• Re: Atari Superman electronic problems

    From William Altman@21:1/5 to Paul on Sun Mar 26 13:46:18 2023
    On Monday, January 11, 2021 at 11:01:56 PM UTC-5, Paul wrote:
    On 1/11/2021 10:19 AM, Daina Pettit wrote:
    I am working on an Atari Superman and found some curious problems. The game
    boots up and plays fine.

    1. Displays flicker and are very dim. Most of the time it's hard to tell what the score is.

    2. The MPU 9VDC test point shows 6VDC. Some of the other voltages are a little low (by less than 10%) so I didn't worry about them. Not sure what the 9VDC circuit does. On the schematic it seems to do nothing. I've got to be missing something here.

    3. The speaker has a rather loud annoying hum all the time.

    4. The owner said they were told that the capacitors were weak and that they should turn on the game and wait for 5 minutes or so for it to warm up
    before playing. I didn't see this problem.

    In looking at various documentation I couldn't find anything about the above
    4 items. Any ideas?


    The Superman I just finished up not too long had the wait 5 minutes for
    it to boot up. I replaced all the electrolytic caps since they are what
    42 years old, big ones included (the 6800uf @ 75v is expensive $32).

    Once I replaced them, those issues went away. Ended up sending the
    boards to John Robertson to get my sound issues fixed. So the info John posted, you should definitely check out.

    And now I have another one to fix! Just ordered all the caps again :/

    New to this thread I have a Superman machine that wants to add points 1500 when you touch the flippers and 500
    when you lightly touch the playing field

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kerry Imming@21:1/5 to William Altman on Mon Mar 27 08:53:29 2023
    On 3/26/2023 3:46 PM, William Altman wrote:
    On Monday, January 11, 2021 at 11:01:56 PM UTC-5, Paul wrote:
    On 1/11/2021 10:19 AM, Daina Pettit wrote:
    I am working on an Atari Superman and found some curious problems. The game >>> boots up and plays fine.

    1. Displays flicker and are very dim. Most of the time it's hard to tell >>> what the score is.

    2. The MPU 9VDC test point shows 6VDC. Some of the other voltages are a
    little low (by less than 10%) so I didn't worry about them. Not sure what >>> the 9VDC circuit does. On the schematic it seems to do nothing. I've got >>> to be missing something here.

    3. The speaker has a rather loud annoying hum all the time.

    4. The owner said they were told that the capacitors were weak and that
    they should turn on the game and wait for 5 minutes or so for it to warm up >>> before playing. I didn't see this problem.

    In looking at various documentation I couldn't find anything about the above
    4 items. Any ideas?


    The Superman I just finished up not too long had the wait 5 minutes for
    it to boot up. I replaced all the electrolytic caps since they are what
    42 years old, big ones included (the 6800uf @ 75v is expensive $32).

    Once I replaced them, those issues went away. Ended up sending the
    boards to John Robertson to get my sound issues fixed. So the info John
    posted, you should definitely check out.

    And now I have another one to fix! Just ordered all the caps again :/

    New to this thread I have a Superman machine that wants to add points 1500 when you touch the flippers and 500
    when you lightly touch the playing field

    I'm not familiar with Atari games, but from a general electronics
    point-of-view I would measure the ground voltage on all the boards from
    a cabinet ground to make sure they are all 0 V (or very, very close).

    Checking voltages at the boards would be the next step.

    When you say "touch the flippers" I'm assuming you are touching the
    flipper bats vs. actually pressing the flipper button switch?

