• JFK Junior's Upcoming Weddin

    From Famous Amos@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 21 05:04:14 2022
    John-John's getting married really soon to Princest Die
    Jerry Falwell will preside dressed in a big Bow-Tie
    Abe Linkin will arrive to give speeches prazin Trump
    Afta lotsa eating well all take a lodge group dump
    Gilbit Stewit will arrive ro do the potrayitt's
    Butty Holly will attend to do his greatest hitts
    Liberache will attend to provide tastefully tunes
    John Wayne Gacey will arrive a big harmless buffoon
    Julia Chile will show up to provide some cakes and pies
    Spida-man will be their to to eat the bugg's an flies
    Elvis Presley will attend to moan an shake his hips
    Hand Solo will be theya give rides in his space ship
    Bored and will be they to to whip up a nice lunch
    TED KENNEDY will attend to sample the Spike Punch
    Supaman will attend butter he's in a wheelchair now
    Nureyev will do his dance an make us all say WOW
    FRANK Sinatra will arrive to swill some coke & Jack
    John-Johms getting married soon its just simply a fact
    Yoda will be theya too with green skin, pointed ears
    Paul McCotney WONT be their cuz HE BEEN DEAD FOR YEAR'S


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