• Why did Obama hold a Kwanzaa ceremony Wednesday instead of celebrating

    From Daniel Cook@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 21 11:03:01 2018
    XPost: alt.earth.crisis, alt.politics.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.homosexuality XPost: alt.religion.scientology

    2012-12-28 09:07:22 AM
    He hates white people Andrew, and all things American. If not
    for the vigilance of brave patriots like you, we'd never hear
    about these burning issues. Thank you for keeping us infromed.

    kronicfeld [TotalFark]
    2012-12-28 09:09:51 AM
    In his 2012 book "The Amateur," the best-selling author Edward
    Klein quotes Wright as saying that when Obama joined his church,
    the newcomer was ignorant of Christianity and required
    considerable tutoring.

    This author doesn't seem to realize that this is the strongest
    proof yet that Obama is and always has been a true Christian.

    http://www.fark.com/comments/7507511/Why-did-Obama-hold-a- Kwanzaa-ceremony-Wednesday-instead-of-celebrating-Easter

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