    - Kerry

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  • From John Robertson@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 27 11:29:11 2023
    T24gMjAyMy8wMy8yNiAxOjQ2IHAubS4sIFdpbGxpYW0gQWx0bWFuIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBPbiBN b25kYXksIEphbnVhcnkgMTEsIDIwMjEgYXQgMTE6MDE6NTbigK9QTSBVVEMtNSwgUGF1bCB3 cm90ZToNCj4+IE9uIDEvMTEvMjAyMSAxMDoxOSBBTSwgRGFpbmEgUGV0dGl0IHdyb3RlOg0K Pj4+IEkgYW0gd29ya2luZyBvbiBhbiBBdGFyaSBTdXBlcm1hbiBhbmQgZm91bmQgc29tZSBj dXJpb3VzIHByb2JsZW1zLiBUaGUgZ2FtZQ0KPj4+IGJvb3RzIHVwIGFuZCBwbGF5cyBmaW5l Lg0KPj4+DQo+Pj4gMS4gRGlzcGxheXMgZmxpY2tlciBhbmQgYXJlIHZlcnkgZGltLiBNb3N0 IG9mIHRoZSB0aW1lIGl0J3MgaGFyZCB0byB0ZWxsDQo+Pj4gd2hhdCB0aGUgc2NvcmUgaXMu DQo+Pj4NCj4+PiAyLiBUaGUgTVBVIDlWREMgdGVzdCBwb2ludCBzaG93cyA2VkRDLiBTb21l IG9mIHRoZSBvdGhlciB2b2x0YWdlcyBhcmUgYQ0KPj4+IGxpdHRsZSBsb3cgKGJ5IGxlc3Mg dGhhbiAxMCUpIHNvIEkgZGlkbid0IHdvcnJ5IGFib3V0IHRoZW0uIE5vdCBzdXJlIHdoYXQN Cj4+PiB0aGUgOVZEQyBjaXJjdWl0IGRvZXMuIE9uIHRoZSBzY2hlbWF0aWMgaXQgc2VlbXMg dG8gZG8gbm90aGluZy4gSSd2ZSBnb3QNCj4+PiB0byBiZSBtaXNzaW5nIHNvbWV0aGluZyBo ZXJlLg0KPj4+DQo+Pj4gMy4gVGhlIHNwZWFrZXIgaGFzIGEgcmF0aGVyIGxvdWQgYW5ub3lp bmcgaHVtIGFsbCB0aGUgdGltZS4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IDQuIFRoZSBvd25lciBzYWlkIHRoZXkg d2VyZSB0b2xkIHRoYXQgdGhlIGNhcGFjaXRvcnMgd2VyZSB3ZWFrIGFuZCB0aGF0DQo+Pj4g dGhleSBzaG91bGQgdHVybiBvbiB0aGUgZ2FtZSBhbmQgd2FpdCBmb3IgNSBtaW51dGVzIG9y IHNvIGZvciBpdCB0byB3YXJtIHVwDQo+Pj4gYmVmb3JlIHBsYXlpbmcuIEkgZGlkbid0IHNl ZSB0aGlzIHByb2JsZW0uDQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBJbiBsb29raW5nIGF0IHZhcmlvdXMgZG9jdW1l bnRhdGlvbiBJIGNvdWxkbid0IGZpbmQgYW55dGhpbmcgYWJvdXQgdGhlIGFib3ZlDQo+Pj4g NCBpdGVtcy4gQW55IGlkZWFzPw0KPj4+DQo+Pj4gRGFpbmENCj4+Pg0KPj4gVGhlIFN1cGVy bWFuIEkganVzdCBmaW5pc2hlZCB1cCBub3QgdG9vIGxvbmcgaGFkIHRoZSB3YWl0IDUgbWlu dXRlcyBmb3INCj4+IGl0IHRvIGJvb3QgdXAuIEkgcmVwbGFjZWQgYWxsIHRoZSBlbGVjdHJv bHl0aWMgY2FwcyBzaW5jZSB0aGV5IGFyZSB3aGF0DQo+PiA0MiB5ZWFycyBvbGQsIGJpZyBv bmVzIGluY2x1ZGVkICh0aGUgNjgwMHVmIEAgNzV2IGlzIGV4cGVuc2l2ZSAkMzIpLg0KPj4N