• [Reddit] Made my first contact today.

    From Reddit via rec.radio.amateur.modera@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 12 22:12:52 2022
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    Amateur/Ham Radio

    Made my first contact today.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 04:43 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/sr5qzi/made_my_first_contact_today/

    I grew up around the Ham community my entire life. My dad ran Coms in the
    army and kept up his love for it in civilian life and was a president of a couple local clubs out here in SoCal. I never had much interest in it when
    I was younger but we had fun doing repeater hunts.
    Sadly my Dad passed a handful of years ago and I wasn’t able to spend time talking on the radio with him, but thankfully after I got my general
    license recently I was able to apply for his old call sign and was granted
    Don’t have much of a budget for Ham so Im just goofing around with an FT70D but I was able to get on the Catalina Digital today and make a friend!
    Using my pops call sign was like hanging out with him again! Just fell in
    love with Ham Radio.
    73 submitted by /u/Admiral_Ackbardown
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    SB-101 on the air

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:16 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/sr4185/sb101_on_the_air/

    Just got done with this SB-101. I have had it since 2014, and it has been
    on a shelf since I got it. I finally decided it was time to see about
    getting it going, so after replacing quite a few out of spec resistors,
    testing and reforming the caps (for good measure..they actually tested good both in value and breakdown voltage) I did an alignment and proceeded to
    work two stations on 20 during the Ole Miss QSO party. Had a nice chat with them both, and got good signal and audio reports.
    Next project is to clean up the SB-600 and the HP23b mounted in it, and get
    the -101, the -600, and my SB-610 into the radio bench.

    73 de AG4RZ submitted by /u/IFLYOS
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    Wanting to get on 10 meter FM. How much power would you run on a wolf river coil?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 05:18 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/sr6gq8/wanting_to_get_on_10_meter_fm_how_much_power/

    Recently I’ve been wanting to get on 10 meter FM. My FT-897 can do FM on
    10, and my wolf river coil tuned nicely on 29.600. The WRC website says
    that limit is 50 watts on CW and 20 on digital. Should I be somewhere in
    the middle? Or should I go with 20?
    73! submitted by /u/Midnight_man_
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    PL out of range on Yaesu

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 04:02 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/sr4ymv/pl_out_of_range_on_yaesu/

    Im trying to get on a repeater. I was told the PL was 263.0 but my Yaesu
    ft-60r only goes up to about 253 or 254.
    Is this a common thing? Am I doing something wrong? submitted by /u/MutedStudy1881
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    Squid poles for permanent antenna?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 05:37 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/sr6tx8/squid_poles_for_permanent_antenna/

    Trying to decide on antenna setup for home. Due to lack of trees / space, I
    can either:
    Attach a squid pole to a fence, acting as anchor for EFHW. Should get about
    20 metres.
    Go straight up from outdoor verandah. Pole would probably be 7 metres but
    the tin roof should make a greatgrund plane.
    In either case, however, Im worried about how long the pole will last.
    I have seen several web pages about how quick and easy a TEMPORARY setup
    is, I cant find details about durability / longevity.
    Has anyone here used squid poles for a permanent mast? submitted by /u/soupie62
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    What's a good site for finding known frequencies

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 03:15 PM PST https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/sr40go/whats_a_good_site_for_finding_known_frequencies/

    I have a little beofeng and ive found some local windsor ON city with
    activity like a couple repeaters and ambulance dispatch but I was wondering
    if there is a site that shows known frequencies other people have
    discovered that you can look up based on your location? submitted by /u/Nazgul__
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