 06:33 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9xhuw/amazing_what_will_pass_for_an_antenna/

    So long story short I disconnected my 2m radio (Yaesu FT-2980) from the
    window passthrough connector last night when I was rearranging the shack
    desk and forgot to plug it back in. Skip to tonight and I tune into my
    local nightly 2m net and think to myself "the repeater sounds really weak tonight, hmm) I proceed to check in as normal and net control say "just
    wanted to let you know your signal is really scratchy tonight" it was
    shortly after that I realized the only thing connected to my rig was the 2
    foot long RG8x jumper that normally plugs into the window passthrough. So
    to review, checked into local net on a repeater 26 miles away with a 2 foot piece of coax from inside the house and didnt kill my finals to boot. Not
    bad but Im not planning on making it a habit. submitted by /u/DC5932
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    QRZ Web Requests?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 04:53 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9vlv9/qrz_web_requests/

    I don’t really understand it if someone could explain - What is with “web requests” on QRZ? I have received a bunch of emails over the years to
    update the web request page of various ops. submitted by /u/6-20PM
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    Best mast material

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 03:46 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9uabm/best_mast_material/

    Hey everyone. Im getting back into the radio game after 15 or so years.
    Back then I could get a 5 foot section of mast for about $5 or so. I see
    prices of that have gone up a bit. So, Im looking to get about 10-15 feet
    of something to get two lightweight antennas above my roof line mounted to
    the side peak of my home. Does anyone have any good sources or
    recommendations? Thanks. submitted by /u/TheWoodedGinger
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    First HF Portable Setup - Any Suggestions?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 08:58 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9lazq/first_hf_portable_setup_any_suggestions/

    Howdy ham community!
    I just got my general license and was wondering if you guys could give me
    some pointers on my setup. I have read the FAQ and scrolled through a few
    posts and have decided on the setup I am looking at. The specs are as
    -Radio: Yaesu FT-891
    -Antenna: Buddistick Pro
    -Power: Bioenno 12v 6Ah Battery
    -Tuner: ??? From what I have read online, I will need a tuner for the Buddistick, and maybe an antenna analyzer. Any suggestions?

    I am planning on doing a SOTA in 2 weeks and at the very minimum trying to activate it via VHF. A lot of people at a recent hamfest laughed and said I couldnt do it, but there have been some people that have told me they had successfully activated the peak the same way. It made me wonder if I should
    get a setup to get QSOs on the HF bands in case VHF isnt working.

    Alternatively, I could save all my money and get a radio in a couple of
    months that is a little heavier on features - Something like an IC-7300 or
    KX3. My local club has been super helpful, and have invited me to their operating station and said they would take a day and teach me how to make
    my own antennas and show me how to work an HF radio and make contacts. One
    way or another I will be engaging with my local club, I am just wondering
    if you guys think it would be better for me to learn more and save up for a nicer radio.

    Portability is important for me. I want to do SOTA/POTA, use the radio in
    the car, and be able to set up anywhere. I dont have the money or the space
    to set up a big ham shack at my house, and already have a mobile rig
    (Anytone) that I am relatively happy with, which is why I am not looking at
    the 991a. Digital modes are not that important to me, I dont see the
    appeal/use for them. If I wanted to talk to someone digitally I would just skype/facetime/call them, but to each their own. I am not an extreme outdoorsman, so weight is not a huge factor for me - I dont mind if one
    radio is 5 lbs heavier than another radio, I dont plan on DXing from any
    crazy locations. I think I have ruled out the G90 because the FAQ and other posts have said that 20w SSB is basically a QRP radio, and newbies should
    not really be looking to get a QRP for their first radio due to the
    difficulty involved.

    I appreciate any thoughts or comments you guys might have!