Cj4+IE9uY2UgSSByZXBsYWNlZCB0aGVtLCB0aG9zZSBpc3N1ZXMgd2VudCBhd2F5LiBFbmRl ZCB1cCBzZW5kaW5nIHRoZQ0KPj4gYm9hcmRzIHRvIEpvaG4gUm9iZXJ0c29uIHRvIGdldCBt eSBzb3VuZCBpc3N1ZXMgZml4ZWQuIFNvIHRoZSBpbmZvIEpvaG4NCj4+IHBvc3RlZCwgeW91 IHNob3VsZCBkZWZpbml0ZWx5IGNoZWNrIG91dC4NCj4+DQo+PiBBbmQgbm93IEkgaGF2ZSBh bm90aGVyIG9uZSB0byBmaXghIEp1c3Qgb3JkZXJlZCBhbGwgdGhlIGNhcHMgYWdhaW4gOi8N Cj4+DQo+PiBQYXVsDQo+IE5ldyB0byB0aGlzIHRocmVhZCBJIGhhdmUgYSBTdXBlcm1hbiBt YWNoaW5lIHRoYXQgd2FudHMgdG8gYWRkIHBvaW50cyAxNTAwIHdoZW4geW91IHRvdWNoIHRo ZSBmbGlwcGVycyBhbmQgNTAwDQo+IHdoZW4geW91IGxpZ2h0bHkgdG91Y2ggdGhlIHBsYXlp bmcgZmllbGQNCg0KSGkgV2lsbGlhbSwNCg0KQmVzdCB0byBwdXQgdGhlIGdhbWUgaW50byBT ZWxmIFRlc3QgLSBTd2l0Y2ggVGVzdCBhbmQgdGhlbiB0aHVtcCB0aGUgDQpwbGF5ZmllbGQg d2l0aCB5b3VyIGZpc3QgYW5kIHNlZSB3aGF0IHN3aXRjaCBudW1iZXJzIHJlZ2lzdGVyLiBU aGVuIHVzZSANCnRoZSBzd2l0Y2ggZGlhZ3JhbSB0byBzZWUgd2hpY2ggc3dpdGNoZXMgYXJl IHRoZSBtb3N0IGxpa2VseSBzdXNwZWN0cyANCmFuZCBtYWtlIHN1cmUgdGhleSBvcmRlciBv cGVuIGFib3V0IDEvOCIgd2hlbiBub3Qgb3BlcmF0ZWQuIFN3aXRjaGVzIA0Kc2hvdWxkIGNs b3NlIGFib3V0IDEvMiB3YXkgaW50byB0aGVpciBmdWxsIHRyYXZlbCByYW5nZSB3aGVuIGFj dGl2YXRlZC4NCg0KVGhpcyBpcyB1c3VhbGx5IGEgbWVjaGFuaWNhbCBwcm9ibGVtIChzd2l0 Y2hlcyBubyBlbm91Z2ggZ2FwKSBub3QgYW4gDQplbGVjdHJvbmljIGlzc3VlLg0KDQpJZiB5 b3UgZG9uJ3QgaGF2ZSB0aGUgbWFudWFsIEkgc2VsbCBnb29kIHF1YWxpdHkgcHJpbnQgY29w aWVzIG9mIHRoZSANCm9yaWdpbmFscyBvciBJIGV4cGVjdCB5b3UgY2FuIGRvd25sb2FkIGZy b20gSVBEQi5PUkcgb3I/DQoNCkpvaG4gOi0jKSMNCi0tIA0KKFBsZWFzZSBwb3N0IGZvbGxv d3VwcyBvciB0ZWNoIGlucXVpcmllcyB0byB0aGUgVVNFTkVUIG5ld3Nncm91cCkNCiAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBKb2huJ3MgSnVrZXMgTHRkLg0KICAgICAgICAjNyAtIDM5Nzkg TWFyaW5lIFdheSwgQnVybmFieSwgQkMsIENhbmFkYSBWNUogNUUzDQogICAgICAgICAgKDYw NCk4NzItNTc1NyAoUGluYmFsbHMsIEp1a2VzLCBWaWRlbyBHYW1lcykNCiAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICB3d3cuZmxpcHBlcnMuY29tDQogICAgICAgICJPbGQgcGluYmFsbGVycyBu ZXZlciBkaWUsIHRoZXkganVzdCBmbGlwIG91dC4iDQoNCg==

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