• New Yorker Article on Network Time Protocol (NTP) Developer David Mills

    From Paul W. Schleck@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 5 09:07:03 2022
    XPost: rec.radio.amateur.misc

    Hash: SHA1

    The Thorny Problem of Keeping the Internet's Time

    An obscure software system synchronizes the network's clocks. Who will keep it running?


    "In 1977, David Mills, an eccentric engineer and computer scientist,
    took a job at COMSAT, a satellite corporation headquartered in
    Washington, D.C. Mills was an inveterate tinkerer: he'd once built a
    hearing aid for a girlfriend's uncle, and had consulted for Ford on how paper-tape computers might be put into cars. Now, at COMSAT, Mills
    became involved in the ARPANET, the computer network that would become
    the precursor to the Internet. A handful of researchers were already
    using the network to connect their distant computers and trade
    information. But the fidelity of that exchanged data was threatened by a distinct deficiency: the machines did not share a single, reliable
    synchronized time."


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