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HenHanna@21:1/5 to
All on Thu May 30 12:35:10 2024
XPost: sci.lang, alt.usage.english
What is it called when a word is only used once in the Bible?
Modern scholars too have been impressed with such
words in the Bible. They call them hapax legomena (singular, hapax
legomenon, which means “once said” in Greek). The term was first used
by pre-Christian Greeks to identify rare words in their own classic
Wodehouse and Lewis Carroll frequently coined novel words.
Indexy, below, appears to be an example of this.
Flother, as a synonym for snowflake, is a hapax legomenon of written
English found in a manuscript entitled The XI Pains of Hell ( c. 1275).
--------- i'm not familiar with Wodehouse ... oh... P. G. Wodehouse
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