• Wyze did nothing about a security hole reported by Bitdefender three ye

    From NewsKrawler@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 31 18:59:33 2022
    I'm done with Wyze.

    Wyze knew hackers could remotely access your camera for three years and said nothing.

    For the past three years, Wyze has been fully aware of a vulnerability in
    its home security cameras that could have let hackers look into your home
    over the internet - but chose to sweep it under the rug. And the security
    firm that found the vulnerability largely let them do it.

    According to the security research firm's own disclosure timeline (PDF), it reached out to Wyze in March 2019 and didn't even get a response until
    November 2020, a year and eight months later. Yet Bitdefender chose to keep quiet until just yesterday.

    In case you're wondering, no, that is not normal in the security community.

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