• Re: Yoko's new exhibit

    From RJKellog@yahoo.com@21:1/5 to JohnBL on Mon Mar 13 07:16:51 2023
    On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 1:25:33 PM UTC-4, JohnBL wrote:
    Somebody else go and tell me all about it:


    My problems with Yoko's "art": 1) nothing requires any technique or skill; 2) her vaguest ideas are so open to interpretation, they could mean anything; 3) her more concrete ideas are so fixed, they limit interpretation -- in fact, they tend to begin
    and end with the idea, rendering the execution pointless.

    Nobody's talkin' 'bout bagism anymore, Yoke. But I'm sorta, kinda glad to see you're still at it.

    John L
    Yoko Ono: great artist, BAD artist, or posture?

    With a lot of her umbrella 'stuff', I doubt it would be considered any if anyone else was promoting it.

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