• Terrorist who plotted with Usman Khan also reoffended after being freed

    From George Plimpton@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 1 04:55:23 2019
    XPost: alt.security.terrorism, uk.current-events.terrorism, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    https://metro.co.uk/2019/11/30/terrorist-plotted-usman-khan-also- reoffended-freed-11245412/

    A man who was part of a terror cell alongside London Bridge attacker Usman
    Khan also went on to plan another major atrocity after he was released
    from jail, it has emerged.

    Mohibur Rahman was one of nine men jailed over a plot to bomb the London
    Stock Exchange and build a terrorist training camp. He was convicted of a lesser role and jailed for five years after he admitted possessing copies
    of an al-Qaeda magazine for terrorist purposes.

    They included a recipe for a pipe bomb, which Khan was thought to have memorised. Rahman was released from jail six months early after his lawyer argued that he was ‘undertaking de-radicalisation’ in prison. But he was
    jailed again in August 2017 for plotting a ‘mass casualty attack’ on a
    police or military target with two other men.

    They were caught after a sting operation found partially-built pipe bomb
    and a meat cleaver engraved with the Arabic word for ‘nonbeliever’ in the
    car of co-conspirator Naweed Ali.

    Prosecutors said the trio exchanged messages venting a ‘desire to take
    action’, and Rahman himself made computer searches for ‘liquid bomb plot’.

    The trio, dubbed ‘The Three Musketeers’, had met in prison and police said
    they were inspired by Islamic State after leaving jail.

    The judge said the men, who pleaded not guilty, planned to ‘cause terror’
    and their attack would have involved ‘a considerable loss of life’ had authorities not stopped them.

    Rahman, along with Naweed Ali and Khobaib Hussain, of Birmingham, is now serving a life sentence with a minimum of 20 years in jail over the 2017 conviction.

    Khan and Rahman were both born in the UK and lived in Stoke-on-Trent at
    the time of the London Stock Exchange plot. They and seven other men were arrested in December 2010 and pleaded guilty to terrorism charges on the
    eve of their trial.

    Khan was given a 16-year jail term for his role in the plot but released
    less than halfway through. On Friday afternoon he went on a rampage at Fishmongers’ Hall, killing two people and injuring three others.

    He was shot dead by police on London Bridge after being confronted by onlookers. Questions are being asked about the justice system after it
    emerged that Khan was wearing an electronic ankle bracelet and was subject
    to monitoring at the time of the London Bridge attack.

    Former chief crown prosecutor Nazir Afzal said the Government had been repeatedly warned of the risk posed by convicted terrorists being released
    from prison.

    Meanwhile the former head of Britain’s National Counter Terrorism Security Office, Chris Phillips, said it is wrong to ask police and security
    services to keep the country safe while letting people out of prison when
    they are still a threat.

    He added: ‘We’re playing Russian roulette with people’s lives, letting convicted, known, radicalised jihadi criminals walk about our streets.’

    That's correct. We should kill them. Hang them until their neck rots and pulls from their body.

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