• Re: Cleaning the violin neck?

    From phanvamgam nguyentanta@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 19 21:15:06 2023
    Vào lúc 11:01:49 UTC+8 ngày Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 9, 2002, Derek Tearne đã viết:
    In article <56000507.0208...@posting.google.com>,
    scyu...@hotmail.com (Shaineleah) wrote:
    My private teacher once told me that I can use soap and water on the
    neck, because the wood in the neck is treated with something (I guess
    to protect from the sweat on the hands). Soap and water has worked
    quite well for me.
    I'd be a bit wary of soap and water on a wooden instrument. Even if the fingerboard is treated, the designers wouldn't be expecting the wood to
    be regularly soaked. If the treatment is oil based soap will probably
    remove it as well as the grease.
    I use furniture polish on various instruments - this is, after all,
    designed to be used on a variety of wood finishes.
    Also, I think isopropyl alcohol works, but I'm not sure how safe it
    is. Anyone?
    Isopropyl alcohol is an extremely good solvent for oils and grease -
    this includes many varnishes. Be very careful with full strength
    alcohol near varnish.
    --- Derek
    Derek Tearne. --- @URL Internet Consultants --- http://url.co.nz/
    Some of the more environmentally aware dinosaurs were worried about the consequences of an accident with the new Iridium enriched fusion reactor.
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