• RQFTCICR14 Game 5, Rounds 7-8: indigenes, bones

    From Mark Brader@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 30 02:03:06 2023
    Again I forgot to start a new thread. Sorry. Please post your
    responses in either thread.

    These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2014-02-10,
    and should be interpreted accordingly. All questions were written
    by members of the Cellar Rats, but have been reformatted and may
    have been retyped and/or edited by me. I will reveal the correct
    answers in about 3 days.

    For further information, including an explanation of the """
    notation that may appear in these rounds, see my 2022-09-09
    companion posting on "Reposted Questions from the Canadian
    Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

    * Game 5, Round 7 - Geography - Indigenous Peoples

    Please see the handout:


    (No, I don't know how the mapmakers decided which national borders
    to show.)

    We give you the name of an indigenous people or group, and you
    tell us which letter on the map coincides with a typical part of
    their geographical range.

    1. Sami.
    2. !Kung.
    3. Pygmies.
    4. Berbers.
    5. Nubians.
    6. Marsh Arabs.
    7. Kanaka Maoli.
    8. Uyghurs ["WEE-gurz"].
    9. Rapanui (or Rapa Nui).
    10. Amerindians. Note: while this term may have been originally
    coined to have a wider meaning, today it is typically used to
    refer to the indigenous peoples of a smaller, more specific
    range. We're looking for this narrower usage.

    * Game 5, Round 8 - Science - Skull and Bones... or Backbones, Anyway

    This is a round about the human spine, with a nod to the skull
    and related structures.

    1. The spine consists of 24 articulating vertebrae. How many of
    these are cervical vertebrae, making up the neck?

    2. There are 12 vertebrae which have ribs more or less attached.
    What are they called?

    3. And the remaining vertebrae are called what?

    4. Next below the <answer 3> are 5 fused bones known collectively
    as what?

    5. Between each vertebra and the next is an intervertebral disk.
    What is it called when one of these is injured and forced out
    of position?

    6. What congenital condition results in a sideways curvature of
    the spine?

    7. What is CSF short for? This is the liquid that surrounds the
    spinal cord and the brain, and may be sometimes "tapped into"
    (with a spinal tap) to test for disease.

    8. The spinal cord and the CSF run through a set of openings in
    the vertebrae, collectively called what?

    9. What's the name of the semi-rigid, zigzag-shaped structures
    that join the bones of the skull?

    10. The protective membranes of the brain and spinal column,
    containing the CSF, may become the site of life-threatening
    inflammation caused by infection by viruses or baceteria.
    What are these membranes collectively known as?

    Mark Brader, Toronto "Logic is logic. That's all I say." msb@vex.net -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

    My text in this article is in the public domain.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Joshua Kreitzer@21:1/5 to Mark Brader on Wed Mar 29 21:32:42 2023
    On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 9:02:17 PM UTC-5, Mark Brader wrote:

    * Game 5, Round 7 - Geography - Indigenous Peoples

    Please see the handout:


    We give you the name of an indigenous people or group, and you
    tell us which letter on the map coincides with a typical part of
    their geographical range.

    1. Sami.


    2. !Kung.


    3. Pygmies.


    4. Berbers.


    5. Nubians.


    6. Marsh Arabs.


    7. Kanaka Maoli.


    8. Uyghurs ["WEE-gurz"].


    9. Rapanui (or Rapa Nui).


    10. Amerindians. Note: while this term may have been originally
    coined to have a wider meaning, today it is typically used to
    refer to the indigenous peoples of a smaller, more specific
    range. We're looking for this narrower usage.

    H; U

    * Game 5, Round 8 - Science - Skull and Bones... or Backbones, Anyway

    This is a round about the human spine, with a nod to the skull
    and related structures.

    1. The spine consists of 24 articulating vertebrae. How many of
    these are cervical vertebrae, making up the neck?


    2. There are 12 vertebrae which have ribs more or less attached.
    What are they called?


    3. And the remaining vertebrae are called what?


    5. Between each vertebra and the next is an intervertebral disk.
    What is it called when one of these is injured and forced out
    of position?

    slipped disk

    6. What congenital condition results in a sideways curvature of
    the spine?


    7. What is CSF short for? This is the liquid that surrounds the
    spinal cord and the brain, and may be sometimes "tapped into"
    (with a spinal tap) to test for disease.

    cerebrospinal fluid

    10. The protective membranes of the brain and spinal column,
    containing the CSF, may become the site of life-threatening
    inflammation caused by infection by viruses or baceteria.
    What are these membranes collectively known as?


