• Mi Nathuram Godse Boltoy Book

    From Hortensia Drobot@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 26 20:59:47 2023
    Mi Nathuram Godse Boltoy: A Controversial Play Based on a Book by Gopal Godse
    Mi Nathuram Godse Boltoy is a two-act play written in Marathi by Pradeep Dalvi, based on the book May It Please You Honour by Gopal Godse, the brother and co-conspirator of Nathuram Godse, the assassin of Mahatma Gandhi. The play explores the
    assassination and the trial of Godse from his point of view, and attempts to justify his actions and motives.

    mi nathuram godse boltoy book
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    The play was first staged in 1997, but faced severe opposition and criticism from various political parties, civil rights activists, and Gandhi's descendants. The play was banned by the governments of Maharashtra and Kerala, and the producer had to
    approach the high court and the supreme court to get permission to stage it. The play also faced violent protests and threats from some groups who considered it an insult to Gandhi's memory and legacy.

    The play starred Sharad Ponkshe as Nathuram Godse, and was directed by Vinay Apte. The play has been performed over 600 times in different cities, despite the controversies and challenges. The play has also been criticized for presenting distorted and
    falsified facts, and for glorifying a murderer as a martyr.

    The play is available as a book and an audiobook in Marathi. It has also been translated into Hindi and English. The play has sparked debates and discussions on the role of art and freedom of expression in a democracy, and on the historical and moral
    implications of Gandhi's assassination.

    The play has received mixed reviews from the audience and the critics. Some have praised the play for its bold and daring portrayal of Godse's perspective, and for its artistic merit and quality. Some have also appreciated the play for raising questions
    and challenging assumptions about Gandhi and his ideology.

    Others have condemned the play for being biased and misleading, and for spreading hatred and violence. Some have also accused the play of being a propaganda tool for the Hindu nationalist groups, and of disrespecting Gandhi's contribution to India's
    freedom struggle and nation-building.

    The play has also been compared with other works of art that deal with Gandhi's assassination, such as the film Hey Ram by Kamal Haasan, the book The Men Who Killed Gandhi by Manohar Malgonkar, and the play Gandhi Ambedkar by Asghar Wajahat.

    The play is divided into two acts. The first act depicts Godse's life and his involvement in the Hindu nationalist movement. It also shows his growing resentment and disillusionment with Gandhi and his policies, especially regarding the partition of
    India and Pakistan. The second act focuses on Godse's trial and his defense speech, in which he explains his reasons and motives for killing Gandhi. He also criticizes Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence and appeasement, and claims that he acted in the
    best interest of the nation.

    The play is based on the book May It Please You Honour by Gopal Godse, who was also convicted and imprisoned for his role in the assassination plot. The book is a compilation of Godse's statements and documents from the trial, as well as Gopal Godse's
    own views and opinions. The book was banned by the Indian government for several years, and was only published after Gopal Godse's death in 2005.

    The play has been adapted into an audiobook in Marathi, narrated by various actors. The audiobook is available on Storytel, a digital platform for audio stories. The audiobook has received positive reviews from the listeners, who have praised the
    narration, the script, and the performance of the actors.

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