• ARRL Member Bulletin for July 23, 2023

    From ARRL Web site@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 23 23:04:00 2023
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    ARRL Member Bulletin

    Published by the American Radio Relay League ********************************************

    July 23, 2023


    Dear ARRL members,

    Yesterday, the ARRL Board of Directors completed their second annual
    meeting. I'm writing to let you know that they made the tough, but
    necessary, decision to increase the regular membership dues rate to $59
    a year starting January 1, 2024 (see 2024 Dues Rates <http://www.arrl.org/2024-dues-rates>). Additionally, we have chosen to separate the printed, mailed magazine from regular membership. Members
    will be able to choose whether they want to add-on a print subscription
    to any of our magazines including QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. All
    members will continue to have online, digital access to each of these
    four magazines and the digital archive as part of their regular
    membership benefits.

    This is only the second time in 22 years that ARRL has raised our dues.
    It is a necessary part of ensuring ARRL is supported so we can continue
    to promote and fight hard for our Amateur Radio Service, while
    providing benefits and services for our members that increase your
    knowledge and enjoyment of ham radio.

    To help us make this decision, we invited every ARRL member to
    participate in a survey in May. Over 20,000 members responded (you can
    view the survey results here <http://www.arrl.org/dues-survey>). We
    know from the survey results that most of you will find the new rate reasonable, or even ask why we didn't set it higher. We also know that
    some may find the rate is too high. As I've shared with many of you
    during my visits at hamfests and conventions, each of us has a
    responsibility to be active participants, and to support ARRL if we
    want to increase our ranks and ensure a lasting legacy for amateur
    radio's future.

    You told us that you value ARRL's advocacy efforts, including spectrum
    defense, standing up to regulators and policymakers, and our work in
    other areas that defend, promote, and grow amateur radio - including
    STEM outreach to schools, teachers, and youth. There is no other
    organization that is working harder to advance a vision that allows any
    citizen to explore, develop, and practice radio communications and
    radio technology.

    Your feedback showed us the many benefits, services, and programs you
    use - from Logbook of The World, to the work done by the ARRL Lab to
    test equipment for product reviews. While our magazines topped the list
    of benefits, many of you also shared that your reading preferences have changed. Some of you prefer print, and increasingly members prefer
    digital. As a result, for those who prefer print, you will be able to
    subscribe to QST and/or On the Air magazine. Again, all members will
    continue to have access to the digital editions of all four ARRL

    Have you ever heard a Life Member say, "I got a good deal when I signed
    up for Life Membership 25 (or 30, or 40...) years ago." They're right!
    They got a good deal, but continuing to serve Life members is not
    sustainable without making some changes. So, we're going to freeze new applications for the program, not adding any new Life Memberships until
    we can price the offering to be revenue neutral over its term. And,
    again, as more members prefer digital, we'll be asking current Life
    Members to opt-in if they want to continue to receive QST by mail.

    The cost of doing business goes up every year. During the last couple
    of years, the costs associated with printing and postage have increased significantly. We've cut and delayed hiring for some positions on our professional staff - one of the smallest teams we've had staffing our headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, in years. We are also
    continuing to examine other cost-saving measures, but we cannot go
    further without reducing or eliminating benefits and programs which our
    members have told us are important to them.

    I can assure you that the ARRL Board exercises due diligence and
    oversight in making sure your association is a good steward of your
    membership dollars. The reality is that ARRL does a lot - in fact much
    more than dues cover.

    ARRL shares your passion for amateur radio. We are committed to
    strengthening and growing our community, and protecting our rights to
    use and experiment on our amateur radio spectrum. We have a 109-year
    track record that includes YOU as part of that ongoing legacy of
    support for amateur radio and ARRL.


    Rick Roderick, K5UR

    Copyright (c) 2023 American Radio Relay League,
    Incorporated. Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion
    thereof, is permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes require written permission.


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