• Anthony Moore interview, experimental instruments article

    From Jason Gross@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 31 20:25:25 2023

    In the latest issue of Perfect Sound Forever <http://www.furious.com/perfect/index0223.html>, you'll find (among other things):

    A daring concept?, by Wes Way
    "Breaking free from the confines of conventional structures is a fine and good thing to do, and I'm glad to be part of that struggle. I understand why someone would choose to make music with a sewing machine, a vibrator in a bucket or a rewired Teddy
    Ruxpin doll, but I'm not convinced that the full range of possibilities have been wrung out of the plain old electric six-string."

    Interview: major label-dom & Pink Floyd collab, by Jason Gross
    "Once again, we continue with an annual tradition of checking in with singer/composer/multi-instrumentalist/educator Anthony Moore and finding a bit more about his storied career. After finding out about his early years with Slapp Happy and Henry Cow,
    his experimental solo albums and his monumental recently-reissued album 'Flying Doesn't Help,' we move on to his '80's work, including a hook up with a major label and collaborating with a certain well-known UK band."

    We also have a Spotify playlist with most of the artists above here: <https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3VH7jq8TFfZIfyz8gXYeK2?si=1cb3635a00ce4041>

    We're always looking for good writers and/or ideas so let us know if you have anything to share.

    See you online,

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