    Joshua Kreitzer

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pete Gayde@21:1/5 to Mark Brader on Thu Mar 30 00:17:21 2023
    Mark Brader wrote:
    These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2014-02-10,
    and should be interpreted accordingly. All questions were written
    by members of the Cellar Rats, but have been reformatted and may
    have been retyped and/or edited by me. I will reveal the correct
    answers in about 3 days.

    For further information, including an explanation of the """
    notation that may appear in these rounds, see my 2022-09-09
    companion posting on "Reposted Questions from the Canadian
    Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

    * Game 5, Round 7 - Geography - Indigenous Peoples

    Please see the handout:


    (No, I don't know how the mapmakers decided which national borders
    to show.)

    We give you the name of an indigenous people or group, and you
    tell us which letter on the map coincides with a typical part of
    their geographical range.

    1. Sami.


    2. !Kung.


    3. Pygmies.


    4. Berbers.


    5. Nubians.


    6. Marsh Arabs.


    7. Kanaka Maoli.


    8. Uyghurs ["WEE-gurz"].


    9. Rapanui (or Rapa Nui).


    10. Amerindians. Note: while this term may have been originally
    coined to have a wider meaning, today it is typically used to
    refer to the indigenous peoples of a smaller, more specific
    range. We're looking for this narrower usage.

    G; H

    * Game 5, Round 8 - Science - Skull and Bones... or Backbones, Anyway

    This is a round about the human spine, with a nod to the skull
    and related structures.

    1. The spine consists of 24 articulating vertebrae. How many of
    these are cervical vertebrae, making up the neck?

    4; 6

    2. There are 12 vertebrae which have ribs more or less attached.
    What are they called?

    3. And the remaining vertebrae are called what?

    4. Next below the <answer 3> are 5 fused bones known collectively
    as what?

    5. Between each vertebra and the next is an intervertebral disk.
    What is it called when one of these is injured and forced out
    of position?

    Bulging disk

    6. What congenital condition results in a sideways curvature of
    the spine?


    7. What is CSF short for? This is the liquid that surrounds the
    spinal cord and the brain, and may be sometimes "tapped into"
    (with a spinal tap) to test for disease.

    8. The spinal cord and the CSF run through a set of openings in
    the vertebrae, collectively called what?

    9. What's the name of the semi-rigid, zigzag-shaped structures
    that join the bones of the skull?

    10. The protective membranes of the brain and spinal column,
    containing the CSF, may become the site of life-threatening
    inflammation caused by infection by viruses or baceteria.
    What are these membranes collectively known as?

    Pete Gayde

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Tilque@21:1/5 to Mark Brader on Thu Mar 30 07:46:20 2023
    On 3/29/23 19:03, Mark Brader wrote:

    * Game 5, Round 7 - Geography - Indigenous Peoples

    Please see the handout:


    (No, I don't know how the mapmakers decided which national borders
    to show.)

    We give you the name of an indigenous people or group, and you
    tell us which letter on the map coincides with a typical part of
    their geographical range.

    1. Sami.


    2. !Kung.


    3. Pygmies.


    4. Berbers.


    5. Nubians.


    6. Marsh Arabs.


    7. Kanaka Maoli.


    8. Uyghurs ["WEE-gurz"].


    9. Rapanui (or Rapa Nui).


    10. Amerindians. Note: while this term may have been originally
    coined to have a wider meaning, today it is typically used to
    refer to the indigenous peoples of a smaller, more specific
    range. We're looking for this narrower usage.


    * Game 5, Round 8 - Science - Skull and Bones... or Backbones, Anyway

    This is a round about the human spine, with a nod to the skull
    and related structures.

