• [VK2TPM] Built the QDX from QRP Labs

    From VK2TPM via rec.radio.amateur.modera@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 8 09:05:21 2022
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    marxy's musing on technology

    Built the QDX from QRP Labs

    Posted: 07 Jun 2022 10:42 PM PDT http://blog.marxy.org/2022/06/build-qdx-from-qrp-labs.html

    The QDX v3 kit arrived yesterday and today I've finished the build.This transceiver is tiny, about the size of a playing card deck. It does FSK
    modes on four bands: 80, 40, 30 & 20m. Five watt output and a great
    receiver from what I can see so far.The QDX connects to a computer with a single USB cable that comes up as a sound card and does TS-440 compatible
    CAT control - so very convenient for

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