• US Vetos Palestine’s Bid for UN membership

    From NefeshBarYochai@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 23 03:20:01 2024
    XPost: or.politics, alt.usage.english, alt.society.liberalism
    XPost: nyc.politics


    On 18 May the Security Council was seized of a resolution that would
    have granted UN membership to Palestine.Twelve members of the SC voted
    in favor of the resolution, while two countries – the UK and
    Switzerland – abstained. The US vetoed it.[1]

    I would have been surprised if the US had voted in favor or abstained.
    The voting record at the Security Council documents dozens upon dozens
    of unjustified vetoes by the US, mostly to shield Israel from being
    called to account, from being subjected to sanctions as once another
    Apartheid State, South Africa, was[2].

    The intransigent attitude displayed again and again by the United
    States is contrary to the letter and spirit of the UN Charter, in
    particular articles 1, 2, 4 and 27. What to me would seem more urgent
    would be a resolution to expel Israel from membership in the United
    Nations, as provided for in Article 6 of the Charter. But, of course,
    the US would also veto such a hypothetical resolution.

    Nonetheless, I could envision the General Assembly withdrawing the accreditation of the Israeli diplomats at the United Nations. This is
    within the GA’s competence and does not require a Security Council
    resolution, as was the case when the credentials of South African
    Ambassadors were rejected in the 1970s and 80s because of their
    Apartheid policies[3]. Rejecting Israeli credentials would be
    justified, since Israel is guilty not only of Apartheid but also of

    Whereas the Global Majority condemns Israel, three cases are before
    the International Court of Justice, and several have been submitted to
    the International Criminal Court, the US persists in its negationism
    of Israeli crimes and evidently enjoys its exceptionalism in being
    “one-man out”?

    It seems that the US is trapped in its own political and psychological
    web. The US has lost the capacity to think and act outside the box, it
    is condemned to committing the same errors and exacerbating the
    already toxic situation. Many American observers including myself
    have indicated that after the US government took the unwise decision
    to enter into an alliance with Israel, this effectively meant
    subordinating US interests to those of Israel. It is and was
    predictable that situations would arise where the US would not be free
    to pursue its own priorities, but would be bound to support
    geopolitically unwise policies, abuse the veto power in the Security
    Council, and act contrary to the letter and spirit of the UN Charter.

    For decades the US has supported patently illegal Israeli measures at
    an exorbitant cost to the US economy and US prestige in the world
    stage. The Global majority perceives the US and Israel as the greatest
    dangers to the peace and security of mankind[4]. US actions in the UN
    and elsewhere have cemented this perception.

    The US and Israel are rightly perceived as dangerous bullies. There
    is no love lost for the US and Israel. No doubt, the US alliance with
    Israel has caused the US to lose authority and credibility in the eyes
    of the Global Majority, precisely because the US has defended the
    indefensible, justified the unjustifiable, engaged in apology of
    genocide. The US alliance with Israel makes it complicit in the
    illegal Israeli settler-colonialism, in its Apartheid policies, in all
    the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel. This
    complicity triggers civil and penal liability, which in due course
    will have to be addressed. The International Law Commission’s Draft
    Code on State responsibility [5] will someday be applied against the
    United States, and Israel which will owe trillions of dollars to the
    billions of human beings who have been victims of US imperialism and neo-colonialism.

    In the history of the United States, nothing has been as damaging as
    its “alliance” with a retrograde State that pretends to implement
    Biblical prophecies and destroy its Arab neighbors. Three thousand
    years after the conquest of the “promised land”, Prime Minister
    Netanyahu is now following the narratives of the book of Joshua and
    the destruction of the Canaanites[6]. It is not surprising that
    Netanyahu relies on Biblical stories of the destruction of the people
    of Amalek by the Israelites[7]. Amid the genocidal excesses committed
    by Israel on the people of Gaza, Netanyahu quoted from First Samuel
    15:3, saying, “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our
    Holy Bible. ‘Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all
    that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women,
    children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys’ It is
    little wonder that the International Court of Justice is now
    confronted with this statement – one of so many – that illustrate the
    Israeli “intent” to destroy “in whole or in part” the targeted

    Although the US and Israeli interests do not converge, there is a
    dynamic of complicity and one crime begets another. Friedrich
    Schiller wrote in his Drama Piccolomini — das ist der Fluch der Bösen
    Tat, dass sie fortzeugend Böses muss gebären — that is the curse of
    the evil act, that it will continue to engender further harm[9]. In
    fact, the US government has gradually become dependent on its
    “alliance” with Israel, which is more of a one-way road.
    Notwithstanding the daily efforts of the mainstream media to whitewash
    Israeli crimes and to give a veneer of legitimacy to the genocide,
    more and more Americans are coming to understand that “there is
    something rotten in the state”[10]. In practice, the US government
    is quasi in the service of Israel and not in the service of the
    American people.

    The United States is caught in abstruse ideologies that escape all
    rationality. Israel is not only an Apartheid State, it is a
    neo-colonial State with policies that are incompatible with the UN
    Charter, the 1949 Geneva Red Cross Conventions, the 1977 Additional
    Protocols, and with international law in general.

    Perhaps the saddest thing is that the American people are essentially disenfranchised, because both political parties are caught in the
    Israeli web. Whether you vote Republican or Democrat, you only get
    candidates that will continue supporting Israel. Indeed, saying a
    good word about the right of Palestinians to have their own State, the
    idea of seeing the Palestinians as human beings entitled to the same
    human rights as we claim for ourselves, is rejected by the mainstream
    media. Whoever supports the Palestinians is ostracised and accused of anti-Semitism.

    The American people are prey to the Orwellianism of the New York Times
    and Washington Post. Whether you vote Republican or Democrat, it is
    the military-industrial-financial-academic-media-digital complex that
    rules over us. Indeed, those who are elected do not govern, and those
    who do govern are not elected.


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