• [SSDN] Homebrew Variable Capacitors -- VU2NIL's Antenna Tuner (and othe

    From SSDN via rec.radio.amateur.moderate@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 4 08:55:01 2022
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    SolderSmoke Daily News

    Homebrew Variable Capacitors -- VU2NIL's Antenna Tuner (and other projects from Basanta)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2022 07:26 AM PDT http://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2022/07/homebrew-variable-capacitors-vu2nils.html

    OM Basanta VU2NIL built a very nice antenna tuner using homebrew variable capacitors (above). After seeing this, I feel unworthy -- I used
    FACTORY-MADE variable capacitors. I feel like such an appliance operator.
    I hang my head in shame.
    Details on Basanta's tuner are here: https://www.qsl.net/vu2nil/projects/20210/20210.html
    More project from him here: https://www.qsl.net/vu2nil/
    And more here (his blog): https://vu2nil.blogspot.com/
    Basanta has obviously made great contributions to the radio art. Thanks Basanta. And thanks to Alain F4IET for alerting me to Basanta's work.

    A Double Sideband Transmitter from France -- F4IET's "Master Robert"

    Posted: 03 Jul 2022 08:37 AM PDT http://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/2022/07/a-double-sideband-transmitter-from.html

    The Radio Gods seem to be steering us toward Double Sideband. A few days
    ago I got an e-mail from Alain F4IET. We had him on the SolderSmoke blog
    two years ago, talking about his French backyard pandemic Field Day. His recent e-mail reminded me of his very fine homebrew DSB transmitter, which
    is his only rig and with which he has worked the world.
    The rig is named for the fellow -- Robert F6EUZ -- who is Alain's teacher
    from the local radio club.
    Alain's rig was shown to the world in the G-QRP club's Winter 2020 issue of SPRAT (SPRAT 185). Once again, let me note: If you are not subscribing to SPRAT, you are just WRONG. Join G-QRP and start receiving SPRAT: http://www.gqrp.com/join.htm
    Alain gives some nice shout-outs to Pete N6QW, Charlie ZL2CTM, and Basanta VU2NIL, all of whom provided advice and counsel on this project. So think about it: the Master Robert rig was built in France under the guidance of
    a French Elmer, with advice from hams in the U.S., New Zealand, and India,
    and was featured in journal of the British QRP club. That, my friends is
    the International Brotherhood at its best.
    As I read about Alain's rig, I found myself thinking about the Direct Conversion receiver projects underway around the world. The Vienna
    Wireless Society's Maker Group, is, for example, building a simple DC
    receiver. It would be relatively easy to pair up a rig like the Master
    Robert with a DC receiver (the VFO could be the only stage common to both transmit and receive) to make a simple phone transceiver. That kind of rig
    was my first phone transceiver. Alain reports that he is currently working
    on a second version of the Master Robert. It will be a
    transmitter-receiver (TRX) and will be used in SOTA operations.
    Alain's description of his transmitter is a lot of fun: http://www.f4iet.fr/mdwiki/#!master_robert.mdI especially liked his comment about how the other phone stations never knew he was on DSB: http://www.f4iet.fr/mdwiki/#!dsb.md I had similar experiences out in the
    Azores with my DSB rigs.
    Here is Alain's main page: http://www.f4iet.fr/mdwiki/#!index.md
    Alain's QRZ.com page: https://www.qrz.com/db/F4IET
    Here is the Master Robert schematic from GQRP: http://www.gqrp.com/Maestro_Robert_Cct.pdf Here is a link to the 76 DSB
    posts on the SolderSmoke blog (keep scrolling down!): https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search/label/DSB

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