    73 submitted by /u/JhawkCPA
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    Where can u buy an othernet dreamcatcher,the website seems sold out?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 01:47 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9rs5k/where_can_u_buy_an_othernet_dreamcatcherthe/

    Does anyone know where to buy an othernet dreamcatcher board apart from the main website which seems sold out. I found TechMinds video about it
    interesting and i really want to try it but it seems like i cant find it. I don’t know how much this has to do with amateur radio but the YouTuber who made a video on it is an amateur radio operator so i figured this subreddit
    is the best place to ask. submitted by /u/Markdaboi2250
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    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 12:14 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9prv2/antenna/

    What’s a common object that isn’t overly heavy but it’s heavy enough that I
    can use to get a wire antenna in the tree? submitted by /u/Routine_Watercress76
    [link] [comments]

    Is this an endfed antenna, and how do I get this like 50 feet or more up in
    a tree? And where does the metal box go, does it go up in the tree too?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 10:48 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9nuow/is_this_an_endfed_antenna_and_how_do_i_get_this/

    submitted by /u/Routine_Watercress76
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    Why are All SDRs low power?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 09:23 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9lwsr/why_are_all_sdrs_low_power/

    I keep looking online, and it seems like most true SDRs are low power. Some
    of the newer Yaesu/Icom stuff says it has an "SDR architecture," but for devices that are designed primarily as an SDR they seem to top out at 20W.
    Is there a particular reason?
    Im starting to dip my toe into HF, and really like digimodes, so was trying
    to find a good option for supporting a wide variety of them. submitted
    by /u/gimlithepirate
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    Help with a weird problem Im having with ft70D?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 08:31 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9kpsy/help_with_a_weird_problem_im_having_with_ft70d/

    Hey AR,
    I’ve been having a strange problem with my FT 70D recently, I started
    having this problem after connecting to wires – X and I can’t figure out what I did to make this problem start. Whenever I try and transmit to a
    certain repeater that I have saved in my memory it starts transmitting in digital even though the most that I have it is set to FM. When I stop transmitting it switches back to FM.
    I’ve looked through as much as I am knowledgeable on with the radio but if anyone knows what the problem might be and can help me that would be
    Thanks submitted by /u/Admiral_Ackbardown
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    DMR Private calling

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 07:44 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9jljh/dmr_private_calling/

    I am super new to digital radio. I was wondering what the best way is to achieve selective calling similar to analog two-way radios that uses
    My goal is to send a command from a base radio to a receive radio and then transmit data to a PCs serial port. The receive radio should only respond
    to a specific ID corresponding to that of the base radio (something like
    PTT ID). The base radio should also receive back from the receive radio to indicate that the command was received successfully by the receive radio.
    Can this be achieved through DMR private calling or something similar? submitted by /u/Jydoenwat2
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    Help with weird signal on vintage radio

    Posted: 08 Mar 2022 07:42 AM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/t9jjtp/help_with_weird_signal_on_vintage_radio/

    Hi all – Im here asking for some help as Im a n00b when it comes to all things radio.
    Basically, I heard a weird signal on my vintage radio and at first didnt
    think too much of it because that stuff happens sometimes. But then I
    started to notice it more and more and it didnt sound like general interference. I cant get it all the time. I dont know what the frequency is because my radio is old and doesnt really have numbers on it. Anyway, I recorded it one day with my phone so I could put it in my computer to
    figure out whats going on.
    Im a musician so I have some fancy equipment, but I dont know anything
    about radio / the people who broadcast. Here is a video I made when I found
    the signal: https://www.tiktok.com/@saintquaint/video/7065758700429970734?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id6893158778150258182
    At first some people were saying it was a numbers station (had to look that
    up) but since its letters I dont think it fits. Whatever it is, believe it
    or not, I think I actually cracked at least part of the code. I made a different video about that one. It looks like a Caesar Cipher, which is
    also really odd.
    Im sort of at the limits of my knowledge with what to do here, so I thought
    Id post to the Reddit Brain Trust to try and get some help / answers.
    Any thoughts on what it is? Where it comes from? Whos doing it? What it
    Anything you can provide would be greatly appreciated – this little side quest has really been distracting me from my music.
    Thanks in advance! submitted by /u/iamsaintquaint
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