• [M1KTA] TE-2101 antenna analyzer

    From M1KTA via rec.radio.amateur.moderat@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 8 20:29:05 2022
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    M1KTA's QRP ham radio blog

    TE-2101 antenna analyzer

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 02:23 AM PDT http://m1kta-qrp.blogspot.com/2022/06/te-2101-antenna-analyzer.html

    This is tiny.

    Amazing bit of homebrew.

    The manual is in Japanese but the block diagram explains how it works

    nifty bit of engineering with the case (3D printed and bent acrylic sheet).
    The PCB doubles up as support of the OLED and the uPC and battery charger
    are on separate PCB underneath. The components are gnat shite size though!
    This is some nice homebrew.

    Looks like they are building some more...

    Just fitting battery.
    Mine is 180mAH so lot smaller than original.
    Small battery fitted


    at just 80grams, this will be a good one for /p operations for sure. It
    doesn't work without the battery inside but it will work (and keep
    recharging from USB if it is) so I suspect one of those USB power packs
    might be useful.

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