    1. The spine consists of 24 articulating vertebrae. How many of
    these are cervical vertebrae, making up the neck?


    2. There are 12 vertebrae which have ribs more or less attached.
    What are they called?

    3. And the remaining vertebrae are called what?

    4. Next below the <answer 3> are 5 fused bones known collectively
    as what?


    5. Between each vertebra and the next is an intervertebral disk.
    What is it called when one of these is injured and forced out
    of position?

    slipped disk

    6. What congenital condition results in a sideways curvature of
    the spine?

    7. What is CSF short for? This is the liquid that surrounds the
    spinal cord and the brain, and may be sometimes "tapped into"
    (with a spinal tap) to test for disease.

    cerebral-spinal fluid

    8. The spinal cord and the CSF run through a set of openings in
    the vertebrae, collectively called what?

    9. What's the name of the semi-rigid, zigzag-shaped structures
    that join the bones of the skull?

    10. The protective membranes of the brain and spinal column,
    containing the CSF, may become the site of life-threatening
    inflammation caused by infection by viruses or baceteria.
    What are these membranes collectively known as?

    blood-brain barrier

    Dan Tilque

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Erland Sommarskog@21:1/5 to Mark Brader on Thu Mar 30 20:34:35 2023
    Mark Brader (msb@vex.net) writes:
    * Game 5, Round 7 - Geography - Indigenous Peoples

    1. Sami.


    2. !Kung.


    3. Pygmies.


    4. Berbers.


    5. Nubians.


    6. Marsh Arabs.


    7. Kanaka Maoli.


    8. Uyghurs ["WEE-gurz"].


    9. Rapanui (or Rapa Nui).


    10. Amerindians. Note: while this term may have been originally
    coined to have a wider meaning, today it is typically used to
    refer to the indigenous peoples of a smaller, more specific
    range. We're looking for this narrower usage.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dan Blum@21:1/5 to Mark Brader on Thu Mar 30 22:45:39 2023
    Mark Brader <msb@vex.net> wrote:

    * Game 5, Round 7 - Geography - Indigenous Peoples

    1. Sami.


    2. !Kung.

    D; A

    3. Pygmies.

    A; D

    4. Berbers.


    5. Nubians.


    6. Marsh Arabs.


    7. Kanaka Maoli.

    C; N

    8. Uyghurs ["WEE-gurz"].


    9. Rapanui (or Rapa Nui).


    10. Amerindians. Note: while this term may have been originally
    coined to have a wider meaning, today it is typically used to
    refer to the indigenous peoples of a smaller, more specific
    range. We're looking for this narrower usage.


    * Game 5, Round 8 - Science - Skull and Bones... or Backbones, Anyway

    1. The spine consists of 24 articulating vertebrae. How many of
    these are cervical vertebrae, making up the neck?


    4. Next below the <answer 3> are 5 fused bones known collectively
    as what?


    5. Between each vertebra and the next is an intervertebral disk.
    What is it called when one of these is injured and forced out
    of position?

    slipped disc

    6. What congenital condition results in a sideways curvature of
    the spine?


    7. What is CSF short for? This is the liquid that surrounds the
    spinal cord and the brain, and may be sometimes "tapped into"
    (with a spinal tap) to test for disease.

    cerebrospinal fluid

    9. What's the name of the semi-rigid, zigzag-shaped structures
    that join the bones of the skull?


    10. The protective membranes of the brain and spinal column,
    containing the CSF, may become the site of life-threatening
    inflammation caused by infection by viruses or baceteria.
    What are these membranes collectively known as?


    Dan Blum tool@panix.com
    "I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mark Brader@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 2 03:27:20 2023
    Mark Brader:
    These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2014-02-10,
    and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information...
    see my 2022-09-09 companion posting on "Reposted Questions from
    the Canadian Inquisition (RQFTCI*)".

    * Game 5, Round 7 - Geography - Indigenous Peoples

    Please see the handout:


    (No, I don't know how the mapmakers decided which national borders
    to show.)

    We give you the name of an indigenous people or group, and you
    tell us which letter on the map coincides with a typical part of
    their geographical range.

    In the original game, not only were the letters in the random layout
    that you see on the map, but there was a second R and a second H
    where you're seeing T and U! This made it a bit tricky for players
    trying to mark the map to show which letters had already been used.

    Still, this was the second-easiest round in the original game,
    and the fourth-easiest of the entire season.

    1. Sami.

    R. (Otherwise known as Lapps or Laplanders.) 4 for everyone --
    Joshua, Pete, Dan Tilque, Erland, and Dan Blum.

    2. !Kung.

    D. (The "Bushmen of the Kalahari". These are the people featured
    in the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy".) 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque,
    and Erland. 3 for Dan Blum.

    3. Pygmies.

    A. 4 for Joshua, Pete, Dan Tilque, and Erland. 3 for Dan Blum.

    4. Berbers.

    I. 4 for everyone.

    5. Nubians.

    O. 4 for everyone.

    6. Marsh Arabs.

    Q. 4 for everyone.

    7. Kanaka Maoli.

    B. (Otherwise known as Hawaiians.) 4 for Joshua.

    8. Uyghurs ["WEE-gurz"].

    E. (They've been in the news in the """last couple of years""" as
    the source of China's "homegrown" terrorist problem.) 4 for everyone.

    9. Rapanui (or Rapa Nui).

    F. (Otherwise known as Easter Islanders. No, they didn't go
    completely extinct.) 4 for everyone.

    10. Amerindians. Note: while this term may have been originally
    coined to have a wider meaning, today it is typically used to
    refer to the indigenous peoples of a smaller, more specific
    range. We're looking for this narrower usage.

    H. 4 for Dan Tilque. 3 for Joshua. 2 for Pete.

    * Game 5, Round 8 - Science - Skull and Bones... or Backbones, Anyway

    This is a round about the human spine, with a nod to the skull
    and related structures.

    1. The spine consists of 24 articulating vertebrae. How many of
    these are cervical vertebrae, making up the neck?

    7. 4 for Dan Tilque and Dan Blum.

    This answer is also correct for most other species of mammals,
    including mice and giraffes!

    2. There are 12 vertebrae which have ribs more or less attached.
    What are they called?

    Thoracic vertebrae.

    3. And the remaining vertebrae are called what?

    Lumbar vertebrae. 4 for Joshua.

    4. Next below the <answer 3> are 5 fused bones known collectively
    as what?

    The sacrum. (Not the coccyx or tailbone, which is another set of
    fused bones below that.)

    5. Between each vertebra and the next is an intervertebral disk.
    What is it called when one of these is injured and forced out
    of position?

    A ruptured, herniated, or colloquially "slipped" disk. 4 for Joshua,
    Dan Tilque, and Dan Blum.

    A bulging disk is different; see

    6. What congenital condition results in a sideways curvature of
    the spine?

    Scoliosis. 4 for Joshua and Dan Blum.

    In 2014 someone answered hunchback. This is not the same thing;
    it's a forward curvature, also called kyphosis. When I posted these
    answers in 2014, I noted that the distinction had come up in the
    news that same day:


    and that the signature quote I used on the posting, which I have
    selected manually to use this time, had come up at random!

    This time someone tried "stenosis". That means a narrowing.

    7. What is CSF short for? This is the liquid that surrounds the
    spinal cord and the brain, and may be sometimes "tapped into"
    (with a spinal tap) to test for disease.

    Cerebrospinal fluid. 4 for Joshua, Dan Tilque, and Dan Blum.

    8. The spinal cord and the CSF run through a set of openings in
    the vertebrae, collectively called what?

    The spinal canal.

    9. What's the name of the semi-rigid, zigzag-shaped structures
    that join the bones of the skull?

    Sutures. 4 for Dan Blum.

    10. The protective membranes of the brain and spinal column,
    containing the CSF, may become the site of life-threatening
    inflammation caused by infection by viruses or baceteria.
    What are these membranes collectively known as?

    Meninges. 4 for Joshua and Dan Blum.

    There are three of them, individually called the dura mater, the
    arachnoid mater or just arachnoid, and the pia mater.

    The blood-brain barrier is something different.

    Scores, if there are no errors:

    GAME 5 ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 8 BEST
    TOPICS-> Lit Can Spo His Geo Sci FOUR
    Joshua Kreitzer 40 0 16 36 39 20 135
    Dan Blum 24 4 4 40 30 24 118
    Dan Tilque 32 4 0 28 36 12 108
    Pete Gayde 19 12 20 36 30 0 105
    Erland Sommarskog 16 0 20 32 32 0 100

    Mark Brader "I'm not Richard, either.
    Toronto Oh, wait: I am! Lucky me!"
    msb@vex.net --Richard R. Hershberger

    My text in this article is in the public domain.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)